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Geek Culture / Religion...and me.

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Posted: 24th Dec 2003 00:39
I've decided to post this most likely because I'm in a very low mood.

This is not about my beliefs concerning religion. I have too many of them and I could probably, like many of you, write a book about it. All I'm going to say is that I'm almost seventeen. I was a Christian for the first sixteen years of my life before I finally "woke up" - or perhaps "died", to a lot of you.

Where I'm going with this is that there is a huge conflict that I see between my Mom and I. Two weeks ago, someone wanted to switch hours with me at Wendy's because they were going away for the day. Being a nice guy (that I think I am) and needing the hours, I accepted. The hours? Seven in the morning to two o'clock. On a Sunday. My Mom seemed fine with it.

Last week, I came home from an eight hour shift on Saturday. While at work I found out my friend John hadn't seen the first two Lord of the Rings movies. Because I knew he'd like it (and I wanted him to go see the third one with me), we decided to rent the first two and watch them that night. Also, I would just sleep over at his house. Naturally I asked my Mom's permission to do so beforehand. Again, she was fine with it. While in the shower, she came in to the bathroom and asked, "So does this mean you aren't going to church tomorrow?" I replied. "Yes." She said something along the lines of "You guys disappoint me" and walked out, closing the door loudly behind her.

I suppose before continuing I need to back up. The reason she said "You guys" instead of "you" is because I'm a twin. My brother is in nearly the same situation I am. He is not a Christian. He doesn't like to go to church either. As far as his story about "losing his faith", don't ask me. I don't know, and that's up to him to talk about. Furthermore, don't assume I'm not a Christian because he's not or vice versa. I didn't discover until about four months after "losing my faith" that he also had "lost his faith". Additionally, she has known for a while that I am not a Christian. When she found out, she gave me the whole "So if you were to die today, what would happen to your soul" BS. Trying to scare me into Christianity. I hate it.

Back to the story. Tonight while at the dinner table, she said "You guys are going to stop making plans for Saturday night and Sunday mornings and get back to going to church." We got into a small argument and her points, which, by the way, are not remotely valid, are "It is my responsibility as a parent to ensure that you get the proper religious upbringing", etc. I told her that going to church will not do anything for me. It was working out for the first sixteen years until I woke up. (Of course I didn't say that exacting thing, but you know.) She said something about instead of going to Sunday school, I should just go to church with her. I failed to see how this would make a difference and told her so. She told me that if I actually listened than eventually it would start to sink in. This pisses me off for two reasons. a) She assumes I don't listen in Sunday School, which is utter BS. I do listen to their brainwashing crap, I have for the past sixteen years, and I'm SICK of it. Sometimes I just want to go insane, stand up, and tell them how ridiculous they are. b) You know what? In all the time that I was a Christian, I did let it "sink in". But you know what I DIDN'T let sink in? Everyone else's point of view. I was a closed minded moron as far as I can see. Anyway, she also gave me the "well if you were to die today, what would happen to your soul" crap again. She has no ground to stand on.

I could shoot her down so quickly with all the information I've gathered - with all the sides that I've heard (Christian and secular) - but I can't do it. She's a sensitive woman. Let's get one thing straight, I love my Mother, I just don't love her religion. In fact, I hate her religion, and I hate the fact that she's been brainwashed into it. That is the reason I can't argue. She'll cry because she thinks I'm a bad person. Does it piss me off? Hell yes. But I cannot stand seeing her cry. I really don't know what to say or do. I just really, REALLY needed to get that off my chest.

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Posted: 24th Dec 2003 00:43
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Posted: 24th Dec 2003 00:46
Thanks, you're a world of help megaman.

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Posted: 24th Dec 2003 01:00
Sorry, I guess I acted like a dolt.
I just had not red it because it seemed long and boring. Well I just did. It sounds like quite the situation. But I want to ask. You said at 17 you finally "Woke up"

Quote: ""losing my faith""

So...what makes you "Find" faith in the first place?
My mom is a Chrsitian. She used to go to Church but not anymore. And I wouldn't go even if she forced me to. SO you decide what's best for you.

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Posted: 24th Dec 2003 01:03
and don't call me megaman

Preston C
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Posted: 24th Dec 2003 01:03
Yeah, that problem with your mom is a load of BS. People can believe in whatever religion they want, freely, without the consent of their guardians. I prefer Christianity though. I've rarely ever been motivated against it, and I prefer believing in God and Jesus. I do not argue against other religions though, because we all need to have something to look forward to at death. If they dont believe in what I believe, so what. We dont know what happens when a person dies, and until we find a way of immortality, it will always be a persons main fear in life. Hopefully someone finds the secret to immortality, then we wont live in fear of Death. But then we may hinder our own existance. I can stand with it so a person cant have children (except a select handful, so just incase populations drop somehow, they can start it up again) if immortality was at stake.

So all in all, believe what you want to believe, as long as it comforts you about what happens after death.


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Posted: 24th Dec 2003 01:08
If your mum truely loves you she will let you be an agnostic or athiest and stand behind your views regardless.
Religion is a crutch for those who dont want to think about there own moral judgements and rely on outdated set of rules and instructions.
There would be a lot less dramas in this world if people accepted differences of opinion with regards to spirituality.
Isnt there a saying in christianity about casting the first stone?
that term refers to killing someone by stoning them to death, charming religion isnt it.?

What ever you do tho dont seek out other religious orders and think one is better than the other. Spend some time not being religous, you can be apart of an order i guess but not be a practising participant for a while. Theres a lot of christians I know who are just fine and dont practise going to church each week. IF you or your mum does any work on the day of sabbath you would be breaking the rules in your religion, I guess some rules are ignored when it comes to making money etc.. so its a whole bunch of nonsense and very hypercrticial.

Your at a stage in your life where it will be soon possible to leave home and make your own judgements. Some kids leave as soon as they get a chance and some kids hang around their parents for a little longer. The biggest pitfall as soon as you leave home is supporting yourself with an income. I would of stayed at home if I had the opportunity again and saved for a deposit on a house so all my rent wasnt waisted on some other persons house.
luckily i managed to turn all that around but keep that in mind if you plan to strike it out on your own.

If your mum was seriously concerned about your opinion she would have asked you why you have lost faith per say. There would not be a drama in listening to your ideas regarding the current religous blanket and theory your being taught.

The templar knights of the christian order would tronce into the middle east and hold themselves up in castles with fear and hatred for fellow man. the arabs would give them trinkets to send home made of low quality gold and this would appease them. You wonder why in todays current climate that they have such a hatred for them.

Religion is not a ticket to be agro or violent yet its always the way it will be because there are people who dont want to think for themselves. Some people have given up thinking and just want a set of rules to follow blindly so they dont have to waist time thinking about what repercussions there actions caused. yes thats a very ignorant way to lead your one chance at life. People should be held accountable for such digression but they are not.

Religion is a cash cow and a way for the masses to find solitude amongst others, just because theres a lot of theives or barbers or butchers or carpenters doesnt make it correct.

The catholic religous order has an amazing amount of property and land, you could consider there interests more than just "faith"

The mormons have one of the largest databses in the world of births deaths records. Since its not a free service to access it you could say there interests are elsewhere.

I think you should sit down with your mum and find out what makes her mad regarding it and assure her you can be a non practising christian for a while or perhaps share your views regarding being agnostic or athiest. Anything else is not a win win situation for the both of you and nothing should come between the love of family , not even false icons of god or religious practises.

good luck bro, if its any help my parents have let me decide when i want to be christianed and so im 30 and have not yet had watrer splashed on my head yet Im kind to fellow man and dont have suicidal tendancies or malicous streaks of hate and rage. I look at many religions and see how they work and digest there theories but dont practise in any of them. Ive also looked into asiatic religions and I think if I had to choose one I might take budism but then again we know what relgion stands for when it comes to ones own thoughts and moral compass judgements.
Megaton Cat
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Posted: 24th Dec 2003 01:10
I find relegion useless.
Who are we fooling by saying "There is a god" or "It is a miracle" when there is no one there?

Ian T
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Posted: 24th Dec 2003 01:11
'Let's get one thing straight, I love my Mother, I just don't love her religion.'

Very wise of you to seperate the two .

I hope the problem dosen't escolate to that level, but I might note that at sixteen you have every right to do whatever you want to with your life, and she dosen't really have a say in your religious choices. Of course, she's also, legally, granting you a home and food out of her own free will, so keep that in mind too .

I don't know what advice to give you-- luckily, my family allows me to make my own religious choises and does not try to impose theirs upon me, so there is no such problem over here.

--Mouse: Famous (Avatarless) Fighting Furball

A very nice %it, indeed.
Megaton Cat
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Posted: 24th Dec 2003 01:13 Edited at: 24th Dec 2003 01:14
I agree with indi.
When I was younger, in school, they red to us a story where:

Every year in a small village somewhere not-importent, everyone draws a slip of paper from a hat. Whoever draws the red paper get's stoned to death on the spot. They even threw rocks and a 10 year old girl untill she died, as a sacrifice to "god".

Now I don't think if god exsited he would have approved of this crap

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Posted: 24th Dec 2003 01:13
'Religion is a crutch for those who dont want to think about there own moral judgements and rely on outdated set of rules and instructions.'

Disagree completely. It's true to say that if his mother wanted freedom for him, she'd let him be Christian where she's an athiest.

But it's different when she's a Christian. She truly believes he'll go to hell if he dosen't turn around, and she's truly trying to help him. The thing is trying to get her to see outside of Christianity-- which is probaly impossible because those who truly believe in it have come to that conclusion throughout their lives and will be able to argue their case very well.

--Mouse: Famous (Avatarless) Fighting Furball

A very nice %it, indeed.
John H
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Posted: 24th Dec 2003 01:16
I go to a small Christian school, and I believe the teachings myself. I dont try and convince others to believe one thing or another. I think its great that there are people spreading the word to whoever wants to listen, but I wouldnt FORCE someone to listen because I think thats exactly what Christianity tells you NOT to do.

I dont believe in FORCING people into a religion (seemingly what your Mom is doing) but if she simply suggested something to you, I would have nothing against that.


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Posted: 24th Dec 2003 02:01
I drunk some water and it relieved my thirst. In other words, a vast specific molecular compound that I can easily access by tapping into a fascinatingly intricite mechanism interacted with my body's interal organs and a huge cellular reaction relieved my body's water deficiancy, then sending messages to my brain through a complex cell system that my thirst was relieved. I find that miraculous. Don't even mention computers.

--Mouse: Famous (Avatarless) Fighting Furball

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Posted: 24th Dec 2003 02:03
Quote: "Okay, you still have to ask your mom's permission or approval ?"

Umm yeah, I still care about my parents and respect what they have to say. God, it's their house dude. I can't just do whatever I want, I owe that much to them. BTW, our bathroom door doesn't have a lock. She just kind of knocked, opened it (not really came in and sat there) and asked me. God, people!

The rest of you, thank you for replying. I will read your posts ASAP.

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Posted: 24th Dec 2003 02:08
HZence, chin up lad.

You've made your own choice, which is the right thing to do. I was in a similar situation, but decided against my Christianity when I was much younger. My parents have also sinse "relaxed" their views. I know my mum is still a Christian, but she does not attend church, and she does not content my views when I make negative remarks about religion. The reason is, she spent her whole life being taught to believe in God, but when it comes down to it, I don't think she really has a clue!

I too believe it's brainwashing, but I know that's offensive to religious people, so I try not to use that term. In fact, I avoid the discussion, because you really can't get anywhere having a discussion with someone with a different set of beliefs. The only thing you can achieve is acceptance (not even understanding), and because your mum loves you, whether she likes it or not, eventually she'll accept your beliefs.

Why not tell her that you'll still lead what would be considered "a christian life" in terms of honesty and compasion, but you simply won't have the faith. I do believe in a devine entitiy, who we may refer to as God and I truely DO NOT believe that if God exists, he will banish you because you don't believe in him, nor believe in Jesus. I believe that if this God exists and he is good, he will recognise you have lead and honest life and will treat you accordingly. That's if he exists. Who knows?

So don't try and expect your mum to understand you, or agree with you or accept your choice of views. Just give her time to accept your difference of views, and leave it at that.

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Posted: 24th Dec 2003 02:10
Wow fallout, your beliefs match mine very well. In fact I'd say you're one of the only other agnostics I've ever met.

Speaking of opinions, has anyone read the "we got him." thread? LOL, someone of you can't seem to understand that the thread is dead and I'm just being stupid in there...

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Posted: 24th Dec 2003 02:12
Btw, I think it's twisted having you give up your saturday nights and sunday mornings for church! How cruel is that?

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Posted: 24th Dec 2003 02:13
No, according to my mother it isn't cruel. She's just "doing her job as a parent".

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Posted: 24th Dec 2003 02:17
lol - so that's what I am then, is it? I'm agnostic? Can that be defined as "Someone who believes in a divine entity, but does not believe it can be described by any religion, nor has been represented accurately by any records in history (i.e. the bible)"?

I feel sorry for both of you btw. I feel sorry for your mum and for you. Thats one reason why I hate religion. You're both nice people (I'm assuming) but you're having problems because of some complete random bullsh*t brainwashings/teachings which say it's bad not to be in the club.

Just give her the "I'll lead an honest life, and you're god will judge me accordingly, if he exists" story. Should work.

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Posted: 24th Dec 2003 02:17
Parents are a blessing, God is a curse.

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Posted: 24th Dec 2003 02:20
Agnostic is one who is skeptical about the existence of a God.

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Posted: 24th Dec 2003 02:24
Well, I flat out don't believe in God (with a capital G), but am skeptical as to the existance of a god. At a guess, I'd say I'm 75% convinced there is some form of devine entity (or a god), but don't believe in what any religious texts or religions have to say.

I think for people to think they can even comprehend what a god is and what the afterlife is is c-r-azy with a capitcal c-r.

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Posted: 24th Dec 2003 02:26
LOL. Yeah, well by God it really means any god, not just the christian one.

OK guys, I'm off to hang out for the night. Seeya

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Posted: 24th Dec 2003 03:11
Quote: "Isnt there a saying in christianity about casting the first stone?
that term refers to killing someone by stoning them to death, charming religion isnt it.?"

i believe the quote is: "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" and i believe it refers to the nature accusation. it is saying you should only "cast stones" if you are without sin yourself, and according to the bible none of us are without sin. it is a way of keeping people humble or something like that.
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Posted: 24th Dec 2003 09:52
Personally, I believe there is something out there, weither it be Gods, ghosts, sririts of nature, or just over-active brainwaves bouncing off each other, some thing is out there. As of now my beliefs mimic extream Shintoism, in other words I believe that everything has some kind of spirt or soul. Trees, animals, people, computers, the wind, the water, the day, the night, the planets, everything.

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Posted: 24th Dec 2003 10:16 Edited at: 24th Dec 2003 10:16
Imagine being a aethiest agnostic mix (as in i don't belive in any religion but i still think that their maybe a higher being of some sort). Ok now imagine being one in the middle of Utah(mormon country). For F*cks sake, i can't even wipe my own ass without some local missionary jackass trying to convert me to "LDS" or as they call it, " The true calling".

As for you Hzence, my Grandma (Catholic as the pope) always gives me the same BS. In the end, i learn, don't listen, tell them "you are fine the way you are, and if they have a problem with it they can just take their "religiion" and shove it up their ass"(hahaha got me kicked outta the house once for a night, but when i was let back in, religion was never discussed with me agian).

Now if we could get rid of the Democrats and the Republicans, this country would be in good shape..(goto hell Ann Coulter...) [i know this last part was off topic...]

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Posted: 24th Dec 2003 13:28
So don't post here, no ones forcing you.

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Posted: 24th Dec 2003 14:22
sigh, click my profile and read it

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Ian T
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Posted: 24th Dec 2003 18:01
What in the world makes you think we'd bother to read that mess just because you think you're misunderstood? chill out

--Mouse: Famous (Avatarless) Fighting Furball

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Posted: 24th Dec 2003 21:21
Hey HZence no war guy. you dont have to go to chirch. you are the chirch. me im a cristion and dont go to chirch, because its boring.
when they say you have to give them money to git from GOD. man I will never give to a chirch and still git from GOD.
also you will never lose your fath, because when you receve Jesus
in your life he will never go. GOD says all you need to do to
enter my Kingdom is to receve his son Jesus and know he died on the cross. Thats it. all the bible tells you is to live the way GOD wonts you to, so you dont live like a person that sins. because if
you start living that way you will fallinto a person that will start
living like the world.

I havent ben to chirch in like 5 years and still I am a cristion.
What you should tell your mom is, Jesus will never leave me because
I receved him in my heart and WERE in the bible dose it say I should go to chirch and give some man money? Read the bible to find who you are. Me I was going insane and didnt know what to do. So I read the bible and told myself "Man thats way im craze. I got to stop thinking like this and start doing this. guess what happen after that ALL my insan thinking like the FBI, people are robots, little people live in my head and drink rum are just things I made up, because of the way I was doing things in my life." I was wonting to kill someone because I thought they were after me.

All you should do is read the bible so you can become wizer in your life and tell your mom I dont need to go to chirch but im still going to heven, because of what GOD sayed OK.

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Posted: 24th Dec 2003 21:36 Edited at: 24th Dec 2003 21:40
I only saw them in my head.
I kindof though they were like the little dorves. Looking at me
and they put things in my food and my shampoo for my hair.
I was rilly losing it. Look up slayer on the net
thats the music I listen to. I like that music because I fill
they think like me, insane

Yes and still do. you know that little light in you fire alarm.
That red one that blinks every 5 min. I keped thinking it was taking
infered pics of me. HAHAhahaaaa

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Posted: 25th Dec 2003 03:00 Edited at: 25th Dec 2003 03:01

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Posted: 25th Dec 2003 17:13
A bit of philosophy for those who care...

After having a good talk with a friend we discovered that although morality may look black and white, or even shades of grey, it is just an illution, it doesn't exist. Morality can't exist in a society, it leads only to nothingness. No matter what action you take on the side of morality it will end up with some sort of harmful side effect. For example, say your naighbor is beating his son pretty badly, what do you do? Do you ignore it, then you are just as gulity as he is. Do you go and attack him, then you are then in the wrong aswell. Do you call the police, the child could die before they get there, and if not he still get beaten more before they arrive. No matter what you do a bad outcome, so what happens then? You try to avode such situations, thus you become Abstinence. Abstinence is to make no decisions, to basicly stop living in hopes that you don't make the wrong decision.

This world has taken morality to the extream, to the point where it does what we hoped to destory. Politic Correctness, tring so hard not to offend someone that you can't say anything to them. A perfect example is Black people, white Americas will act like retarded chipmonks around a black man becuase they are afraid that they may insult them, in turn this foolish way of acting does insult them, though the white guy would want nothing less. By putting on the pressure not to offend anybody you insted alienate them further. This attitude also causes people to lash out when they can anonymously, thus you encounter troller and flamers. I guaranty that in a far more open society you will find a far less amount of trolling than you do now. Why? Cause people love taboos, if you can't do it, you want to do it more. Example, there is nothing more temping than a big red buttom that sayes "do not push". The Victorian era is another good example, it was a very surpressive society, thus you find alot of kinky stuff from that era and a higher rate of homo-erotica despire the "moral" implecations of the time.

So what does it mean, should we abandon political correctness, or even morality at a whole? Unforcantly I haven't figured it out, probably won't. Mankind have been debating morality since it's birth. My only thoughts on the subject is that morality should not be a public thing, everyone should set thier own morality and not rely on the group to do it for them otherwize we'll end up like the other societies that set up group morality: the Romans, the Nazis, and early American settlements.

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Posted: 25th Dec 2003 18:14
Well, i can only say one thing. "Welcome to the dark side"

I'm an atheist. I have nothing against people who are religous. I'm just not. But if anyone, i mean anyonhe, trys to push religion onto me, i will kill them, or at least hideously maime them. Don't laugh, i punch an ex-friend in the face, because he was trying to get me to become a 7th day adventist.

@DBoy780: I though the 286 was still a hot machine...

My game course has interupted my Alienware compo. No more sweet ass comp for me. Plus I have no more webspace.
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Posted: 25th Dec 2003 18:19
i am a christian i go to chruch every sunday and i am proud of it.

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Posted: 25th Dec 2003 22:24
Good for you thats good.

Quote: " i punch an ex-friend in the face, because he was trying to get me to become a 7th day adventist."

What was the point of doing that?

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Ian T
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Posted: 25th Dec 2003 22:29
'After having a good talk with a friend we discovered that although morality may look black and white, or even shades of grey, it is just an illution, it doesn't exist.'

I disagree. There is no balance in the world, there is no equal amounts of dark and white; you can do good, you can do bad, and it does change the world. Yes, your action may have harmful side effects, but all we can do is try.

--Mouse: Famous (Avatarless) Fighting Furball

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Posted: 26th Dec 2003 04:33
That pretty much what I was tring to say, it just when to try to justify your actions to others is when these ideas of good or evil appear, just do what you think is right, and not worry what others think.

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Posted: 26th Dec 2003 15:08
On the subject of morality, it has been around as long as recorded history has, ie, the sumerians, egyptians, etc. What you are saying arrow, is completely true. No matter what we do, it will have a bad outcome. Froma christain perspective, every action or deed that isnt done with the specific goal of glorifying or serving God is bad. I think morality is the two sides of the coin, God's law and mans law. As a fact, the way our society operates has stemmed from the bible, at least in the western world. The ten commandments are very muchly a guide, wherether directly, in teh case of christians, or indirectly, in the case of athiests who are brought up with these virtues at heart.

Without a sense of morality, anarchy would enschue. Every man would do what was right in his own eyes, leading to some very nasty conflicts of will that would lead to the offending articles administering their desired jundgement upon the person they are agrueing with. I think, even though our world today has skewed it, morality and a sense of right and wrong is totally necessary fro the running of a smooth society.

doh... mum telling me i haveto go to bed
post more later!!


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Posted: 26th Dec 2003 16:33
That's part of the problem, no morals is choas, far too many is sufficating. I also discovered that if you try for a balance it becomes the same situation; avode the confict is denial of life, to try to discover the truely right choice is like overclocking a Pentium 2 up to 50 GHz. To seek a balance on that side you much choose between the black or white and we are back where we started. The fact is that there is never a clean cut answer to anything, you can't pick just one side. There must be constant movement inbetween sides, else things get customary and that's where it starts to rot.

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Posted: 27th Dec 2003 08:11
i dont think there needs to be moving from side to side, but its there anyway. Every action we do is either accepted or not in the eyes of society, so in a sense, we cannot ever really stay on one side. The problems start to come when a person/country says it is on the good side, and blatantly does the opposite and gives a bad name to the good side....thats when people try to stay good but indulge in socially unacceptable pastimes

Quote: "no morals is choas, far too many is sufficating."

good thing theres only 10 commandments 'eh? Most people will refuse to follow them because they are from the bible, bit the commandments came in two parts, mans duty to God, and mans's duty to his neighbour. I think even non-christians can see the value in following the second half of the commandments, as they make an excellent base, in anyones books, for a strong moral society.


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Posted: 27th Dec 2003 08:59 Edited at: 27th Dec 2003 09:02
Here is my opinion on religion. I don't mean to cause an argument about it and if anyone chooses to argue with it I will not respond, I merely wish to express my opinion.

There are many religions in the world (far too many to count) and most of them claim to be the only religion. Now, if this is true who is to say which one is correct.

Many of those religions that do not specifically claim to be the only one still contradict others thereby discrediting them.

Since all religions contradict all other religions in one way or another no single religion can hold true: Ergo; All religion is BS!

Like I said, this is my opinion. Feel free to comment on it but don't expect an argument.

[Edit] I've just read my own signature. It seems I must be religious after all. LOL [/Edit]

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Posted: 27th Dec 2003 17:04 Edited at: 27th Dec 2003 17:05
Quote: "The problems start to come when a person/country says it is on the good side, and blatantly does the opposite and gives a bad name to the good side....thats when people try to stay good but indulge in socially unacceptable pastimes"
No, saying that everyone should follow these set of morals causes "socially unacceptable pastimes" else such pastime would be exceptable. I understand that certain things are outright bad and should be banned (basicly anything that cause harm on another) but other than that, people should be allowed to choose there own morals. An excelent examples of forced morals in America (the land of the free) is Homosexual Marrage. So far it can only be done in one, maybe two states, why? Is it not the choice of the individual, not the group? So why should gay marrage be forbiddin? There are a great many issues in America where people are trying to create laws to govern morals, abortion, sexuality, the war; people should be allowed to make there own desitions and action without pressure from society.

By the way, my pervious rant can be used on more stuff than just morality, anything that has two opposite extreams can be used in that idea.

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Posted: 27th Dec 2003 22:11
Well this thread wasn't meant to be a religious debate...but it seems that's what it has become

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Posted: 28th Dec 2003 05:12
It seam Geri must have posted something and it was deleted, else I don't see how my last post heated up this place any.

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Posted: 29th Dec 2003 05:25
No, I see a misunderstanding by yourself, and Mouse freaking out when I explained it. Know this, I ussally post here just before or after work, so most of the time anything I type is ussally in a calm, mono-tone tone, Steven Wright kinda way.

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Posted: 29th Dec 2003 05:29
Wow, this thread is still alive? Lol.

I'd like to explain my latest version of the original topic as long as it doesn't involve people freaking out on me like last time...

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Posted: 30th Dec 2003 17:36
Please guys.
Make it my Christmas present and just SHUT UP.

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Posted: 30th Dec 2003 17:42
Last I check, Megaman (no, not you, the other one, the mercinary) wasn't holding a knife to your neck, you family hostage, and you dog hooked to a car battery, forcing you to read this thread. If this kinda stuff bothers you then do as any other good hearted mid-American family does when they see something they don't like: leave it alone, ignore it, and hope it goes away on it's own.

Hopefully the jokes tip off the fact that this isn't a spiteful message, it you don't like a thread, you don't have to read it.

I've lost 25lb playing Dance Dance Revolution, no really!
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Posted: 30th Dec 2003 17:49
But I don't like it when other people get invloved and do nothing but post here.

And yes I do have to read it. It's on the General Talk index.

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