Dared I think I get what you're saying, do you kind of mean like (just for instance games i've been playing recently) super mario galaxy's automatic camera or much of the camera in sonic adventure? Not necessarily a bad idea but just maybe not for my game
I agree with Bizar as I'd rather not switch from a mainly 2d engine to the full 3d aspect of what it sounds like you're saying but thx for the idea. I may implement it in the future
What I'm going for is more of a Super Mario Bros kind of camera situation. Nothing too special as (like I said before) I'm terribly unexperienced when it comes to programming
Aaron, I think thats a great idea! I'll look into how I can organize my code to make things more easily updatable.
Implemented damage system
Matched animations of running, idle, jumping, spinning to correct controls
Made it so the character actually turns instead of just 'rotate object 1,0,90,0' ect so he just switches left and right, but now its actually a quick gradual
Character now gains momentum in the first few seconds of walking to running
Fixed a camera bug that make all the objects look a little weird while turning directions. (accidently albeit but I'll take what I can get
Jumping now has a sonic-esque ball around the character