Best Male Poster
Serdge: his work first rate; his english impeccable; all-round friend of everyone.
Best Female Poster
Sad, but true, I can name none here.
Best Individual Post
Indi's rattle against TGC. An absolute fountain of knowledge.
Worst Individual Post
This one. Oh, the mirth.
Best Thread
Girlfriend thread. I can't get enough of your personal life.
Worst Thread
What's popular in Geek Culture at the moment?
Most Consistently High-Quality Poster
Cool Guy Jordan. 'Nuff said, indeed.
Most Consisently Off-Topic Poster
That tit of a parent from the rice krispies advert. Y'KNOW, I USED TO BE IN A BAND...
Most Consistently Funny Poster
DrewG. "UR NOT COMEDIAN" has me in stitches every time. Help, my sides have split, and the bloods running into the gutter. Funny like that.
Most Argumentative Poster
Zombie. No mercy for these mortal fools.
Least Intelligible Poster
Raven. His posts are too short and have no substance.
Best Signature
Those that present themselves as a thought for the day. Thanks for the advice, you whimsical person you.
Best Avatar
Indi- oh wait, I can't vote him twice!
Forum Love-in Partners
Cash Curtis and Cucumber.
Best Mod
Indamn it!
Future Mod
Cool Guy Jordan.
EBA; UI; Mario Land Ripoff.
Every time you post a joke in the form of code, mace yourself.