You can type that till you're fingers rot off but nothing is truly free with something when you got to pay something to get that something with the something you're buying. You might as well include the shader pack in with the price. People have defined "free with" and made it into-
2 a—used as a function word to indicate a participant in an action, transaction, or arrangement;
4 a—used as a function word to indicate combination, accompaniment, presence, or addition; people except it as so. But it truly never is. People throw around and overuse the meaning of FREE and turn it into a completely different word.
These sites all tell you that you get a
free item- the
XBOX 360.
Yet... when you click into it some more... you realize you must
participate in some offers (in which you must spend money.)
And in that case... it's not free.
1. If you got it you had to spend money on offers.
2. If you don't participate in offers (give them your money) you don't get it.
3. If it was truly
free... wouldn't all you have to do is post your address so they could mail you the 360? Not have to do all this bull crap with signing up for this offer and taking time out of your life to d the referral system as well?
-How could anyone ever say that the 360 you ultimately receive was free of any loss of cash?
*Now back on topic with the shader pack-
1. You say that the shader pack is
FREE!!! "but you can't have it unless you spend some money on something else."
That's like me saying... here you can have my car for free... but you got to pay me $20,000.00 for the keys to it in order to receive it.
Can't you see the flaws in your statement? I feel I've argued my point and moved this situation in my favor. So if you don't plan on giving away the shaders for nothing, period, at all... then don't mention the word
FREE in this thread.
I also know that I don't have to buy it and it's not that I resent you at all... I would just wish you would not mislead others.
-Astek Games Developer-