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Posted: 8th Apr 2007 22:21 Edited at: 9th Apr 2007 21:04
After a lot of work in both FPSC and Torque, my mind has become a seesaw. For several weeks I have been checking back in these forums and I've found that I really miss this community. I know I stepped on some toes here and I sincerely apologize for that. I'm one of those people who always have too many irons in the fire to concentrate on one. I'm working on fixing that problem.

My last post about DarkFaction II was locked when I mentioned that I was going to create the game using the TGE. I wasn't my intention to leave an impression that I was not going to be using FPSC at all.

I made a highly customised level for the nvida compo and that's what I'm sharing here. I am going to make DFII in FPSC and in Torque. How? Well, it's simple. The Torqe version, DFII:Quest will be an adventure game that coincides with the FPS version made in FPSC.

Here's the level I made for the compo. The requirements are that you have a fast computer with a good card. I didn't hold anything back when making the level for the compo. For the actual game, I will continue to work on optimizing for all computer systems.

Thanks for looking.

Demo Link: 155MB
Download Here

This is just the compo level and lower-end machines will have some slow frame rates. The actual game levels will be optimized like the previous demo levels of DFII posted in earlier threads.

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Posted: 9th Apr 2007 00:00
Ah, an excellent time to test the limits of my 7600 Downloading now, I'll tell you how it worked in a few minutes or so...

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Posted: 9th Apr 2007 00:01 Edited at: 9th Apr 2007 04:03
Nice to know that you are gonna work on Darkfaction II, screenshots look very nice. Oh and also welcome back
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Posted: 9th Apr 2007 00:05
@Airslide: Great, please tell me it has high frame rates with your card. I think my 6200 is okay, but not great. I'm hoping it's all in the card at any rate.

@mastercheif: Thanks a lot. That's very nice of you.

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Posted: 9th Apr 2007 00:08
Quote: "@mastercheif: Thanks a lot. That's very nice of you. "

No problem Darkfact, downloading the demo now.
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Posted: 9th Apr 2007 00:31
yep i'm downloanding it right now..

can't wait

to the ones thats trapped inside of you, this is it!!
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Posted: 9th Apr 2007 01:29
Hmm...I think I got stuck down in the place you go after having the soda machine moved - a door opened but closed before I realized it

Also, my framerate is usually a constant 27-31, depending on if I'm moving (if I stand still it stays at 31)

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Posted: 9th Apr 2007 01:33
Once you go down past the soda machine, just grab the key and go back up the ladder. That's a decent frame rate. Your card must be great, dude.

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Posted: 9th Apr 2007 03:35
Great game dude , frame rate about 29-31( Vista , duel core 2.2ghz
1gig ram nvidia geforce 7650). I'm not realy stuck ... But i don't have any time to play.
But droids and the vent are cool.
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Posted: 9th Apr 2007 04:18
is Vista Home Premium, 2.66Ghz processor, and 8800 648mb GTX graphics card good enough?

Lol. I just HAD to brag about that. (It wasn't that fun mortgaging my house though to get it. lol.)

I'll test, and I will erase all this crap and edit my post with what I have to say.

PS-Im still up for helping you with textures-I FINALLY got Photoshop. You've not answered my e-mails...


Whispers-A medieval fantasy game coming soon, by Axifer Designs.
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Posted: 9th Apr 2007 04:26
@Oleg: Thanks, I hope you get some time to play the whole thing.

@Aaron: Dude, I haven't gotten any emails! Are you sure you're sending them to my correct address? I thought you changed your mind or something. Thanks for checking out the level, too.

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Posted: 9th Apr 2007 05:14
What's with all the uber computers all of a sudden? The only notable things about my machine are the 2GB of Ram and the 512mb 7600

@DarkFact - I picked up a key? lol...I guess I wasn't paying attention. Too bad you packed it in FPS Pack, cause I can't get to my save now

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Posted: 9th Apr 2007 05:37
Man, this still looks great. I would play it if I wasn't on my laptop.

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Posted: 9th Apr 2007 06:20 Edited at: 9th Apr 2007 06:25
Quote: "Too bad you packed it in FPS Pack, cause I can't get to my save now"

Hehe....should of used Vishnu

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Posted: 9th Apr 2007 06:24
Loc, what are the differences between that and FPSpack Pro?

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Posted: 9th Apr 2007 06:39 Edited at: 9th Apr 2007 06:43
We actually offer protection
fps pack pro only opens your game in the docs temp folder.

Vishnu also blocks windows, and now with the update thats coming out tomorrow if I'm nice, and Vista key functions like ctrl+alt and others to stop people from exiting the game to get to a temp folder.

We keep changing our directory and encryption with each update.

Vishnu checks for programs that are running that may aid in the cracking of the Vishnu software.

FPS Pack provides packaging. But no protection if you can use a search button.

Newest updates:

Vishnu 1.3(probably out tomorrow) provides packaging/one click on the icon loads game and its saves automatically/Back ground support for the load screen(meaning place an image in the folder named bg.jpg and it will replace the Vishnu logo with your games graphics)/Loads and saves with the current FPSC release(and in some test dbp games as well...but this is still in testing)/$10.95/ Vista and Windows security features.

Most of the things it dose we really don't discuss, as this is a true protection application set and no point compromising any security, and not just an outdated packaging application.(hehe)

Were almost 100% sure that Vishnu is only going to be on sale for this next week at it's original price of 10.95. A week from it's release it's going up. It's just doing much more then protection anymore.....and we actually update because our own media is at stake.

Heres the 1.2 site....I'll be updating before release.
It's only one step now, and dose more, but still some info on that site.

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Posted: 9th Apr 2007 06:45 Edited at: 9th Apr 2007 06:48
Wow. I guess I spent my money on the wrong thing.

I'll be a gettin me a Vishnu tomorra.

Edit: Just bought it.

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Posted: 9th Apr 2007 06:54 Edited at: 9th Apr 2007 06:55
FPS Pack had a long time name. And for a wile it was not just the best but the only thing out there. The demands of the community have changed and Pack didn't.

Vishnu had to made.

If you want a more personal review of it, ask Rolfy, or FredP, or Filya, or Tswartz about the 1.3 betas they have been testing in an email.

Thanks for even thinkin about the purchase Dave.

EDIT: We'll I'll be sure to get off the 1`.3 to you as soon as it's all confirmed.

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Posted: 9th Apr 2007 06:54
I always liked the style in your games, Dave; everything meshes well.

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Posted: 9th Apr 2007 06:56 Edited at: 9th Apr 2007 06:58
@Loc: You're welcome! I just bought it.
Edit: Cool, v1.3 would be great.

@Keith: Thanks, bud. I hope I can get back up to speed around here. I've seen some REALLY impressive FPSC work here lately in regards to custom media.

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Posted: 9th Apr 2007 07:17 Edited at: 9th Apr 2007 07:21
Should be waiting on you. Remember that one is the packaging utility and the other is the player. We don't even have a 1.3 player posted yet, so if you remove this game and replace it tonight, the only people with a 1.3 player is you and some beta testers. A different encryption is used version to version for vishnu that! So don't forget to place the player in the same folder as the encrypted zip and your bg.jpg(cause we know you'll use one). Even the player in rolfys new thread is outdated.

EDIT: Bahhh,Delivery Status Notification (Failure). Some email servers see this as a virus..Yahoos always you have AIM?

(Diagnostic-Code: smtp;552 5.7.0 Illegal Attachment x48si8139410pyg)

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Posted: 9th Apr 2007 07:20
Okay loc. I'll just leave the link dead until the public update of the player.

It's waiting on me? Is there an email I'm looking for or did I miss a link in the PayPal email?

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Posted: 9th Apr 2007 07:22
No you paid man...I cant deliver I'm trying to give you an illegal attachment cause it's encrypted.

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Posted: 9th Apr 2007 07:22 Edited at: 9th Apr 2007 07:24
Quote: "EDIT: Bahhh,Delivery Status Notification (Failure). Some email servers see this as a virus..Yahoos always you have AIM?"

Not on this computer...Maybe on my main one. Is there a stand-alone AIM app or do I need AOL installed? EDIT: Downloading AIM 6.1 now...

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Posted: 9th Apr 2007 07:29 Edited at: 9th Apr 2007 07:47
AIM Installed

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Posted: 9th Apr 2007 09:47
Guess I am a bit late for the reco, but Vishnu is a very secure packaging!!! I would surely trust any custom media of mine with this.

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Posted: 9th Apr 2007 21:05
@filya: reco?

The link has now been restored. See the first post in this thread for the download link.

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Posted: 9th Apr 2007 22:42
Started work on new segment/textures. I thought to save some time, I would use some stock entities and re-texture them. What's your opinons of WW2 Storageb in this image?

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Posted: 9th Apr 2007 23:15
Er - kinda difficult to see in that lighting, but from what I can see it's good.

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Posted: 9th Apr 2007 23:29
sorry for my laziness DarkFact. 'reco' as in recommnedation.

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Posted: 10th Apr 2007 01:26
It's hard to see because of the lighting, but by what I can see, good job. I would put some drawers or something, or is that supposed to be just a night stand?

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Posted: 10th Apr 2007 01:29
Yeah I'm having a hard time seeing it as well.

On a side note: Thanks for the banners here and on the load screen. Wasn't something we have ever asked of anyone, but we appreciate it all the same. Can't comment on the game as this comp can't run it. Just loaded it to make sure everything went OK for you.

Continued luck with your games

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Posted: 10th Apr 2007 02:54
Once again, this is amazing

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Posted: 10th Apr 2007 03:29
@Everyone: Yes, I guess it's too dark to see much. I guess what I asking is whether or not it jumped out at you as the Marble Topped chest (storageb) from the WW2 entities.

My thinking is that I can save some time by taking stock models and just re-texturing them. I'm not planning on doing this with many models, just a few.

@Loc, you're welcome dude. Thanks for all your help, too.

@filya: oh, I see. No problems.

@Inspire: I could paint in some handles, but the *plan* was to under-emphasis these models since they're stock. I'll probably do this method for prototyping the game and replace them with my own stuff later.

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Posted: 10th Apr 2007 03:35
Did you texture that thing from scratch? Or just edit the stock texture, because whatever it is, it looks good.

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Posted: 10th Apr 2007 03:39
Thanks, Inspire.

I loaded the model in Max, re-texured the top, main body, drawer fronts and legs with contrasting, yet similar wood textures. Then I baked-to-texture with a skylight/light-tracer using the existing UVW coordinates. I could take the resultant texture map and add drawer handles, scratches or whatever. This was a test to see what you guys thought about doing it this way.

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Posted: 10th Apr 2007 04:32
Here's the WW2 Chest with a little better lighting and a bit more enhanced texture. I hope it's not too dark this time.

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Posted: 10th Apr 2007 05:24
Looks good! Still difficult to see any detail on the top, though.

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Posted: 10th Apr 2007 05:55 Edited at: 10th Apr 2007 06:04
I'm not sure why it's so dark. The screen grab is good, then it looks like bleck on here. Here's two pieces, the chest texture has been re-worked to match the desk (WW2 tablea).

Max Render:

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Posted: 10th Apr 2007 06:08
very, very nice.
I played the demo.
I never beat it, because when I showed up in the office, I found all these guns, and had nothing or no one to kill. I needed an activation key, but found one, which didn't work for either of the 2 doors that required it.
I temporarily forgot that I wasn't playing a commercial game, lol.
The textures are amazing! I especially liked the mech parts lying around. Ha ha.


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Posted: 10th Apr 2007 06:10
Thanks Aaron,

Since that level was made for the compo, I made it as hard as I could. When you "showed up in the office", which one? The one by the rotating logo? Did you shoot out the blast window?

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Posted: 10th Apr 2007 07:02
The game looking good Darkfact even that you need like a mega computer to run it lol.

Thanks for your purchase of vishnu the load screen you made looks good but for best result make sure you make ya backgrounds 1024 x 768.

Keep up the good work

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Posted: 10th Apr 2007 07:06
Thanks S4 and you're welcome.

The *real* game will run on any newer decent machine. The demo was for the compo.

The background is 1024x768. Does the size come up different in your editor??

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Posted: 10th Apr 2007 07:12
Sorry me bad you image is 1024x768 just making sure lol.

I just need to get a better gfx card as I only have a 128mb at the mo.

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Posted: 10th Apr 2007 18:13
DarkFact - that pic for the dresser is much better. In the others I would have thought the marble top was a dark green, rather than a brown. Good work.

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Posted: 10th Apr 2007 19:15
Lookin' good

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Posted: 10th Apr 2007 21:53
my pc played it fine.

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Posted: 11th Apr 2007 00:26
@Inspire: Thanks again Plugging along still....

@darimc: Thanks for playing.

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Posted: 11th Apr 2007 03:46
It was awesome, how much will it be?

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Posted: 11th Apr 2007 05:33
I will now give this thread the "red icon" award.

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