How many of you would be interested in building your own Windows version of AppGameKit Studio if I were to produce a guide? Obviously it would take a lot of effort on my part to create the guide and I would only want to do it if there is real demand for it and ideally from people who want to add to the repo.
I know it can be daunting delving into C++, C and Android Studio and AGKStudio is huge project supporting multiple platforms which makes it even complicated.
If we can get more users involved with building the Repo and helping to address issues and maybe even adding new features then the future of AppGameKit may be more certain.
We can then share ideas and help each other to make AppGameKit better, we can learn from each other on how the AppGameKit Repo works. I've learnt a lot in the last 7 months but I've only just touched the surface.
Update: Draft copy of the AppGameKit Repo Guide is now available. Requires Windows 10 64-bit or later
Update: Added notes on how to update the change log, API, Google Billing etc