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Work in Progress / Xen the Alien

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Posted: 5th Nov 2003 19:38 Edited at: 5th Nov 2003 19:39
Just thought i'd make a post about my game's progress (alienware competition entry and the name may change), don't wan't to say much this early about what it's going to be about but to sum it up, it's kinda an action RPG. I've been working on the models and the stage editor for some time now and i guess i'll get all those done sometime mid-month, then..... the coding starts!

Heres a shot from the Editors DB window (using AM's DBVB integration toolkit), the game's gonna have a cartoon theme, can you tell? What the editor does basically is allow you:

- load a .3ds model (uses it as a die to mold a matrix)
- position a "sun" object and automatically creates normal data (can you tell where the sun is coming from?)
- texture the matrix either with tiles or fill (position image on matrix "as is").

the matrix in the picture was textured using "fill", easy to make image and as seemless as hell! more pics as i progress

Megaton Cat
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Posted: 5th Nov 2003 23:36
hey thats exactly the kind of thing I'm making!
but anyway thjat editor looks nice, keep going.

p.s the sun is coming from the right.

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Posted: 5th Nov 2003 23:40
I like your sig Megaton!

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Posted: 5th Nov 2003 23:47 Edited at: 5th Nov 2003 23:47
Looks neato

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Wolfish King
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Posted: 6th Nov 2003 00:43
Looks great so far.
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Posted: 6th Nov 2003 01:30
No offense, but if all you got so far is a matrix and some textures you aren't going to be finished in time for the dec 31 deadline. Not trying to discourage you, it sounds great, but be sure you know you'll have enough time to submit this as an entry before you set out to make it for that.

I have a sign beside my door-hinge, that says nothing rhymes with orange.

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Posted: 6th Nov 2003 01:55
thanks all!

@ megaton
nothing wrong with a little healthy competition ohh, and you guessed right!

@ Guruchild
i understand your concern and i can assure you i'll be finnished in time to hand this in at 100% besides, like i said above, i've got the modelling about 80% complete which give be about 1 1/2 months coding time (i hope)

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Posted: 6th Nov 2003 03:22
Well then, good luck with your entry. I sure could use some competition, I mean it isn't even fair right now. Just kidding of course #1 would be great but I would be happy with a top 4 just for the great software.

I have a sign beside my door-hinge, that says nothing rhymes with orange.

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Megaton Cat
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Posted: 7th Nov 2003 07:55
So I am a bit confused here guys...should I take the alienware pc now or when I win? Can't decide.
lol just joking.
Hexgear, keep working, u can easly finish it by Dec 31. (I know I will using the power of christmas holidays)

good luck

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Van B
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Posted: 7th Nov 2003 10:36
Anyone who knows anything about DB competitions will tell you guys that it's the entries you've never seen before that win .

Looking neat so far Hexgear - I would suggest that you smooth it out a bit though. I just average out the matrix to sorta blend those normals - it really improves things. To average out the normals, just step through the data, but only to the second last rows and columns, like if your matrice is 64x64, and your matrix normals are stored in a 2D array, like matnorm#(64,64,3).

For z=0 to 63
For x=0 to 63
For set=0 to 2
next set
next x
next z

Give it a try and see what difference it makes.


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Posted: 7th Nov 2003 13:06
thanks for the advice Van, i'll take it into consideration!

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Posted: 7th Nov 2003 13:45 Edited at: 7th Nov 2003 17:33
Ok, i guess this one's directed at Rich (or anyone who feels they totally understand the rules)! here's a picture of my main character in an "in-game" (not completed) enviroment, my question is, is this model ok? will i get penalised?

it's the original model, no mesh deforms, just a total texture redo (not the best texture, not the best uvmapping but hey, i'm just 1 moderately skilled guy ), i know i've asked a simillar question before but i just wan't to get a "good to go" before i proceed any further!

Van B
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Posted: 7th Nov 2003 14:33
That's a really cool looking alien you got there!

IMO Rich will probably take the implimentation into much higher consideration than changes to the texture, because your making the alien the main character, I reckon a total texture redo would'nt make too much difference - the rules do state that you can change the texture however you like, it's the mesh that is best left alone.


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Megaton Cat
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Posted: 7th Nov 2003 18:05
looks slick, wat did u do to get those shadows?

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Wolfish King
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Posted: 7th Nov 2003 18:09
Wow, that looks great! Looks like Cel Shaded to me. Keep the screenshots coming! I like the Alien Ware Competition!
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Posted: 7th Nov 2003 19:13
@ van, thanks, you renewed my confidence

@ megaton, probably the easiest way to make shadows, scale object x,0,z. Straight forward but performance intensive so it's gonna be an option.

@ wolfish, not quite cell-shading, well, the sun has a kinda cell-shading fx but the rest just have really cartoony textures (kinda hides my poor texture creating abilities )

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Posted: 7th Nov 2003 19:17
I think the Alien looks cool- anyone who votes you down for making your own cool texture is lame

the four-wheeler looks great! I like the idea of making it look really cartoony rather than super-ultra realistic. It gives your game some style!

can't wait to see what this game ends up like.

man I need to fix up my own entry
Hamish McHaggis
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Posted: 7th Nov 2003 19:50
Wow! Really nice. One thing though, the sun looks too much like a block of colour. I think you should give it more of a gradient, it'd still look cartoony but not so solid.

Do you bite your thumb at me sir?

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Posted: 7th Nov 2003 20:23
v. cool but maye make the shadows a bit, less dark? and the sun is still a bit too much blocky

but i love the cartoony style!

I'm new to DarkBasic Pro, so don't flame me :/
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Posted: 8th Nov 2003 22:41 Edited at: 8th Nov 2003 22:42
Great job , about the sun, looks like a coloured circle now, maybe you could give it some rays or something. like the quad
and wouldn't the shadow only work for flat sufaces?

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Posted: 8th Nov 2003 23:21 Edited at: 9th Nov 2003 04:25
if it only works with flat surfaces, you can use atanfull maths to rotate the shadow to the appropriate angle

Well, I'd have to say it looks quite good.

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Posted: 9th Nov 2003 03:56
That sun needs work.

It looks like it was made in <1min in paint

Sorry Had to get that off my chest

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Posted: 9th Nov 2003 05:08
it's looking realy realy good, keep it up and post some more screenshots

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Posted: 9th Nov 2003 17:56
thanks all, more screenshots on the way as i progress! the shadows are flat so yeah, i was planning on rotating them to the canvas in-game (the camera position is kinda high so shouldn't be that much of a problem )

oh yeah, by the way the sun was made in < 30 secs and with 3 primitive db spheres! it's just a replacement object though

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Posted: 10th Nov 2003 13:36
your alien is the best i've seen here.

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Posted: 10th Nov 2003 19:17
thanks ermes, better or not i just couldn't use the original alien's texture, it's too realistic, it would have clashed with my game's theme!

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Posted: 11th Nov 2003 10:03
that is a proplem of most here.
But i think we have to use the original textures.

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Posted: 17th Nov 2003 17:59 Edited at: 22nd Nov 2003 16:52
My editor's almost done, i just finnished pathfinding! Instead of doing this in-game (and loose speed) i auto-calculated in the editor (and added size). The data will be stored in the stage file so if the bots want to get from tile "a" to "b", it just checks in the path array "path(a,b)". easy here's a quick example stage i created:

the editor breaks the stage down into two parts, no-go and go zones, then finds all possible paths between the go zones. "Orange" is a no-go zones (objects blocking or to far up the mountains) and "White" is a go-zones. The green path is a test to see how a bot in-game would move between 2 tiles (18 to 590 on the pathfinding toolbar). It's not the most accurate method but suprisingly adds enough variance to make sure you can't predict where the bot's gonna go

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Posted: 17th Nov 2003 19:46
oooh looking like a damn good editor!

Do it now!!!
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Posted: 18th Nov 2003 00:36
Holy crap! That's how an editor should be done.

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Posted: 18th Nov 2003 02:16
heh thanks! i "might" release it with my entry so you can make your own custom levels and stuff, good thing is it can be used for other types of games as well like RTS's.

I bet you can't guess what kinda game this is gonna be!

Megaton Cat
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Posted: 18th Nov 2003 09:54
ummm...a fishing game?
lol just joking, looking forward to ur game.

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Posted: 21st Nov 2003 21:36
the game's kinda like vigilante 8 and twisted metal, only you can play on foot or in a vehicle! There's gonna be loads of weapons and vehicles to use, the quad you see up there is just 1 of them

anyways i've changed the images from geocities to another site so they should be visible now

Megaton Cat
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2003 02:42

That shot of the editor is SO SWEET!!!
release this NOW damn you!

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Posted: 26th Nov 2003 04:48
any chance of some in-game screenies anytime soon?
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Posted: 26th Nov 2003 12:25 Edited at: 26th Nov 2003 12:26
i'm kinda caught up in uni coursework at the moment that's why i haven't posted in a while. By December 1st i would have completed all of them and i'll resume developement and get loads of in-game screens up!

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Posted: 26th Nov 2003 13:43
That pathfinding sounds

Very nice looking editor BTW

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Posted: 26th Nov 2003 15:01
sweet editor.
And I love the textures.
Very nice work..

But I think your way of calculating the sun rays is a bit odd. Doesn't look very realistic. For that kind of area, the light should be directional, not point-like.

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Posted: 26th Nov 2003 15:21
not sure i fully understand could you elaborate?

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Posted: 27th Nov 2003 10:15
Nothing, really.
You are using a point light there, to illuminate the area. Or is it the sun?

I first assumed that you are using no actual light but just edit the normals.
Quote: "automatically creates normal data"
But I'm quite confused now.

Just that sun is so far away, at least from earth, that it will not look like a point light. Point light works like a ray from the light to the surface. That means the angle varies between different surfaces. With directional light, you don't have this problem.

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Posted: 27th Nov 2003 16:24 Edited at: 27th Nov 2003 16:27
yeah, i understand now. You "assumed" this was on earth, my bad, i should have explained the story earlier.

The game is based on a planet Naytonia, all water with a couple of islands. It has it's own sun which is located close to the planet, it all fits in with the game script. I know it may look kinda unrealistic but you have to remember it's toon theme and having the sun close to the planet not only looks good in-game (i'll get some shots up) but also fixes a lot of other problems too

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Posted: 5th Dec 2003 03:03 Edited at: 5th Dec 2003 03:05
The editor's just about complete so i've been working on the engine and came up with some "early" in-game shots. A lot of things in the screens are subject to change (like the hud) so if you have any complaints i was probably gonna change it anyway

xen on a quad with a sniper rifle

xen on a hover board with a minigun

close-up of xen with the pistol

p.s. ignore the floating houses, it was just for a test

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Posted: 5th Dec 2003 05:22
That is soooo AWSOME. im excided to see this finished. i hope the game will be as fun as it looks!

oh yes. you must reliece the editor!

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Posted: 5th Dec 2003 12:29
Thanks, the storyline involves only 8 stages, so i'll probably release the editor so you can make more

Van B
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Posted: 5th Dec 2003 13:31
Looking great, hope you get it finished in time.

Gotta love that quad, how's your controls for that?, I always enjoy vehicle control - especially in Halo, I loved how you could just jump in and out of the vehicles. Tell us about your quad and your hoverboard.


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Posted: 5th Dec 2003 16:28 Edited at: 5th Dec 2003 16:29
Here's the script:
xen is a lost pilot, he left his home planet "Xenin" on a routine space exploration mission and was sucked into a black hole, he's now trying to find his way home. His one-man ship is low on fuel and oxygen so he was desprately searching for a planet to land on, thats when he found the planet "Naytonia".

Part I: The Haydens (the competition entry)

The Haydens are an evil alien race, they basically conquer planets, use all it's recources and move on, keeping it's occupants as slaves. You just happen to be in the right place at the wrong time 'cus thier taking over Naytonia as a soldier, you are obliged to help those in need, the catch is you have no weapons

The haydens position supplies (weapons, vehicles and items) all over the planet to aid thier troops and guess what.. you can use them too you have to battle the haydens through 8 unique areas of the planet and free the Naytonians.

I've got about 4 vehicles so i don't want the physics to be too complex, plus it "is" a toon themed game. The game controls like max payne, the waist down acts independent from the chest up. On the quad, "wasd" controls the quad while the mouse controls xen's aiming (both y and x axis). I'll get a quick demo up for feedback soon

Van B
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Posted: 5th Dec 2003 17:15
Sounds good!.

My plot is a little similar to yours, but I don't think there's a lot of scope for more ambitious projects like this, we have an alien with no history, damn plots are more trouble than their worth!. The biggest problem for me is finding an excuse for the destinct lack of other soldiers in my game, probably gonna go for the old 'Humans are now canned goods' scenario. I was imagining a huge mothership making stops at planets to pick up supplies, and earth just happens to be on the same route. I suppose the plot for these things won't matter too much, I'm just trying not to make myself cringe when I try and come up with the plot for my game!.

I reckon your quad controls are spot on and that'll really make the gameplay stand out.

Good luck.


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Posted: 5th Dec 2003 20:36
I recon this is going to be amazing.

After all, I've never played a bad game that involved the word "Xen"

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Posted: 5th Dec 2003 21:13 Edited at: 5th Dec 2003 21:15
van B:
thanks! my plot involves a mothership too, but in the long run.

Quote: "I suppose the plot for these things won't matter too much"

yeah, i just needed a reason for mindless in-game action and just came up with one.

i'd better work harder then, i'd hate to disapoint

Megaton Cat
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Posted: 5th Dec 2003 22:42
hey hexgear, this game is! Alot of style to it
absolute great work on this, this game is gona kick alien ass at the compo


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