Hi Crispex,
I downloaded your program to try it out and see what all the fuss was about. I decided to give you some constructive criticism
First of all I needed the files which you provide a link to in your first post, however, this site has been flagged as a red site by SiteAdvisor so I wouldn't download them from there. A quick search on the internet provided me with the files (and at a much smaller fie size than your link). Perhaps it would be easier for other users who also do not wish to download from a SiteAdvisor red site if you could provide another safer link, I'm sure it would be appreciated. You can't be too careful these days.
I know that FPI Script Editor is a multi purpose tool but one of its fucntions is as something with which you can write FPI scripts... Unfortunately whenever you save a FPI with FPI Script Editor it does this:
{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}}
\par desc = I_can't_go_yet
\par :state=0:hudreset,hudx=50,hudy=10,hudimagefine=gamecore\\DTIScripts424\\I_can't_go_yet.png,hudname=I_can't_go_yet,hudhide=1,hudmake=display,state=1
\par :state=1,plrdistwithin=60,SCANCODEKEYPRESSED=33: state=1,coloff,hudshow=I_can't_go_yet,hudfadeout=I_can't_go_yet
\par ;End of Script
\par }
This is unreadable by FPSC... although it does load perfectly within FPI Script Editor, I think compatibility with FPSC is paramount. I know you say this only happens with text files in the readme, but it also happens with FPI files... it's just that FPI Script Editor reads it properly but FPSC can't...
I don't know if you are aware of this but in the tools bar... The graphic for what I assume is for the html editor is next to the calculator text and the calculator graphic is next to the calendar text. You may have already fixed this in a newer version but I just wanted to point it out in case you hadn't noticed.
Sometimes when using Insert -> textfile... the text gets corrupted... I was using a plain text file created with notepad when this happened:
I also noticed that even if select htm or html (still within the insert -> text file) as the file you are looking for it still doesn't display them.
I don't know if this is a bug or not... but if I select a piece of text from another source let's say firefox and copy it... I can paste it into FPI Script Editor... but if I select a piece of text from FPI Script Editor and try and paste it into another program it doesn't work... I can, however, paste it into another file within FPI Script Editor itself.
It also says in the readme that it supports .doc file types but if you try to load them it corrupts the data as you can see if you look at the attached picture, which incidentally I captured using the built in screen capture function. You will see from this image that the screen capture utility has its own bug of sorts. It captures the screen capture dialog obscuring what it is you're trying to capture.
That's what I found in my quick 5 minute play with this program. Hope that it is useful to you in improving your program. I'll be sure to post any other findings I have after using the program more thoroughly.