The DarkBASIC Professional Additions Pack
DAP (DBPro Additions Pack) brings much needed features of DarkBASIC Professional, while improving upon existing features. You can view all of the features, in the features section. There is no specific feature for the DLL, though, I expect most people would enjoy the antialiasing (AA) feature. This plugin can be used for both small projects, quick feature implementations, or for your own big projects.
= Complete
= Working On
= Not Started, or Planned
Object System
An extension to the object commandsets provided
Creation of primitives - 100%
Loading of external objects - 100%
Objects To Items and Vice Versa - 100%
Item Controls - 100%
Culling System - 98% - It should be complete, however, I have not tested a possible fix
Positioning on specific axis - 100%
Naming System - 100%
Loading of .obj, .3ds, .ms3d, .wings, .rwx, and .blend files - 10%
Saving of .obj, .3ds, .ms3d, .wings, .rwx, and .blend files - Planned, possible, about to start
Image System
An extension to the image commandsets provided
Creation of images - 100% (You can create, or clear an image, without having to put it on the screen)
Loading of images - 100%
Writing pixels, and boxes to images - 100% (You can write pixels, or boxes, to images directly)
Reading of pixels from images - 100% (You can read pixels from an image directly)
Writing of images to other images - 99% (You can write images to other images, transparency available too)
Reading of images from other images - 30% (You can read a portion of an image, into another image)
Retrieval of width/height of images - 100% (You can retrieve the width, and height of an image)
Mesh System
An extension to the mesh commandsets provided
Loading of meshes - 100%
Conversion of meshes to objects - 100%
Matrix System
An extension to the matrix commandsets provided
Creation of matrices - 100%
Saving of matrices - 99%
Loading of matrices - 30%
Conversion of matrices into objects - 85%
Camera System
Extension to the camera commandsets provided
Creation of cameras - 100% (This also fixes the backdrop color)
Deletion of all cameras - 100%
Positioning across axis - 100%
Control of camera using WASD - 100%
FPS Style camera control - 100%
Misc. System
Misc. commands provided. They are usefull for differant reasons and purposes.
Get the size (in bytes) of floats, integers, dwords, etc. - 100%
Creation of integers, floats, etc, through a series of bytes - 100%
Centering of the mouse - 100% (Center the mouse in the window[/i]
Extended coloring functions - 100% (DarkenColor, BrightenColor, and FadeColor)
Direct3D System
Lower level of access to the Direct3D device provided by DarkBASIC. You must have prior knowledge of Direct3D before using this command set.
Usefull D3D systems - 50%~ - Functions from Direct3D, not all, just usefull ones
BeginScene, EndScene, PresentScene, Clear - 100% - Functions from Direct3D, can be used to render to another window
Vertex Buffers - 100% (Originally intended for displayment, however, now recommended for storage)
Antialiasing - 60% (Antialiasing, not yet complete because of some bugs)
Switching between software vertex processing, and hardware vertex processing - 100%
Console System
A console intended for input. Use for debugging.
Creation/Destruction - 100%
High, and low level control - 100%~ (Depends what you count as low level, I consider it 100%)
String System
A few more controls for strings using the standard input library.
Extended string control - 99%
HUD System
In a way, this is a GUI. Its not recommended for use as one. You should use it for your in game hud items.
Creation, Destruction, etc - 100%
Extended state controls (editing, drag drop, etc) - 100%
Rendering, and controls - 99% (Code conversion problems)
Edit of April 3rd, 2007. 12:28PM
I forgot 3 sections.
Tile System
A tile based system. Layers graphics in tiles.
Creation, Destruction, etc - -- (Its being worked on in DBP.
Saving, Loading - 60% - Can save/load maps directly. Has attributes for the tiles, etc.
Camera - 0% - Camera (Only a basic one has been done, a more advanced one needs to be)
Scripting System
Use this to add control into your compiled game.
Parser - 10%
Execution - 5%
A Win32 based console. Intended as an end user interface, or simple debugging.
Creation/Destruction - 100%
Showing/Hiding - 100%
Buffer Displayment - 100%
Input Directly From Console - 10%
DAC - Distance (based) Alpha Culling
An effect I noticed in games is that an object will engange in an alpha mode the further away it is. And, at a point, it will disappear entirely. I decided to add this sort of system to DAP to take use of this proven professional system.
Setting of objects - 100% (This will allow an object to make use of this system[/i]
Controlling of individual objects - 100%
Controlling in single command - 0% (1 command call to take care of all these objects)
Retrieval of states - 0%
Projects which already use DAP
Uncle Sam's Editor (At least, thats what I understand)
The Inferno Engine
All of my projects
MiREVU Engine
INITADDITIONS=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Initialises the additions pack
MAKECUBE=main.htm=(size#) ;Returns object id - Dynamically create a cube
MAKECONE=main.htm=(size#) ;Returns object id - Dynamically create a cone
MAKECYLINDER=main.htm=(size#) ;Returns object id - Dynamically create a cylinder
MAKESPHERE=main.htm=(size#) ;Returns object id - Dynamically create a sphere
MAKEPLAIN=main.htm=(width#, height#) ;Returns object id - Dynamically create a plain
LOADOBJECT=main.htm=(filename$) ;Returns object id - Dynamically load an object
DELETEALLOBJECTS=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Delete all the objects currently existing
MAKEMATRIX=main.htm=(width#,height#,xtiles,ztiles) ;Returns matrix id - Dynamically create a matrix
SAVEMATRIX=main.htm=filename$, matrixId - Save a matrix to a file, for later loading
XPOSITIONOBJECT=main.htm=objectId, xpos# - Position an object, across the X axis only
YPOSITIONOBJECT=main.htm=objectId, ypos# - Position an object, across the Y axis only
ZPOSITIONOBJECT=main.htm=objectId, zpos# - Position an object, across the Z axis only
FORCECULL=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Force the culling system to take effect
UPDATECULLSYSTEM=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Updates the culling system
UPDATECULLOBJECTS=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Make a record of all the objects, and certain states, to better help the culling system cull them
MAKEOBJECT=main.htm=(meshId, imageId) ;Returns object id - Dynamically make an object from a mesh and image
LOADMESH=main.htm=(filename$) ;Returns mesh id - Dynamically load a mesh
LOADIMAGE=main.htm=(filename$[,textureFlag]) ;Returns image id - Dynamically loads an image
MAKEMESHFROMOBJECT=main.htm=(objectId) ;Returns mesh id - Dynamically creates a mesh from an object
CONTROLOBJECTUSINGARROWKEYS=main.htm=objectId, speed#, turn# - Control an object using the arrowkeys
CONTROLOBJECTUSINGWASD=main.htm=objectId, speed#, turn# [, strafe] - Control an object using the arrowkeys, optionally specifying if the object should strafe
SETOBJECTAUTOCULL=main.htm=objectId, cullState - Sets an objects auto culling state for the DAP culling system
CULLOBJECT=main.htm=objectId - Control the culling of a single object, despite any other setting in the automatic culling system
CULLGROUP=main.htm=startObjectId, rangeOfObjects - Control culling of a specified range of objects, starting at the startObjectId, going to the sum of startObjectId and rangeOfObjects
CONVERTMATRIXTOOBJECT=main.htm=(matrixId) ;Returns object id - Convert a matrix into an object
CONTROLCAMERAUSINGWASD=main.htm=[cameraId, ] speed#, turn# [, strafe] - Control a camera using the arrowkeys, optionally allowing for strafing
MAKECAMERA=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns camera id - Dynamically create a camera, automatically coloring the backdrop to the default 3d blue
MAKEMEMBLOCK=main.htm=(Size) ;Returns memblock id - Dynamically create a memblock, specifying the size
GETDWORDSIZE=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Retrieve the size, in bytes, of a DWORD
GETFLOATSIZE=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Retrieve the size, in bytes, of a float
GETINTEGERSIZE=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Retrieve the size, in bytes, of an integer
FPSCAMERA=main.htm=[*No Parameters*]/[cameraId] - Control a camera like a first person shooter camera
TURNOBJECTINTOITEM=main.htm=objectId - Turn an object into an item
TURNITEMINTOOBJECT=main.htm=objectId - Turn an item back into a normal object
OBJECTISITEM=main.htm=(objectId) ;Returns integer - Retrieve rather or not an object is set as an item
CONTROLITEMOBJECT=main.htm=objectId - Control a single object, if it is set as an item
UPDATEITEMS=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Control all item objects in one call
CENTERMOUSE=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Centers the mouse into the middle of the main dbp window
XPOSITIONCAMERA=main.htm=[cameraId, ] pos# - Position the camera on the X axis
YPOSITIONCAMERA=main.htm=[cameraId, ] pos# - Position the camera on the Y axis
ZPOSITIONCAMERA=main.htm=[cameraId, ] pos# - Position the camera on the Z axis
DISTANCE=main.htm=(x1#, x2#, y1#, y2#, z1#, z2#) ;Returns float - Retrieve the distance between 2 3d points
QCPRESENTATIONINTERVALS=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXTEXTUREWIDTH=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXTEXTUREHEIGHT=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXVOLUMEEXTENT=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXTEXTUREREPEAT=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXTEXTUREASPECTRATIO=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXANISOTROPY=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXVERTEXW=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXTEXTUREBLENDSTAGES=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXSIMULTANEOUSTEXTURES=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXACTIVELIGHTS=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXUSERCLIPPLANES=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXVERTEXBLENDMATRICES=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXVERTEXBLENDMATRIXINDEX=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXPOINTSIZE=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXPRIMITIVECOUNT=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCVERTEXINDEX=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXSTREAMS=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXSTREAMSTRIDE=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCVERTEXSHADERVERSION=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXVERTESSHADERCONST=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCPIXELSHADERVERSION=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCPIXELSHADER1XMAXVALUE=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXNPATCHTESSELLATIONLEVEL=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMINANTIALIASEDLINEWIDTH=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXANTIALIASEDLINEWIDTH=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXVSHADERINSTRUCTIONSEXECUTED=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXPSHADERINSTRUCTIONSEXECUTED=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXVERTEXSHADER30INSTRUCTIONSLOTS=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXPIXELSHADER30INSTRUCTIONSLOTS=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QUERYCAPABILITY=main.htm=(capabilityId) ;Returns dword, or float - Query a capability of the 3d hardware, capability flags are denoted with "qc"
D3DCREATEVERTEXBUFFER=main.htm=(size) ;Returns vertex buffer id - Create a vertex buffer
D3DDESTROYVERTEXBUFFER=main.htm=vertexBufferId - Destroy a vertex buffer
D3DVERTEXBUFFEREXIST=main.htm=(vertexBufferId) ;Returns integer - Checks if a vertex buffer exists
D3DVERTEXBUFFERSIZE=main.htm=(vertexBufferId) ;Returns dword - Retrieve the size of a vertex buffer (in bytes)
D3DINITUPDATEBUFFER=main.htm=vertexBufferId - Initiate the update buffer
D3DSETUPDATEBUFFER=main.htm=index, x, y, z, diffuse - Set the properties of a vertex in the update buffer
D3DGETUPDATEBUFFERX=main.htm=(index) ;Returns float - Retrieve the X value from a vertex in the update buffer
D3DGETUPDATEBUFFERY=main.htm=(index) ;Returns float - Retrieve the Y value from a vertex in the update buffer
D3DGETUPDATEBUFFERZ=main.htm=(index) ;Returns float - Retrieve the Z value from a vertex in the update buffer
D3DGETUPDATEBUFFERDIFFUSE=main.htm=(index) ;Returns dword - Retrieve the DIFFUSE value from a vertex in the update buffer
D3DSENDUPDATEBUFFERTOVERTEXBUFFER=main.htm=vertexBufferId - Copy the contents of the update buffer into the vertex buffer
D3DDEINITUPDATEBUFFER=main.htm=*No Parameters* - De initialise the update buffer clearing all of its contents
D3DSETSTREAMSOURCE=main.htm=vertexBufferId - Prepare a specific vertex buffer for rendering
D3DDRAWPRIMITIVE=main.htm=typeOfPrimitive, startIndex, endIndex - Draw a specific set of vertices from the prepared vertex buffer
D3DGETDEFAULTFVF=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns DWORD - Retrieve the default FVF, best used for d3dSetVertexShader
D3DSETFVF=main.htm=fvfType - Set the current FVF to use for rendering
D3DCLEAR=main.htm=Color - Clear the Direct3D Back buffer contents
D3DBEGINSCENE=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Begin the rendering of the Direct3D Scene
D3DENDSCENE=main.htm=*No Parameters* - End the rendering of the Direct3D Scene
D3DPRESENTSCENE=main.htm=[WindowHandle] - Present the scene to the main dbp window, or, optionally, present the scene to a differant window
GETMAINHWND=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns a window handle - Retrieve the handle (HWND) to the main darkbasic professional window
D3DENABLEANTIALIASING=main.htm=Windowed, Samples, SyncRate - Enable antialiasing
D3DDISABLEANTIALIASING=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Disable antialiasing
D3DENABLEHARDWAREVERTEXPROCESSING=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Allow the GPU to take care of vertex processing, instead of the CPU
D3DDISABLEHARDWAREVERTEXPROCESSING=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Allow the CPU to take care of vertex processing, instead of the GPU
OPENCONSOLE=main.htm=message$, title$ - Open up the in-window console
CLOSECONSOLE=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Close the in-window console
CONSOLEOPEN=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Retrieve rather or not the console is open
GETCONSOLECOMMAND=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns string - Retrieve the command entered in the console
GETCONSOLEBUFFER=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns string - Retrieve the current command buffer, despite rather its ready to be given or not
SETCONSOLETITLE=main.htm=title$ - Set the title for the console
GETCONSOLETITLE=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns string - Retrieve the title for the console
CONSOLEINPUTGIVEN=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Retrieve rather or not the console is ready to have its command given
CONSOLEINFOCUS=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Retrieve rather or not the console is in text giving focus
UPDATECONSOLE=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Update the console, required for it to work correctly
WRITEPIXELTOIMAGE=main.htm=ImageId, X, Y, Color - Write a pixel to an image
WRITEPIXELTOMEMBLOCK=main.htm=MemblockId, X, Y, Color - Write a pixel to a memblock
READPIXELFROMMEMBLOCK=main.htm=MemblockId, X, Y ;Returns Color Dword - Retrieve a pixel color from a memblock
READPIXELFROMIMAGE=main.htm=ImageId, X, Y ;Returns Color Dword - Retrieve a pixel color from an image
WRITEBOXTOIMAGE=main.htm=ImageId, X, Y, X2, Y2, Color - Write a colored box to an image
WRITEBOXTOMEMBLOCK=main.htm=MemblockId, X, Y, X2, Y2, Color - Write a colored box to a memblock
WRITEIMAGETOIMAGE=main.htm=ImageFinal, ImageSource, X, Y - Write an image to another image
WRITEIMAGETOMEMBLOCK=main.htm=MemblockId, ImageId, X, Y - Write an image into a memblock
WRITETRANSIMAGETOMEMBLOCK=main.htm=ImageId, MemblockId, X, Y, TransparentColor - Write a transparent image to a memblock
WRITETRANSIMAGETOIMAGE=main.htm=ImageFinal, ImageSource, X, Y, TransparentColor - Write a transparent image to an image
CREATEIMAGE=main.htm=[ImageId, ] Width, Height, Color [;Returns ImageId] - Create an image, either specifying an image ID, or retrieving it
ASSIGNSTRING=main.htm=(stringA$, stringB$, charPos, length) ;Returns string - Assign a string values from another string, from charPos to charPos+length
COMPARESTRINGS=main.htm=(stringA$, stringB$) ;Returns integer - Compare between strings, 0 will be returned if both strings are exactly the same
ERASESTRING=main.htm=(string$, charPos, length) ;Returns string - Erase the contents of a string between charPos and charPos+length
INSERTSTRING=main.htm=(stringA$, stringB$, charPos) ;Returns string - Inserts a string into another string at charPos
REPLACESTRING=main.htm=(stringA$, stringB$, charPos, length) ;Returns string - The same as AssignString
SUBSTRING=main.htm=(string$, charPos, length) ;Returns string - Retrieve a piece of a string
MAKEINTEGER=main.htm=(byte1, byte2, byte3, byte4) ;Returns integer - Create an integer from 4 bytes
MAKEFLOAT=main.htm=(byte1, byte2, byte3, byte4) ;Returns float - Create a float from 4 bytes
MAKEWORD=main.htm=(byte1, byte2) ;Returns WORD - Create a WORD from 2 bytes
MAKEDWORD=main.htm=(byte1, byte2, byte3, byte4) ;Returns DWORD - Create a DWORD from 4 bytes
SETOBJECTNAME=main.htm=objectId, name$ - Set an object's name
GETOBJECTNAME=main.htm=(objectId) ;Returns string - Get the name of an object
LOADCHUNKOBJECT=main.htm=(objectId, filename$) ;Returns integer - Load a .chunk object
GETIMAGEWIDTH=main.htm=(imageId) ;Returns integer - Retrieve the width of an image
GETIMAGEHEIGHT=main.htm=(imageId) ;Returns integer - Retrieve the height of an image
CREATEHUDLABEL=main.htm=(x, y, width, height, text$) ;Returns element id - Create a HUD label
CREATEHUDBUTTON=main.htm=(x, y, width, height, text$) ;Returns element id - Create a HUD button
CREATEHUDIMAGE=main.htm=(x, y, imageId) ;Returns element id - Create a HUD image
CREATEHUDPROGRESSBAR=main.htm=(x, y, width, height, text$, currentValue, maximumValue) ;Returns element id - Create a HUD progress bar
CREATEHUDEDITBOX=main.htm=(x, y, width, height, text$) ;Returns element id - Create a HUD editbox
POSITIONHUDITEM=main.htm= elementId, x, y - Position a HUD element
HUDITEMX=main.htm=(elementId) ;Returns integer - Retrieve the X position of a HUD element
HUDITEMY=main.htm=(elementId) ;Returns integer - Retrieve the Y position of a HUD element
RESIZEHUDITEM=main.htm=elementId, width, height - Resize a HUD element
HUDITEMWIDTH=main.htm=(elementId) ;Returns integer - Retrieve the width of a HUD element
HUDITEMHEIGHT=main.htm=(elementId) ;Returns integer - Retrieve the height of a HUD element
COLORHUDITEM=main.htm=elementId, foregroundColor, backgroundColor - Color a HUD element
HUDITEMFG=main.htm=(elementId) ;Returns foreground color - Retrieve the foreground color of a HUD element
HUDITEMBG=main.htm=(elementId) ;Returns background color - Retrieve the background color of a HUD element
SETHUDITEMDRAGDROP=main.htm=elementId, dragable - Set a HUD elements drag/drop ability
GETHUDITEMDRAGDROP=main.htm=(elementId) ;Returns integer - Retrieve rather or not a HUD element could be dragged/dropped
SETHUDITEMTRANS=main.htm=elementId, transparent - Set if a HUD item can be transparent or not
GETHUDITEMTRANS=main.htm=(elementId) ;Returns integer - Retrieve rather or not the HUD items background is transparent or not
SETHUDITEMTEXT=main.htm=elementId, text$ - Sets the text of a HUD element
GETHUDITEMTEXT=main.htm=(elementId) ;Returns string - Retrieve the text of a HUD item
SETHUDITEMEDITABLE=main.htm=elementId, editable - Set a HUD item to be editable
GETHUDITEMEDITABLE=main.htm=(elementId) ;Returns integer - Retrieve rather or not a HUD item is editable
HUDITEMCLICKED=main.htm=(elementId) ;Returns integer - Retrieve rather or not a HUD item has been clicked
SETHUDITEMVALUES=main.htm=elementId, valueA, valueB, valueC - Set a certain amount of extra values of the HUD element
GETHUDITEMVALUEA=main.htm=(elementId) ;Returns integer - Retrieve an extra value from the HUD element
GETHUDITEMVALUEB=main.htm=(elementId) ;Returns integer - Retrieve an extra value from the HUD element
GETHUDITEMVALUEC=main.htm=(elementId) ;Returns integer - Retrieve an extra value from the HUD element
TEXTWITHIN=main.htm=(width, text$) ;Returns string - Get the text string that would fit within a width
DRAWLINEBOX=main.htm=x, y, x2, y2 - Draw a series of lines to make a box
DARKENCOLOR=main.htm=(color, amount) ;Returns dword - Darken a color by a certain amount
BRIGHTENCOLOR=main.htm=(color, amount) ;Returns dword - Brighten a color by a certain amount
FADECOLOR=main.htm=(color, color2, amount) ;Returns dword - Fade a color, by another color, by a certain amount
DRAWHUDITEM=main.htm=elementId - Draw, and control a HUD element
HUDITEMEXIST=main.htm=(elementId) ;Retrieve rather or not a HUD element exists
DELETEHUDITEM=main.htm=elementId - Delete a HUD element
READIMAGEFROMIMAGE=main.htm=imageSource, imageDest, offsetX, offsetY, width, height - Reads an image from another image
RESIZEBITLIST=main.htm=size - Set the size of the bitlist
BITLISTSIZE=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns dword - Retrieve the size of the bitlist
SETBITLIST=main.htm=position, byte - Set a byte in the bitlist
GETBITLIST=main.htm=(position) ;Returns byte - Retrieve a byte in the bitlist
EMPTYBITLIST=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Empty all data from the bitlist
GETOSMAJORVERSION=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns DWORD - Retrieve the Major version of the OS
GETOSMINORVERSION=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns DWORD - Retrieve the Minor version of the OS
GETOSBUILD=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns DWORD - Retrieve the build of the OS
CREATEDOSCONSOLE=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Create the DOS console
WRITEDOSCONSOLE=main.htm=text$ - Write to the DOS console
SETDOSCONSOLETITLE=main.htm=text$ - Set the title text of the DOS console window
DESTROYDOSCONSOLE=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Destroy the DOS console
CREATEWNDCONSOLE=main.htm=width, height, title [, x, y] - Create a seperate window console (x, and y will make the console inside the main window)
DESTROYWNDCONSOLE=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Destroy a seperate window console
SHOWWNDCONSOLE=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Show the seperate window console
HIDEWNDCONSOLE=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Hide the seperate window console
SETWNDCONSOLETITLE=main.htm=title$ - Set the title text of the seperate window console
WRITEWNDCONSOLESTRING=main.htm=string$ - Send a string into the seperate window console buffer
GETWNDCONSOLECONTAINERHWND=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) - Retrieve the seperate window console's container handle
GETWNDCONSOLEBUFFERHWND=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) - Retrieve the seperate window console's buffer handle
GETWNDCONSOLEINPUTHWND=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) - Retrieve the seperate window console's input handle
GETDESKTOPMOUSEX=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Get the absolute X position of the cursor
GETDESKTOPMOUSEY=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Get the absolute Y position of the cursor
GETUSERNAME=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns string - Get the name of the current user
GETCOMPUTERNAME=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns string - Get the name of the computer
GETOEMID=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns dword - Get the OEM ID
MIN=main.htm=(valueA, valueB) ;Returns a value - Retrieve the minimum value of 2 values
MAX=main.htm=(valueA, valueB) ;Returns a value - Retrieve the maximum value of 2 values
GETWNDCONSOLEINPUTTEXT=main.htm=text$, textLength - Retrieves the text of the input box in the seperate window console
GETWNDCONSOLEINPUTLENGTH=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Retrieve the length of the text in the input box for the seperate window console.
WNDCONSOLEINPUTGIVEN=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Retrieve if the enter key was pressed for the seperate window console
SETWNDCONSOLEINPUTTEXT=main.htm=text$ - Set the text in the input box for the seperate window console
KILOBYTE=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns dword - Retrieve the size, in bytes, of a kilobyte
MEGABYTE=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns dword - Retrieve the size, in bytes, of a megabyte
GIGABYTE=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns dword - Retrieve the size, in bytes, of a gigabyte
TERABYTE=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns dword - Retrieve the size, in bytes, of a terabyte
PETABYTE=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns dword - Retrieve the size, in bytes, of a petabyte
EXABYTE=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns dword - Retrieve the size, in bytes, of a exabyte
SETENTRYBUFFER=main.htm=newString$ - Set the entry buffer, the entry buffer can be retrieved with entry$()
STRINGTOKEN=main.htm=(string$, delimiter$) ;Returns string - Finds an occurance of a strings token
QUICKCOS=main.htm=(ang) ;Returns float - Quickly get a cosine value
QUICKSIN=main.htm=(ang) ;Returns float - Quickly get a sine value
TEXT=main.htm=x, y, width, height, text$ - Draws text
BATCH=main.htm=string$ - Execute a batch command
CREATEVECTOR=main.htm=id, size - Create a vector
VECTOREXIST=main.htm=(id) ;Returns integer - Retrieve rather or not a vector exists
WRITEVECTORBYTE=main.htm=id, position, byte - Write a byte to a vector
READVECTORBYTE=main.htm=(id, position) ;Returns byte - Reads a byte from a vector
CLEARVECTOR=main.htm=id - Clears all the elements in a vector
VECTORSIZE=main.htm=(id) ;Returns dword - Retrieve the size of a vector
VECTORCAPACITY=main.htm=(id) ;Returns dword - Retrieve the maximum amount of elements the vector can hold
RESERVEVECTOR=main.htm=id, size - Sets the minimum capacity of a vector
SWAPVECTORS=main.htm=vector1, vector2 - Swaps 1 vectors elements, with another
DELETEVECTOR=main.htm=id - Destroys a vector
RESIZEVECTOR=main.htm=id, newsize - Changes the size of a vector