ALRIGHT! im bored, and got thinking about brain power... by brain power, i mean like stuff you cant do with your brain, like move objects without useing physical of verbal means.
at first, anyone would say, "duh,, you cant do that!" BUT CAN YOU!
awhile back, scientists started to test with transmitting electric waves through the air, like radio signals, only different.
doesnt you body have an electric pulse? isnt that why difibulators work?
so those are all my facts i think are really true, know i go on guessing and semi logic.
Your brains output some electricity. electricity equals power. power has potential to do things, like move objects. so if you brain put out enough eclitricity, could it do somthing.
When the body NEEDS to do somthing, like live, they are pushed to a new level, and body functions increase to help them servive. if you NEED to move somthing ahead of you, would it be possible to make your brain output enough brain power, transmit the electricity to the object by controllingit, and then move the object with it?
eh. this idea popped into my head, but who knows?
sort of the same idea for people who claim they had a dream about a certain thing everytime some close to them dies. the dude who dies may have sent a 'distress call'. but thats pushing somthing thats already been pushed off a thousand foot ledge.