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Dark GDK / DarkGDK competition! :)

User Banned
Posted: 19th Mar 2010 07:07 Edited at: 22nd Mar 2010 11:42
after reviewing Users Comments:
this is what i got so far, it may change next month after the first competition will be finished!

for now. this is DARK GDK COMPETITION!

Current Approved Programmers:

Pilz X Schizo


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Posted: 19th Mar 2010 07:23 Edited at: 19th Mar 2010 07:23
I may join based on the contest. Though i think one of the 3 sections being physics is kind of weird.

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Posted: 20th Mar 2010 07:52
not really , as most games have them and most of us want to implent them , this could give one who dosent know too much about mplenting physics a good review on things.

so ty Marsh0 for your reply i wish there were some more.
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Posted: 20th Mar 2010 13:51
bump , comeon guys ... participate it will be fun and educational.
Matty H
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Posted: 20th Mar 2010 14:13
Give us a specific example of what the challenge may be.

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Posted: 20th Mar 2010 14:54
so as written above in the main post:
the example will include the main competition project
and will be given points to the following:
1. DarkGDK and C++ programming
2. Physics (additional library only!)
3. Art

so for example lets take a simple SideScroller(Mario Style) game.
it can be both in 2D or 3D just as long as the camera will give the player the expriance of a 2D sideScroller.

the project MUST contain the following:

1.A Player (can be 2D drawing of a line and up to 3D Model)
2.One Level (can be 2D Tile of boxes and up to Full Textured Terrain)
3.Two Diffrent kind of enemies (why 2? , to make an example of 2 diffrent cases of Ai controlled bots, this dosent mean it have to be a super Ai with 1,00000000 lines of code, no, as written Mario Style)
4.Score Display
5. Level End.

Bonus Points:
Physics , Dynamic Objects or Sprites.
Art , Pixel Perfect/ Drawings / Low Poly Models that gives the player a High Model Poly feeling.

these are Bonus points and are not essiential.

Physics and Art Bonus Points explained again:

we can all make simple games , we can all make simple art and maybe a gravity condition if not touching the ground...
but today world of gaming is diffrent from the past
today most games ,or more high rated games uses 4 dimentions in their games, what is the 4th as we all know 3 XYZ , well the 4th is the Time-Space dimention, this dimention give us the ability to see changes in real life such as the simple sun go up (good morning) and sun goes down (gooood night) , it also gives us the actual idea of Time , when and not where.

Physics uses this so called 4th dimention Space-Time in order to see stuff coliding,falling,braking eachother up and down and all around , if we as a comunity want DarkGDK to take us higher we need to understand that the old Doom's days are over , no more for animated Die Sequence when you kill an enemy Ai but a Die Sequence when the enemy gets a bullet to the shoulder making the shoulder rotate by the force and direction of the bullet making a good and reliable Die Sequence , making games much more powerfull and realistic! Physics is a must its not optional anymore.

Art, the actuall thought of Art , is what you the Artist wants from the eyes of the ones who will look at the final product.

do you want the player who bought your game to see simple models with no really intrest in them?
or do you want the player , to see a high detailed model (not meaning High Poly) which you gave your heart and sweat on it?

can we as gamers really like a simple AK 47 model? or do we want a monster AK 47 model?

but still , as most of us are still in the learning stage
Physics and Art are not essential.
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Posted: 20th Mar 2010 15:04
I'm in!

A little competing may be fun and productive
But please keep the scale of the competitions small, because I don't want to spend too much time on it...
And I don't really get the physics-thing! Shouldn't it be up to the developer how to achieve gameplay/motion? The most addictive games have the simplest physics...

Now the plot thickens, the fps decreases, and the awesomeness goes through the roof.
User Banned
Posted: 20th Mar 2010 15:10 Edited at: 20th Mar 2010 15:11
as written it is not essential.
the point of it being , that if you are a game / simulation or just presentations programmer you will most likely use Physics as they are easy to use once understood.
they saves us a lot of time and the final product just feels better and real, also you or me and anyother programmer should and pherhaps must understand what todays idea of gaming is , so ofcourse if you build a game that dosent need physics dont add them, but all the rest should probably use physics.

again , the idea of physics in this comp is to understand todays game development and spirit.
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Posted: 20th Mar 2010 15:13
so for now its me , Pauli and probably Marsh0.

deadline anyone?
Matty H
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Posted: 20th Mar 2010 16:01
Are you saying that you have to do the physics yourself, or can you use an existing physics library?

Pilz X Schizo
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Posted: 20th Mar 2010 21:24
I think this is a great idea. Though i think if you give more details you might get some more people interested, like time frame for the competition(a few weeks, a month, 2+ months?), what the competition is going to be(is it going to be a side scroller? or something else?), rules, ect...

as long as the time frame is reasonable, since i dont have much time to code now a days, you can count me in.
User Banned
Posted: 21st Mar 2010 10:51
Pliz X Schinzo
you are right! it need to be clear
and ty for your reply.

i will edit the main post later on
after i'll rethink and rebuild the whole idea of the competition.

matty halewood

read above

if someone uses his own C++ physics then it goes into the
DarkGDK c++

if you use an external Physic Library then you automaticly enter the Physics Bonus points contest. (like Nvidia Physx,or Ode)
like : Fulcrum physics! by Matty halewood or QuickODE by Pauli
Sparkys is somehow gets here also.
you also have Box2D for 2D physics, or Bullet altough need to be wrapped into C++ , there are some more.

the External Libraries can help those who don't know much about them , to start and understand other people code and to implent it on their own projects. this competition will be very educational.

also , this will allow in the case of Matty Halewood and Pauli
to let other players show what they can do with Fulcrum and QuickOde like a mass beta testing

1. DarkGDK C++ this is our main goal.
2. Physics (additional Library only but you can write your own but it wont be in that category)
3. Art

2 and 3 are secondary and not esential.
User Banned
Posted: 21st Mar 2010 12:36
Main Post UPDATED!
User Banned
Posted: 21st Mar 2010 19:34
Please say I
if you compete!
Pilz X Schizo
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Posted: 21st Mar 2010 19:56
I'm in. Sounds fun.
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Posted: 22nd Mar 2010 09:35
Sounds fun, count me in.

Just a note though, in the future, please don't use white text on a light gray background. With such little contrast it's hard to read. Running a spell check wouldn't hurt either.

User Banned
Posted: 22nd Mar 2010 11:42
yeah english is my second languge
and it was on Windows Paint , so no Spellcheck there

Matty H
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Posted: 22nd Mar 2010 16:00
This is pretty cool but I don't think I have time this month, I need to get more features into my physics lib in case people use it for this compo

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Posted: 22nd Mar 2010 17:06
The same for me, I have a giant workload this month
I don't think that I find time to throw a side scroller together...
But I'm still up for some competition!

Now the plot thickens, the fps decreases, and the awesomeness goes through the roof.
User Banned
Posted: 22nd Mar 2010 17:52
sure no problem
i will most defenetly use Fulcrum or QuickODE
altough i cant see to get QuickODE to work
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Posted: 22nd Mar 2010 18:25
yes, but the new version is almost done!
please be patient with me

time frames are my enemy

Now the plot thickens, the fps decreases, and the awesomeness goes through the roof.
User Banned
Posted: 22nd Mar 2010 22:24
sure thing man!
i will check them both
and maybe even for the contest
i'll do the same project
but with both QuickOde and Fulcrum
so , we can see the diffrence

altough im very new to physics!
it will take some time to learn ,
well i have a month and no current main stream project
so i will spend most of my time on the pc doing that.
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Posted: 23rd Mar 2010 16:31
Bump ( this will be every once in a while to keep this post on the main page, sorry for any inconviance )
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Posted: 25th Mar 2010 12:04
So this is for april, does that mean projects should start on april first?
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Posted: 26th Mar 2010 10:52
yeah , we started it a bit before as the idea came up.
Cuddle Bunniezzz 12
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Posted: 27th Mar 2010 20:32 Edited at: 27th Mar 2010 22:51
Well, I've been working on a 2D side scrolling shooter for about a month, but have only worked on it during the weekends.

Mind if I could use that if I modified the engine a bit to work for a side-scroller?

And do I have to share all of the source code, I would like to keep some stuff closed. <- You can now submit pages, upload images, yet were lacking content. We need your help!
User Banned
Posted: 28th Mar 2010 11:15
well , the idea is to start from scratch at the 1st of any month
and finish it at the end of the month to show it on the next 1st of the coming month.

thats why it is we dont mind giving the Source Code , cause its just for the competition for everyone to learn.

think of an OpenSource Competition , so everyone is learning from everyone.

i will lie if i'll say that i dont mind you using a written code , cause you will have a head start on all of us who started this month, but i cant really say that i dont want another conestent . so its a bit tricky .

and obviusly if anyone have written a SideScroller before it will be easier to him or her as they can copy paste from old projects.

well , i'll tell you what , if you dont mind sharing the code so its ok , if you want some of it to be hidden , do something like this:

well i dont like that idea after all
im sorry man , i guess i will have to turn you down

if you want to start something fresh by using some of the code in your sidescroller shooter its ok , but no hidden code , you will have to write it again in a diffrent way or find another way to do the same thing...

its an open-source competition , maybe i should have mentioned it before , sorry about that.
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Posted: 28th Mar 2010 12:57
Hey Haliop I really love the idea of this! Back when I used to program LUA AIs for a different game we used to do something similar to this on our forum hehe. I always loved it, the scripts would be rated/voted for by the members and the winner usually got featured and Recognized as a competition winner and/or had the script implemented in-game Good times, I have since left the team tho

And here I am using Dark GDK to attempt to program my own game ;O

Although I am still getting used to how everything works here, I feel like a newb ;p

I'm not any good really at working with this just yet, but when I can figure out some more of how everything works I would really love to participate =]

(This is my second post on this forum ever woot ) :p
User Banned
Posted: 1st Apr 2010 10:55
competition Starts today!
good luck everyone.
if you want in , just let us know.
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Posted: 1st Apr 2010 22:21
We can finally start! Time to grab all the those libraries and documentation and get to work!
Pilz X Schizo
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Posted: 1st Apr 2010 22:26
Good luck to everyone!
User Banned
Posted: 9th Apr 2010 08:34
dudes! i have to sit this one down
i just cant seem to finish anything this month
im doing blender3d learning animation
and learning 3d math
and learning c++
and learning gimp

i took too much on myself , im affraid that i wont be able to finish this project (this month) , until next month i hope i will have animation done , and know how to use c++ vector(lists) for the full potential of them , until then its a messed up code,
i can do the game , but not the way i want to , it will have a lot of mass of difficult code or simple on the other hand but that wont be right.

i will try to complete it if i'll have the time.
sorry about that.
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Posted: 9th Apr 2010 15:37
I'm having similar issues... Can get it done but not the way I want to... I always figured one month was too soon anyway. Was thinking more along the lines of three months myself. That's why I never posted an "I'm in" post.

The c++ isn't the problem for me, its the 3d stuff and GDK itself...

I WILL finish it - as close to the deadline as possible...

Matty H
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Posted: 9th Apr 2010 17:12
I think the task is quite big, I know you said to only complete one level but that only takes about 10% off the task of completing a whole game.

You still need to implement every system that the whole game would need, you just save time on making more levels.

Anyway, its not over yet, maybe someone is making good progress and we will see something cool at the end of the month, hopefully.

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Posted: 1st May 2010 02:46 Edited at: 1st May 2010 03:10
Well, I do believe it's that time of the month and I must say that although I have come A LONG WAY, I'm just not quite there yet.

Currently, I'm working on a level-map editor for the game. It's near enough to completion to be usefull for me - and will be included with the game's submission.

Although, I still have a few things left - note: at no point in this process was I looking for perfection - so there may be some bugs in the code when I do submit it, but so far to date: it pretty much does as advertised - meaning with the exception of a few inconsistancies, it's working.

Playable? No. But, it does generate alot of ooohhhs and aaahhhs from close family and friends... LOL

Still remaining tasks include:

* Building a more complete AI in accordance to the design document

* Adding Collision Support (not sure if I'll use Matty's, Sparky's or DarkPhysics - or some other option). I'm Looking to use DarkPhysics, but it requires purchasing to compile, thus it violates the rules of the entry - so perhaps, either Matty's or Sparky's will be the choice.

Anyway, at this point, the game is really unplayable so this post is really just a *bump* post to bring it back to the top of the forum...

However, for your viewing pleasure, I'd like to introduce you to Captain Ooze, the star of my game. At the beginning of the game, he starts out as a ball of slime; but, as the game progresses, he acquires the ability to morph into the following forms:

* Shield - For defensive postures,
* Boot - To Kick Butt,
* Boxing Glove - To knock out some teeth,
* Tennis Shoes - To run real quick,
* Spring - For Jumping,
* Kite - So that he can fly high,
* Rope - For climbing, and;
* Bowling Ball - To plow through some of his toughest encounters...

I'm even attaching some concept artwork drawings of my vision of Captain Ooze in all of his possible forms. Unfortunately, as I have yet to have time learning any 3D package for animation (currently I'm tinkering with TrueSpace 3D (7.6) since it's free, I plan on trying out Blender [again] but have never been able to understand it... )

Anyway, these little pieces of art-work will "stand-in" as Captain Ooze until I can acquire some animated .X versions for use in the game... Generic? Yes! But, according to my readings, no game has ever been held up by the lack of resources... Until this one... LOL

The following excerpt comes straight from the Design Document (which by the way will also be included with my submission)...

Quote: "
The game takes place on Planet Earth, and follows Captain Ooze, a character whose main objective is to help us take out the trash. Captain Ooze (whose real name is BlaПсоLml-쓰담쓰屑く廃 is simply a blob of ooze sliming about, intent on cleaning up our planet. As one of the last survivors from planet RdiASADcoADH-垃廢垃, he and others have set out to save their populace from extinction.

While searching for another inhabitable planet to settle upon, they happened across our own planet Earth and was disturbed by what they had saw; a planet on the brink of self-destruction from waste and neglect, in much the same way as their own was lost.

Such a tragedy must, if at all possible, must be prevented! And so, with his ubiquitous-eyes and ever-present smile, Captain Ooze comes to our rescue...

And so, just to reiterate, I *WILL* post a true entry to this thread, even if I have to *bump* it every once in awhile to keep it alive...

Until then, Happy Coding,


Edit: Agh... Looks like crap in Code-blocks, how's it look as Quote-block?


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User Banned
Posted: 1st May 2010 02:54
thats awesome man!!!
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Posted: 2nd May 2010 06:19
So that everyone can see, I am making progress, here's a screenshot from the level-map editor:

This shot shows the "Entry-Point" of the game in actual screen dimensions.



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Posted: 2nd May 2010 06:20
And this one shows a "Far Off-View" of the entire world-map. The previous picture shows the Bottom-Left Corner of this view...



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Posted: 2nd May 2010 08:36
gj man
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Posted: 2nd May 2010 15:07
looks good, are you just adding boxes in some locations, or you are deleting faces that can't be seen ( faces between the two boxes )

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Posted: 2nd May 2010 16:48
Uh... lol...

I was under the impression that GDK did the appropriate culling for me...

My level map shows a "block" goes here, so I draw a block (cube) there, no special culling takes place at all. Again I was under the impression that GDK did that automatically based upon visibility - and back-facing [unless you specifically call dbSetObjectCull() to ignore the back-facing]...

Am I mistaking?

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Posted: 2nd May 2010 17:47 Edited at: 2nd May 2010 17:48
they are culled if they are facing the opposite direction of the camera, but, in you editor, 50% of the time it will be unseen, and still doesnt oppose the camera direction, so you need to destroy the geometry between boxes, and bind the rest together to get better performance, i have never tried doing that with GDK, never even managed to mess with an object's vertex =p, so i'm not really sure about the wayyou do it, but if your editor would build some massive levels, it is indeed preferred to destroy such polys in order not to destroy the FPS

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Posted: 2nd May 2010 18:14
Maybe that's what's causing the "black-lines" between the cubes (especially visible on the full-size level-view)... I just assumed it was a limitation of GDK *the engine* and was planning on addressing it later; however, now that you mention it...

Does anyone know how to achieve the results that Hassan is speaking of?

I suppose I could - as a part of the level-loading pre-process - combine multiple cube-objects into a single box-object, such that the 80-cubes that make each side of the border can be combined into a single box with the (80 * cube-size) appropriate dimensions... I have already considered doing this, but it seems to me that due to the nature of the level, it would be difficult to parse the appropriate box-object combinations... Vertical, Horizontal, how many are combined etc...

I can say that because of the existing culling operations, under normal conditions the frame-rate seems to be holding steady at about 62-fps, but then again - none of the real *game-logic* is being taken into account yet (no AI, Collision Detection etc)...

So, I ask again, does anyone know how to achieve the results that Hassan is speaking of?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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Posted: 2nd May 2010 18:33
even tho i dont know how to manage the object's vertices, i believe the process should look like this:
-all walls are ONE object, that has a dynamic vertex buffer ( can be changed at runtime )
-when you press somewhere to add a wall, it creates new vertices and indices to create a new cube in the object, then loop through the new vertices and see if there is an old vertex that is close to it, in that case, they both should be one vertex, and thus combine them, and delete the un-necessary geometry

i believe that it's much harder than saying

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Posted: 2nd May 2010 18:50
Yeah, me too... lol

I will probably just use my level-loading pre-processing technique whereby I combine all groups 2+ cubes into a single box-object; that would in theory reduce the object count by half (in reality, it'd be way more since the sides each consist of 80-adjacent cubes)...

But still, even that'll be a lot more work than I had planned on doing... lol

Matty H
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Posted: 3rd May 2010 14:47
I wouldn't think this would be an issue for your game as its 2.5D, you are never going to see more than 30-40 boxes, which is about 360 - 480 polys. GDK will not attempt to draw the ones that are off-screen, as I think you know.

You will have alot of boxes in the editor but I still think you will be fine, I would just get the game up and running and then improve your editor later as it would be best with a drag and drop kind of interface where you can make one long platform in one go, this would not be too hard to implement.

Game looks good anyway, good luck.

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Posted: 3rd May 2010 23:57
Yeah that's the plan... Get it working first then address the extras.

However, its not just the draw speed I'm thinking about with this. Its the occassional line (be it black or white) that flickers between two adjoining blocks momentarily as the player moves across the level.

Anyway, physics and ai come first...

Matty H
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Posted: 4th May 2010 00:26
Have you tried over-lapping the blocks slightly?

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Posted: 4th May 2010 01:04
Hmmm... That's a thought. I may try that but something tells me that it will make it worse.... Doesn't hurt to try as it's only one line of code... I'll get back to you on the results...

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Posted: 4th May 2010 03:40
Ok, I tried that and it didn't make it any better; no worse either for that matter. No big deal tho, I can live with it the way it is for the time being.

Thanks for the suggestion!


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