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Geek Culture / [LOCKED] I'm back - for better or worse

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Posted: 25th Jun 2014 16:41 Edited at: 25th Jun 2014 16:43
Huh. Seems like it's been a while since I visited TGC. Didn't even realize you're unbanned here, even though we must've interacted on skype at some point in the meantime.

Welcome back, TheComet! (:

Quote: "* How is everyone?"

Splendiferous. Also, not active on TGC anymore I guess.

Quote: "* Can I get a list of people running Linux or Mac?"

I have Windows 7 on this laptop here which now serves as a stationary desktop PC. One could say it retired to my desktop because of inferior build quality and problems with faulty HDD-connectors. (what's the translation of Wackelkontakt again?)

But my small new Thinkpad with a SSD running Lubuntu is pretty darn fast! Does everything I want it to and is invaluable at the Fachhochschule.
I also do not like the new Ubuntu, but for the most part it was just the new "frontend" with the weird sidebar thingy that put me off. I dunno, Lubuntu / Xubuntu / Kubuntu (haven't used that last one yet personally) all seem like fine alternatives.

Quote: "* Can I get a list of people programming in a non-TGC language?
* Can I get some info on what you're all currently developing (be it TGC related or not)?"

Went back into Java for a bit and tried my hand at LWJGL again. Which is basically just a static wrapper for OpenGL and some other stuff. Which seems /really/ weird if you think about it. Why is it static. I can not tell you. But I haven't done much with that anyways.

Quote: "
[...] and their unity window manager is still extremely sluggish and homosexual."

So... is that a good thing then? I'm sorry, whenever someone uses a sexual orientation to say something is bad I have to question their sanity. It has become a sort of knee-jerk reaction. Also your gay. [sic]

And it's interesting to hear that you completed your apprenticeship and are now planning to study at a Fachhochschule too!
I went through the whole gymnasium thing and used my Abitur to fail at a University as you might know. Now I'm 21 and at a FH. I guess you used your time better than I did.

Other than that... I made two MLP artworks these last few fays; it has been over a year since I did anything like that. Hooray. I shall try to locate the new pony-thread on this board after psting here!

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Posted: 25th Jun 2014 18:41
Good to hear about everyone!

Quote: "what's the translation of Wackelkontakt again?"

Precarious communion.

Quote: "So... is that a good thing then? I'm sorry, whenever someone uses a sexual orientation to say something is bad I have to question their sanity. It has become a sort of knee-jerk reaction. Also your gay. [sic]"

Okay listen. Let me get one thing straight. Or a few things straight, now that I read this through in retrospect.

You are hopefully aware of my stance towards homosexuals (and basically any other activity not abiding to social norms), which is that I could not give a damn about anyone's choices unless they're destructive or harmful towards third parties, directly or indirectly.

Be that as it may, the words "homosexual" and "gay" are not considered to be vulgar terms and can be used in a humorous way without being offensive to the majority of people - including homosexuals themselves, since homosexuals are aware of their sexual orientation anyway and have come to live with that fact.

The context in which I used the word doesn't discriminate against homosexual people. The word has gained a double meaning, allowing one of its uses - the way I used it - to be an exclamation of frustration rather than a targeted jab towards a group of people's choices in sexuality.

In fact, I'd like to use this example to point out how incredibly important your choice of words can be if you are trying to reflect well in public, and how stupidly fixed people can get on one single word someone says, causing everything else to be disregarded.

For instance, Steve Martin, republican of Virginia, disagrees with abortions. Not too uncommon to have this opinion in America these days (not that I agree with it), and his opinion would have quickly been forgotten and disregarded had he not referred to a woman as a "host".

Offensiveness aside, this story is fascinating to me because it's a prime example of people latching on to something so indubitably insignificant and utterly irrelevant that the bigger picture is wholly overlooked.

There are so many other examples of the mainstream media focusing on irrelevant crap like what words people use instead of focusing on what they should be focusing on, namely the content of what someone is communicating. But since nearly everyone today is gullible enough, the media can easily exploit us to bias the general opinion of something, Steve Martin being a prime example of this.

Not only is this bad reporting, but it constructs a world in which people are taught to think the same way as the media. We're slowly losing our ability to interpret something as humorous and are instead substituting it with an ability to see everything as potentially offensive, just so we can fit into some imaginary social standards put in place by weak minded, obedient, and may I even claim, dumb people.

People who can't even have a laugh at a tasteless joke once in a while, or at least possess the tolerance to accept someone else's sense of humour and honestly feel it necessary to point out that my use of the word "homosexual" in referral to a window manager is offensive, should re-think where they are (the internet) and what it says about them that makes them react in that way.

So no, their window manager is not a good thing.

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Posted: 25th Jun 2014 20:24 Edited at: 26th Jun 2014 00:31
People, people, timeout. You in that corner, you in the other! It's like this:

PC (Political Correctness) is offensive because it uses the same acronym as Physically Challenged (we don't say "disabled" no more, dunno why since a rose by any other name is still an overpriced flower). Y'all dig? No? Kay, Ima spell it best I can in that fancy lingo y'all like to hear:

By its own nature, Political Correctness infringes on people's rights to individual views. That is, it enforces certain criteria on word use which inhibit free speech. Now, while I do grant the use of "homosexual" is wrong, the use of "gay" is not. The term "gay" does not belong to homosexual people. The term belongs to English, aka God (don't look at me like that, English is an awesome language ... wait, what am I saying? English is dreadful and inconsistent and illogical. Awe but it's pretty, almost as pretty as I am). So that had nothing to do with anything. Anyhow, English owns "gay" and "gay" means happy. I feel so gay as I post this message. I'm gay when I play video games. I'm gay when I write stuff. I'm gay when I watch anime. I'm gay whenever I watch FIM (err scratch that). I'm gay with my friends (oops, did it again, I better stop before Jun comes into this). Well I made my point, I think (I don't recall what it was). So good. Established:

gay != homosexual

Well now, I suppose the question is did, or did not, our friend use "homosexual" badly. That's really hard to say. He meant it as a pun on the typical use of the word "gay". But I guess it was still wrong on a technical level. Let's just settle on it being an unintentional technical foul. Can we do that? Sure. Now you two quit arguing, kiss and make up and I'll fetch us some cake and tea.

I had more fun with writing that than you all will have reading it. If I didn't carry a big boy badge, I'd have had more fun but I have to be good now that I have a badge.

For the record, there are worse things than being called "gay" in a derogatory fashion. Imagine being called "Justin Bieber"!?
Actually, mate, you should edit your post to "Unity DE is totally Justin Bieber"

Disclaimer: If this post offended you, try reading upside-down because, clearly, you misunderstood it and that makes you at fault and so Justin Bieber I could yell, "Bieber!"

Edit: I hope no one already read this post and saw "it's" instead of "its". If you did, then I apologise, for it is, far more so than the drivel in this post, truly offensive to be subjected to bad grammar.

"I was in nASA before it was cool" -- Original nASA Members (nonZero, DJD and TheComet)
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Posted: 26th Jun 2014 00:43 Edited at: 26th Jun 2014 00:44
Disclaimer: None of this is worth reading, maybe except for the last few lines.

Okay whoa. I guess this is your thread, Alex, so you can derail it all you want... but did you really just do that?

Quote: "Quote: "what's the translation of Wackelkontakt again?""

Quote: "Precarious communion."

First of all, I'm like 99% certain that that's not true.

Second of all... that other stuff you said.
Quote: "You are hopefully aware of my stance towards homosexuals (and basically any other activity not abiding to social norms), which is that I could not give a damn about anyone's choices unless they're destructive or harmful towards third parties, directly or indirectly."

That's a very reasonable stance imho and yes I was aware that you do not have a problem with gay people (I'm referring to a sexual orientation here, not being judmental of people's general qualities)

I understand that these words have come to use as general descriptors of "bad" or "uncool" or whatever. I just personally dislike the heck out of that (can you do that? I don't think that's how english works...) because it uses a word describing what some people are (and cannot change and shouldn't and probably won't) to describe things you dislike. That's like saying "Yo that's thing is so mentally disabled." ... okay I tried really hard to think of anything equivalent here, but other than the good old "You can't use the word retarded like that, that makes you a horrible person!". Which I think is taking it too far, cuz that word has kinda already been morphed into a general description of "bad".

Okay so, err, my point was this: I totally understand that pointing my finger at someone and saying "You can't say that word in that context!" is fairly small-minded and pretentious. The reasoning I have (after having this discussion before) is that that use of the word "gay" doesn't just take a generic word and give it a new meaning. There's now this weird connection between "homosexual" and "random awful thing". And if now someone happens to read this who also happens to be in a phase where they question their sexual orientation all they see is "Bad things are gay. Probably not a good idea to be gay then, eh."
I know I know my reasoning might be stupid or gay or retarded or just really swiss. But I won't just yet change my mind just 'cause everyone tells me "Duuude you got this all wrooong, we mean some other word that just sounds a lot like this word."
I think it's a respect thing. Even if everyone around you is okay with it, doesn't mean is a frickin' smart idea, lol.
(People can say whatever they want, doesn't mean I have to like or respect it (: )

I actually remember having this discussion with you before, Alex. And all I will continue to do is to be that guy. Who asks "So, is that a good thing then? (:" Whenever something is "gay". Or maybe I'll say "Huh, didn't know potatoes had a sexual orientation!". I will never be a pretentious dick about it. I hope.
(Unless you're aggressively insulting a person but we're talking humor and jokes here. So yeah.)

And the last thing I wanted was a long discussion where I have to defend myself because of a semi-humorous note I wrote about a humorous quote of yours. The last person I expected to argue with was you, TheComet. xD
(I agree with nonZero, we have to kiss now, otherwise none of this makes sense. TheComet, will you marry me? <3 )

nonZero, you're a Justin Bieber person and you should feel really Justin Bieber about the things you wrote.
Your post was fun to read but none of it makes sense. Haha.

Also for the record TheComet is still an awesome person. Just everyone remember that.

(I hope we both get banned for this, that'd be superific fun)
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Posted: 26th Jun 2014 01:55
Quote: ""Yo that's thing is so mentally disabled.""

You just made the internet better!

Quote: "nonZero, you're a Justin Bieber person and you should feel really Justin Bieber about the things you wrote."

I'm mortified. You don't get cake or tea now! And using someone's own dis against them is so mentally-challenged.

Quote: "Your post was fun to read but none of it makes sense."

Oh good, it wasn't supposed to (unless you read it upside down).

"I was in nASA before it was cool" -- Original nASA Members (nonZero, DJD and TheComet)
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Posted: 26th Jun 2014 04:45
Quote: "Edit: I hope no one already read this post and saw "it's" instead of "its". If you did, then I apologise, for it is, far more so than the drivel in this post, truly offensive to be subjected to bad grammar."

CDO? (It's alphabetical)

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Posted: 26th Jun 2014 05:40
Quote: "Be that as it may, the words "homosexual" and "gay" are not considered to be vulgar terms and can be used in a humorous way without being offensive to the majority of people - including homosexuals themselves, since homosexuals are aware of their sexual orientation anyway and have come to live with that fact."


Also your gay're then a box of rock's.
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Posted: 26th Jun 2014 10:53
Quote: "Also your gay're then a box of rock's."

Four deliberate errors I hope.

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Posted: 26th Jun 2014 11:42 Edited at: 26th Jun 2014 12:12
Quote: "Also your gay're then a box of rock's."

I know you're attracted to me sweetie, but I'm not like that.

(@RedFlames - Have to scoot to work, but will respond when I have time)

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Posted: 26th Jun 2014 12:16
Please don't... I dunno if I have any more nonsensical tangents in me.

"I was in nASA before it was cool" -- Original nASA Members (nonZero, DJD and TheComet)
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Posted: 26th Jun 2014 13:52
I happen to agree that the word gay does not belong to any sexual orientated group and that the use of it can be meant in a none offensive, playful way such as "That is so gay" meaning "That is so bizarre / crazy / stupid". This is not referencing "gay" people as bizarre / crazy / stupid any more than saying "That is so dumb" is referencing people who can't speak.

That said I still try to be fairly careful how or when I use such statements...
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Posted: 26th Jun 2014 17:20 Edited at: 26th Jun 2014 17:25

I'm so sorry, it seems I failed to interpret what you truly meant by asking if that's a good thing or not, which I now assume is that you were implying being gay is not actually a bad thing, and through that introduced ambiguity into my statement about the window manager.

We need to show these people how not-offended gay people really are by marrying each other. Commence the marriage ceremonies right now at this moment in time. nonZero, you're president, that's like being a priest isn't it?

Quote: "First of all, I'm like 99% certain that that's not true."

Are you trying to tell me google translate is mentally disabled?

On a more serious note: I'm not trying to attack you, my whole point is I feel that in general people are taking things that are supposed to be funny a little too seriously.

I've spent loads of my time thinking about this, and I have a very strong opinion about people who nit-pick at someone's choice of vocabulary rather than focus on the content of what the person is actually saying.

I'd have no problem discriminating against homosexuals without once using the words "gay" or "homosexual", just as I'd have no problem applauding homosexuals by using the words "gay" and "homosexual" continuously. The choice of words is irrelevant, it's the way you use them that matters.

Quote: "The reasoning I have (after having this discussion before) is that that use of the word "gay" doesn't just take a generic word and give it a new meaning. There's now this weird connection between "homosexual" and "random awful thing". And if now someone happens to read this who also happens to be in a phase where they question their sexual orientation all they see is "Bad things are gay. Probably not a good idea to be gay then, eh."
I know I know my reasoning might be stupid or gay or retarded or just really swiss."

No, no, it's valid and I see where you're coming from. It does add a negative spin to the word if everyone uses it as such (not that that's already the case, right?), and some people do get offended by someone using the word "gay" to describe window managers, and I can accept that fact.

It probably won't change the way I speak, though. I've always used the word "gay" or "retarded" as a way to express my frustration about something. Even if I were a raving homosexual - and I'm not - I'd still use it the way I've always used it.

Actually, I think the closest analogy to the word "gay" I can make is "Brony". That word has an incredibly negative spin to it. Especially if you tie it to things like "fedora wearing", "neck-bearded", and "classy". In fact, the word "Brony" has become so incredibly despised that most Bronies don't like to be called that anymore.

So if we take all of that and substitute my original quote with:
Quote: "[...] and their unity window manager is still extremely sluggish and fedora-wearing."

Hmm, nah, I don't see how that's offensive in any way.

How about the phrase "what, are you a brony or something?" instead of "what, are you retarded or something?".

I guess that's pretty offensive to Bronies. I can imagine myself saying discriminating things about Bronies in a humorous way, and I don't think I'd be too offended if anyone were to say something like that around me either. That got me thinking. Maybe I will change the way I think about "gay" now.

Then again, I definitely would not use the phrase "what, are you retarded or something?" around someone who is actually retarded.

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Posted: 26th Jun 2014 19:41
You have some good arguments and I totally understand where you're coming from. And censoring someone else's way of expressing themselves is never a good thing. That wasn't really what I wanted anyways. I need to properly think through what the point I wanted to make was. Lemme reply to your post first of all.

Quote: "I'm so sorry, it seems I failed to interpret what you truly meant by asking if that's a good thing or not, which I now assume is that you were implying being gay is not actually a bad thing, and through that introduced ambiguity into my statement about the window manager."

Well yes. That was the whole point. When someone uses "gay" as an obvious equivalent to "bad" I shall be there and ask the really dumb question "Wait, so are you saying this is a good thing? Whose definition of 'gay' are we using?"

Also this got me to think, maybe in english "gay" has already become the next "retarded". If that makes any sense whatsoever, lol. Atleast in german "schwul" is still first and foremost aequivalent to homosexual.
Also I've been around some guys who constantly make remarks like that. And every second word seems to be [insert word for male genital here]. They are pretty gay aka frustrating. (no homo) *tacks a big irony sign on that for safety*

I said it in the other post, my concern probably seem unjustified and misguided.

Quote: "I've spent loads of my time thinking about this, and I have a very strong opinion about people who nit-pick at someone's choice of vocabulary rather than focus on the content of what the person is actually saying."

That's very good and reasonable, there's no point in fussing about choice of words if you disregard what is actually being expressed. Dennoch: Der Ton macht die Musik. The internet claims the translation of this proverb is "It's not what you say, but how you say it." but I like the german version better.
My point with that being, that the way you say something can very well carry a lot of undercurrent and subtext. I don't know what half of these words mean but I'm gonna use 'em anyways!

Quote: "In fact, the word "Brony" has become so incredibly despised that most Bronies don't like to be called that anymore."

Really? I didn't know that. But let's take that as an example.
Let's assume Bronies were as common and well known as gay people. And as it happens you have just now realized you really love dem pones, man, you just can't help it. But everyone around you always says things like "Oh man, I hate that guy, he's such a effin' brony." or "Are you stupid? What are you, a ponyfag?"
And if that's the general vibe you get from your environment, would you be happy to 'out yourself' as a Brony?

I know, I know my example is exaggerated. Then again being a Brony is not as big a part of your identity, of what makes you you, as your sexual orientation is.

Quote: "Even if I were a raving homosexual - and I'm not - I'd still use it the way I've always used it."

Oh yeah, another thing. My opinion in this is that people who are part of the group who they would potentially offend can use the word how they see fit. Just my opinion.
I sometimes refer to myself as a furfag just because I can. Maybe that's just an attempt at reclaiming a word with a negative connotation or just to show that I don't really care. I dunno.
Just like black people are somehow allowed to use the N-word but white people are not.

Also I should note that I'm definitely not gay. My current understanding of myself (which is always blurry, lol) is something like panromantic / bisexual. Or maybe even just bicurious with some other weird preferences. Who knows. (Oh wait, I of all people shouuld know. Whoops.)
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Posted: 26th Jun 2014 19:47
Okay, looks like this thread is treading on thin ice. I don't want to see anyone get banned, especially not people whose original ban has not even expired yet. Let me share some thoughts... ...actually, let me not. Instead I'll share this poem:

Up the hill, up the hill, over to the big bird's tree
Where no chickens roost, no pigeons nest, but plenty canaries agree
It's a nice spot where water blooms and clouds flit about with pigs
It's a great tree, though upside-down, whose roots are full of figs
And next to it, the old man sings, a sad but funny song
And children play with cigarettes, smoking all day long
At night the mushrooms laugh and sing a favorite little tune
While apples and bananas gather, howling at the moon
Finally the kites come home and up rises a star
Burning bigger, brighter still, even from afar
Cackle, cackle, the witches laugh, and with monkeys play
While folks on TGC debate, whether unity is gay
But little did they know, that Unity is bi
Which made my PC laugh so hard, it soon began to cry
And little Timmy's missing, where ever did he go
To hide away somewhere else, to avoid being on that show
Penguine-geese with fish's tails are sailing through the sky
I am on medication but, I promise I'm not high*

*Not more than usual

Ladies, you're both pretty (but I'm still the prettiest). No mas.

Quote: "We need to show these people how not-offended gay people really are by marrying each other. Commence the marriage ceremonies right now at this moment in time. nonZero, you're president, that's like being a priest isn't it?"

I was kinda hoping your were gonna be the 7th member of my harem. Still, if you two find happiness, you have my blessing. /Bittersweet-Ending.
In the name of the Ghost, the Machine and Florence (ba-dum--tish) I now pronounce you partner and partner.

I am now going to eat cake by myself. Oh, and I am sorry for messing about in your serious discourse but I'm actually trying to prevent a lock 'n ban here... Ah who am I kidding, I'm using it as an excuse to post rubbish. Oh, and forgive typos and grammar errors, I can't be bothered checking this tonight.

I sent you mail (resuming that conversation we were having about a month back).

"I was in nASA before it was cool" -- Original nASA Members (nonZero, DJD and TheComet)
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Posted: 26th Jun 2014 21:25
@nonZero - It seems your post's content is actually... *drum roll* non-zero.

Nice poem is what I'm saying, you should do more of those! I recall dark java dude writing nonsensical poems in The Posting Competition, all of them were hilarious.

@RedFlames - Why are we debating? Not that it is not interesting of course, but it seems we've both reached a conclusion not too dissimilar, and I sparked the beginning of it because I misunderstood you in the first place.

Quote: "Dennoch: Der Ton macht die Musik."

This is very true.

Quote: "Really? I didn't know that. But let's take that as an example.
Let's assume Bronies were as common and well known as gay people. And as it happens you have just now realized you really love dem pones, man, you just can't help it. But everyone around you always says things like "Oh man, I hate that guy, he's such a effin' brony." or "Are you stupid? What are you, a ponyfag?"
And if that's the general vibe you get from your environment, would you be happy to 'out yourself' as a Brony?"

You wouldn't believe how accurate you actually are, and I have been in that situation a few times myself. If me outing myself doesn't directly get me killed as a consequence (like a gang of Turks in a dark alley in Switzerland asking me at knife-point if I'm a Brony), or isn't necessary to maintain a high position in a crucial pecking order (say at the military), and the topic happens to come up whether I'm a Brony or not, then I will definitely out myself. I won't care how many times I get called "ponyfag" or "horse you-know-what" after that. I like to stand my ground, and if someone doesn't like that then that's their problem.

But I'm not going to rub it into anyone's face that I'm a Brony. Same way no one else brags about liking Sherlock, Doctor Who, or Animes. There's nothing special about being a Brony and it definitely doesn't put you on a pedestal among your peers for admitting you like a cartoon.

Is "Brony" and "ponyfag" offensive? It depends. If it's used in pure spite, a way to deliberately inflict emotional damage, then yes, definitely, but so is every other word in its place.

In any other case I would not be offended, and even join in on playfully mocking Bronies in general, if that so happens to be the topic of discussion.

Does any of that make sense?

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Posted: 26th Jun 2014 21:52 Edited at: 26th Jun 2014 21:56
It all makes sense, and I have no idea why we're having this debate either! I didn't want or expect it to happen. I think we're done here.

Edit: Oh and nonZy, that was a nice poem indeed! Am I allowed to call you nonzy? Or maybe non-zense. nonzey. nonzie? I can't decide!
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Posted: 27th Jun 2014 00:00
Quote: "non-zense"

He is the non-Zen of non-sense.

We established earlier that he is the most kawaii, so I'd go for nonzie because that's the cutest sounding.

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Posted: 27th Jun 2014 03:10
Quote: "I know I know my reasoning might be stupid or gay or retarded or just really swiss."

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Posted: 27th Jun 2014 23:41
Quote: "Am I allowed to call you nonzy?"

Only if the Z is capatalised and you you an ie instead of a y and draw a heart on the dot of the "i".

Can I call you "Redy"...never mind. "Flamesie"... err. "RF"... nah... "Red", yes, Red sounds good. Shall Red be good?

"I was in nASA before it was cool" -- Original nASA Members (nonZero, DJD and TheComet)
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Posted: 28th Jun 2014 17:11
So much gay nonsense here. Someone seriously needs to get out of the closet

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Posted: 28th Jun 2014 22:07
Well, you'd better come into the closet, that's where all the fun stuff happens! I've been to an imaginary closet once before but all I found was a kangaroo who refused to leave.

But yeah, anyone feel gay yet? We need a gay priest to exorcise these heterosexual demons!
(If nonZie is allowed to pst nonZense I'm allowed to do the same, no? Did this thread still have any purpose?)

@nonZie: (I'm sorry, this medium does not allow for hearts on the 'i's ._.)
Well yeah you could call me any of that if you want to! Some people prefer to call me BlueWater though.
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Posted: 28th Jun 2014 22:21
Quote: "So much gay nonsense here. Someone seriously needs to get out of the closet"

Okay, you go first.

Quote: "Did this thread still have any purpose?"

Well duh! This is The Gay Posting Competition. Brendy just got points.

Quote: "I'm sorry, this medium does not allow for hearts on the 'i's ._."

Enlighten me: how is this my problem? Get creative, damnit! *Ahem* I mean Red-chan, please think of a way to overcome this, desu.

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Posted: 30th Jun 2014 04:51
Quote: "This is The Gay Posting Competition."
Does this thread spout rainbows??

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Posted: 30th Jun 2014 10:11
Quote: "Does this thread spout rainbows??"

Nope, that's the MLP thread. This thread spouts evil sexually-tolerant propaganda, anti-PC sentiments and lots of closets.

Incidentally, Narnia must be gay since it's in a closet, right?

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Posted: 30th Jun 2014 10:18
Quote: "Nope, that's the MLP thread"
I forgot about that one!!!

Quote: "Incidentally, Narnia must be gay since it's in a closet, right?"
This man is genius. Elect him for president!

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Posted: 30th Jun 2014 20:32

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Posted: 30th Jun 2014 20:57
We're still three posts away from the next gay-points. We need more contestants. Everypony, listen up, this thing's low-risk and you can make lots of gay-points. It's really worth giving it a try. So, uh, who's gaym?

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Posted: 30th Jun 2014 22:13
I have null public stance on gayity, but I shall post here to support the others.

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Posted: 30th Jun 2014 22:37
Posting next is a great way to gayn some gay-points.

"I was in nASA before it was cool" -- Original nASA Members (nonZero, DJD and TheComet)
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Posted: 30th Jun 2014 22:42 Edited at: 30th Jun 2014 22:45
GAY POINTS![b][/b]

Oh wow, that formats very poorly on the live forums... I still got points.

Flash is falling out of... Flashion.
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Posted: 6th Jul 2014 03:37
I have been using Haxe for some games lately, only because it's really easy to develop with my Mac for all platforms (iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, Flash, HTML5).

Oh, and I'm locking this thread because Geek Culture already has Post Competition where people can just be silly and bump threads for no good reason.

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