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zork all the way
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Posted: 30th Mar 2007 19:54 Edited at: 30th Mar 2007 19:55
mods i was able to log back on to my outher account but can you please lock the one that is pending this is the real one the outer one is still pendiing but when its made acceped can you lock it
this is the real thread

ok im back and im bigger than ever im makeing a new mp game called holo arena and it is doing good so far here is a screen shot of the yellow room the game is a wip

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zork all the way
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Posted: 30th Mar 2007 21:12
pic 2 of the v room

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mastercheif 193
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Posted: 30th Mar 2007 21:15 Edited at: 30th Mar 2007 21:16
Kind of reminds me of Tron. This is looking really great
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Posted: 30th Mar 2007 21:33
looks kool.

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Posted: 30th Mar 2007 21:38
pic 3 inside the laser grid

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zork all the way
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Posted: 30th Mar 2007 22:00
pic 4 this time entering the core

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zork all the way
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Posted: 30th Mar 2007 22:12
pic 5 i made this room so i can add on to the blue room
its called the holo house

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zork all the way
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Posted: 30th Mar 2007 23:33 Edited at: 30th Mar 2007 23:33
pic 6 a void to the v tunnle
sorry forgot pic

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zork all the way
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Posted: 30th Mar 2007 23:34 Edited at: 30th Mar 2007 23:35
repost of pic 6 becuse outer post falled to show pic when pressed veiw

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Posted: 30th Mar 2007 23:45
I see you invented Texture Maker...

Anyway,it looks quite cool.reminds me of Tron 2.0

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Posted: 30th Mar 2007 23:50
yep and i love it but its just the basic verson im thinking of makeing a single player game with this stuff called haker tilogys

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Posted: 31st Mar 2007 00:03
You might want to retexture the guns though,into a more "wireframe" like way.Like the wall's are.It'll look more cool then.

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Posted: 31st Mar 2007 00:04 Edited at: 31st Mar 2007 00:14
umm there stock guns but OK il try crap i cant figure it out

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zork all the way
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Posted: 31st Mar 2007 00:50
heres pic 7 cooler veiw of yellow sector

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zork all the way
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Posted: 31st Mar 2007 01:09 Edited at: 31st Mar 2007 01:10
pic 8 of blue room coments weclome im going to build it in a few mins posting download some time today

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zork all the way
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Posted: 31st Mar 2007 01:10 Edited at: 31st Mar 2007 01:11
repost pic 8 messed up again it olny messes up when i put a pic in a eited post

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Posted: 31st Mar 2007 02:33
First screeny reminds me of the metal gear vr training, nice

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Posted: 31st Mar 2007 05:00
uploding to file front right now god this game is makeing me install tron 2.0 again uggg i love that game

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zork all the way
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Posted: 31st Mar 2007 05:29
heres downlode im going to bed;7084144;/fileinfo.html

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Posted: 31st Mar 2007 06:12
Like Peter Griffin would say, "FREAKIN SWEET."
Listen have you ever considered working on a team project? I used to have a 3 man team but they bailed on me after my files were lost. I'd like to work some with you. Anyways the only thing that baffles me is why there is furniture in a wireframe arena? LOOKING GOOD NONETHELESS.

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Posted: 31st Mar 2007 14:17
This is probably one of the only new showcases that is actually worth staying up to date on.

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Posted: 31st Mar 2007 15:52 Edited at: 31st Mar 2007 15:58
Wicked game tryed it and loved it nobody was playing.

But its goooood

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zork all the way
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Posted: 31st Mar 2007 19:52
thank you so much im thinking of makeing a v2 of holo arnea and mabey a single player game and just mabey il release the segments i made for the map im going to log on to it in a few mins im going to work on mabey a second holo arnea with sweeter rooms and stuff

ps the room with the furiture was a holo house

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zork all the way
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Posted: 31st Mar 2007 20:11
well im starting to work on a new holo arnea in fits with this topic so il post progress on it here too its called holo tower

i aslo made a back story to it

holds all info from the holo world but if captured by the v
they could shut it down and they did and when any one trys to stop them there bodys are tanited and they fight outers makeing the tower an anrea

heres a quick peek at the new holo board the holo tower

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zork all the way
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Posted: 31st Mar 2007 20:20
Rilejarom i would love to work with you but can i see some of your work first and i aslo go to school so im not on utill 3:15 on weekdays

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Posted: 31st Mar 2007 20:22

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Posted: 31st Mar 2007 20:40
the top of the holo tower here pic 2

ps i saw some of your work Rilejarom id love to work with you
i just remeberd you made insomima i saw some pics from it it was gooooood

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zork all the way
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Posted: 31st Mar 2007 20:43
guys i just stared a game in holo arnea see if you can join my players name is david

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Posted: 31st Mar 2007 21:58

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Posted: 31st Mar 2007 23:29
i got great news i just made a holo sky box il show you later but now i can make better maps and not need to worry about makeing a roof thats im makeing a outside holo level im working on a MP traing area il post a pic in a bit all it is so far is a room

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zork all the way
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Posted: 31st Mar 2007 23:57
ok heres the first pic from the traing arnea the tower is chesee cakes gaurd tower from his tomb pack but i was abel to retexture every thing its a start but i think its ok

god i need to see if i can get this renamed to holo games

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Cheese Cake
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Posted: 1st Apr 2007 00:18
I like all those textures, looks really like Tron (great game).
But the retexture of the gun doesnt look that good i think you need to edit the gun a bit more.
But great idea.
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Posted: 1st Apr 2007 00:47

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Posted: 1st Apr 2007 01:06
Yea its rater wicked

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Posted: 1st Apr 2007 01:13
mmm i just cant deisde on what to do what to make MP OR SP
mabey a team MP ya thats what il do il make the holo arnea in a way so its like team deathmach il work on that in a bit tell me how you guys like that idea

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Posted: 1st Apr 2007 01:14
You should do both Single and Multiplayer. I think it would look awesome to fight like retexture marines and stuff.

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Posted: 1st Apr 2007 01:22 Edited at: 1st Apr 2007 01:22

How about Saving as Multiplayer --> File --> Preferences --> Single Player --> Save under DIFF Folder.

SP/MP 2 Different Downloads but it be good

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Posted: 1st Apr 2007 01:28
no im saying im tinking of makeing a team death match game it might work too i just make a blue holo area then make a red and make green as the main arnea

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zork all the way
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Posted: 1st Apr 2007 01:52
here we go the first pic of what i think could be the frist team death match MP

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zork all the way
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Posted: 1st Apr 2007 02:25

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Posted: 1st Apr 2007 03:31
Looking good

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Posted: 1st Apr 2007 20:36
sorry about that i forgot to place the link yester day to the team death match map

here it is and i decided to help out the guy whos makeing HSW
its that halo game i made him a traing level this is a pic from it but not from the team death match one

heres holo team;7093415;/fileinfo.html
and heres the one pic of the sp traing level for a freind

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tyrano man
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Posted: 3rd Apr 2007 17:15 Edited at: 3rd Apr 2007 18:06
This looks good Zork; Holo Arena is my favorite; i love the way its 3 on 3 and when you go outside it looks amazing with that skybo. I think a singleplayer game would be cool too; then you could put it all in an installer. (E.g. singleplayer game and 5 MP levels.)

If you send the segements to me over MSN or something; I'll work on MP maps with you and Spud. We can make like 3 MP maps each plus the two already in exitance to make 11 arenas. We could then put them all in one .rar file. It would be a huge MP pack

NOTE: At 14:00 Standard Server time tonight (8pm here in england) Everyone who has this go online and we can have a big MP Fest. I'll see ya there.

We can play Holo and Holo Team

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Posted: 3rd Apr 2007 23:24
sweet but down here in amarica my bed time is 9

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Posted: 4th Apr 2007 01:58
hey man make a game il try to join
i cant make becuse i have a router

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Fps Freak
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Posted: 5th Apr 2007 02:54
Hey Zorg! this game could go far...i like it ..too bad i have a router..but I an help you out..If you need an update service for your game i could make you one and you wont need people to download whole new games just to get an update..its quite usefull.! let me know if you do
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Posted: 5th Apr 2007 12:14
Me and Father tree tried to play; but it seems this is infected with the anoying waiting to join bug. We tried both games holo and team holo; and we both tried hosting (i couldn't host because I am behind a firewall). I could connect to his; but then we just got the waiting to join bug.

It was a shame as the arenas look really nice

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Dizzy Wizzie
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Posted: 11th Apr 2007 14:17
I'm at total loss of words... Your very talented. I havent played it yet but it looks absolutley amazing! Reminds of the Holo-Deck off of Star Trek!
Have you ever considered posting it up on other forums? And is you have the money making ads for it? The best games have aids I mean ads .

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Posted: 12th Apr 2007 02:53
Yea i love it really wanna play some one at it but its like 99.999% behind stupid Routers/Firewalls

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Posted: 13th Apr 2007 01:12
im going to start working on more segments for the single player verson i will post pics of that here when ready but thanks for the support

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