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Nomad Soul
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Joined: 9th Jan 2007
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 11th Jul 2007 02:47
I tried downloading your demo from the link on the first page of this thread but just get directed to a generic file front homepage with adverts and such.

Is the first version of your demo still available or are you waiting to upload the latest version now that your close to completion.

Looks impressive. I'm looking forward to playing it
Years of Service
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Joined: 23rd Jun 2006
Posted: 11th Jul 2007 03:24
Looks pretty good,will have a go at this when it's completed.

Years of Service
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Joined: 8th Jun 2007
Location: North Carolina, USA
Posted: 11th Jul 2007 21:11
Hey guys, I regret to inform that I am releasing this game as is. The game runs all the way through 12 levels, each level consisting of enemies. I have alot of stress on me right now and I got to get some of it off, so I'm releasing the game. There may be some technical errors in the game and it is quite challenging. There is no HUD (health, ammo, lives) and there are no story lines to follow. I am sorry I am doing this, but I have too much things I'm doing now. Hope you enjoy the game, C&C welcome;8024243;;/fileinfo.html

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