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Work in Progress / Fastest .X sliding collision ever. d-load & screenies inside.

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Posted: 3rd Jan 2004 17:54 Edited at: 3rd Jan 2004 17:55
Well I started making my own collision system to fit my needs.
>multiple objects
And I've sort of done it

here's a little beta to download:

the level is made of 25 different objects(collision on all of them) and has a total of 8442 poly's in it and runs at 500 fps here .

and here are 2 screenies

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Posted: 3rd Jan 2004 23:53
Thats awsome!!!!!
500 fps for me.

Does it work on moving objects?
Is it easy to implement?

Realese it!

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Posted: 4th Jan 2004 00:06
Quote: "Does it work on moving objects?"

well... it should be, I'm 99% sure it will, but to be 100% sure I'll make a testmap for it .

Quote: "Is it easy to implement?"

I think it is, It's just that you give a range of objects you want collision detection with and for the rest you copy paste everything.

Quote: "Realese it!"

thats one thing I'll need to think about.

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Posted: 4th Jan 2004 00:12
Quote: "Does it work on moving objects?"

oké, just been thinking , what do you exactly mean? do you mean if the camera moves with a i.e. a moving platform or if it still detects collision when an object is moving?

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Posted: 4th Jan 2004 00:15
If it still detects collision when an object is moving. Like if one of those spheres in the demo were to move would you still collide with them.

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Posted: 4th Jan 2004 00:35
yep, it does, when I add a move object command to the loop and stand in front of the object, it pushes me back

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Posted: 4th Jan 2004 00:53

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Posted: 4th Jan 2004 04:07
Yo! Lijkt me geweldig! Is hij in DBC? Anders moet je hem vertalen als dah kan En je moet een *.zip file maken Can't wait to try this!

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Posted: 4th Jan 2004 06:58
i have no idea what the guy before me said but that looks really cool and useful

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Posted: 4th Jan 2004 08:47
I think he said he wanted chicken in a jar but im not sure. This is cool though. - 12oz Soda
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Posted: 4th Jan 2004 11:58
he asked if it was made in dbc and if it wasn't, could I convert it. I'm sry but I can't, there is a command that I need for this which is only available in DBP.

he also said I should make a .zip file, well rar is smaller but if you want so I'll make a .zip to.

you people tought that was fast? , I've plans to make it even faster

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Posted: 4th Jan 2004 13:33
I have sliding collision working in DBP with cubes.
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Posted: 4th Jan 2004 13:41
Quote: "I have sliding collision working in DBP with cubes."

what ya trying to say ?

I've added some new things to the code, activate and deactivte collision on objects, avtivate and deactivate list of objects when in a zone.

to show the powa of it, I made a new test level with 49 objects with a total of 32,386 poly's in it . I got around 300 fps.

try it yourself:

here is another screenie:

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Chris K
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Posted: 4th Jan 2004 14:31
Are you just using the circle equation?

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Posted: 4th Jan 2004 15:12
what do you mean?

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Posted: 4th Jan 2004 17:06

I think that's it anyway.
I was just wondering because all the objects are spherical.
Does it work with a banana shape, for example?

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Posted: 4th Jan 2004 18:43
Quote: "(x-a)^2+(z-b)^2=r^2"

err... no, about the banana shape, it works fine

is that banana shapy enough ?

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Posted: 4th Jan 2004 18:48
my framerate varied from 270-550 on the zipped demo(can't be doing with all these .rar nonsense, its great mate i want more!

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Posted: 4th Jan 2004 18:54 Edited at: 4th Jan 2004 18:54
cool , I think people would love to be able to put collision on 3d objects to, so you could use it in racing games or 3rd person games. am I right?

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Posted: 4th Jan 2004 18:55
definitely, if it could be used, for racing games it would be great, i need a good 3rd person collision system right now actually, i'm nearly at that stage in a program of mine so hurry hurry hurry!!!

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Posted: 4th Jan 2004 18:57
np, I've done 3rd person collision before, so I think it won't be that hard, hope to finish it soon.

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Posted: 4th Jan 2004 19:20
Does it work in three dimensions?

For example, if you could go up in the demo would you be able to go into the dips on the wavy cylinders?

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Posted: 4th Jan 2004 19:56
you mean that sort of cavey place? yea you can go in there

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Posted: 4th Jan 2004 21:11
Wow. I'm impressed. There could be money here.

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Posted: 4th Jan 2004 21:52
I thought you getting to that, why didn't you just ask me if it was polygonal collision or eclipse( or something like that)
yea, I tought about asking money, if I'm gonna I won't ask much.

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Posted: 5th Jan 2004 01:37 Edited at: 5th Jan 2004 01:38

How about you have a basic version thats free and a better version that costs something (Like ng)

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Posted: 5th Jan 2004 06:27 Edited at: 5th Jan 2004 06:28
Mussi, are you using an own dll for collisions? If yes, then you can ask for some money, otherwise, if its only dbp source, you should offer it for free. DLLs are something wich not everyone can create but I'll never buy DBP source, cause thats something i love to write by myself. IMO

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Posted: 5th Jan 2004 17:16
Quote: "Mussi, are you using an own dll for collisions?"

Quote: "If yes, then you can ask for some money, otherwise, if its only dbp source, you should offer it for free.DLLs are something wich not everyone can create"

well such a fast collision system like this is also something not everybody can create . To be honest, I didn't know anything about collision a couple of months ago and I did really my best to learn it and to write my own code, I put a lot of effort and time in it. Does it matter if the collision system is written in DBpro or in any other language? I see that my code is way faster the NG's .Dll and I see they ask money for it. do you think that the power is what matters most or in which language it was written in? This isn't just oneday work(at least for me it wasn't ) and it took a lot of practising and time for me to get to this. and if I'm gonna ask money for it, it would be a very low price

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Posted: 5th Jan 2004 17:25 Edited at: 5th Jan 2004 17:35
Let me explain you the simplicity of putting this system in your game. you'll include a .dba file to your project and the start calling up functions.
functionlist for now:

return value = enabled(side,object) `check if collision is enabled on an object on the specified side.
enable_objects(side,startobject,endobject) `enable collision on objects
disable_objects(side,startobject,endobject) `disable collision on objects
return value = inzone(zone_object) `check if youre in a zone
return value = hit_object(side) `check what object is hitting the selected side
FPS_camera_collision() `this is the most important function, it puts the collision on

and that was it, then you'll only need to copy paste a few stuff and your done. ain't that easy?

more to come, like putting collision on an object for racegames

Forgot to tell you guys there is also gravity in it

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Jess T
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Posted: 5th Jan 2004 17:52
I Must say, that is really nice work Mussi.

I am trying to impliment something much like you have there, but i doubt i will succeed as I am not too good with collision math, unfortunatly.

Again, good work, keep it up!

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Posted: 5th Jan 2004 17:56

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Posted: 5th Jan 2004 17:58
sounds good, however, what happens when you want to make a rtf game, and you need to check for collisions say 50 times with the 32k poly one, whats the framerate then?

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Posted: 5th Jan 2004 18:02 Edited at: 5th Jan 2004 18:04
rtf, you mean RTS? I think so. what do you mean, having collision on 50 objects and the total amount of poly's is about 32k? well for me I get around 300 FPS.

Oops, sry, didn't think to well, that would be object on object collision, wouldn't it? well I haven't quite finished that yet, onlything thats kind of finished is the camera on objects collision.

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Hamish McHaggis
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Posted: 5th Jan 2004 18:07 Edited at: 5th Jan 2004 18:19
How are you doing this? Memblocks? Intersect object?

Looks good, but in the demo it doesnt' seem like complete sliding collision, you can turn at a slight angle to the wall and the camera won't slide, you have to turn to quite a large angle until the camera will slide. Do you have a stickyness factor in the collision?

Do you bite your thumb at me sir?

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Posted: 5th Jan 2004 18:07
You wouldn't need accurate collison for a RTS

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Posted: 5th Jan 2004 18:12
Quote: "How are you doing this? Memblocks? Intersect object?"

Intersect object
Quote: "You wouldn't need accurate collison for a RTS"

Yea, I think I'll do something like boxie collision.

but I got a little question, what whould you need collision in an rts game for? wouldn't it be more handy using pathfinding stuff?

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Posted: 5th Jan 2004 18:27
I edited my post , Look above.

Do you bite your thumb at me sir?

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Posted: 5th Jan 2004 18:35
Quote: "Do you have a stickyness factor in the collision?"

mm.. no, but I know why it doesn't slide that great, I can fix that but it'll drop the fps a bit, I was satisfied with this kind of slideing but I'll add a function so you can choose between VERY slidy or LESS slidy , the very would be a bit slower but not that much

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Posted: 5th Jan 2004 18:46
Mussi, did you implement only a camera sliding collision system or is there a object sliding collision system too ? I think it isnt that great to include that secondly but its very required for a good collision system.

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Posted: 5th Jan 2004 18:51
Quote: "Mussi, did you implement only a camera sliding collision system or is there a object sliding collision system too ?"

Yea sort of, but the object sliding will not be perfect with the poly's, I mean the object you're sliding with, it will react real accurate on the environment but on the object itself it's not so accurate if you know what I mean. You van sort of make a box or sphere sliding collision over an object which reacts accurate on the levels if you get what I mean

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Posted: 5th Jan 2004 19:00 Edited at: 5th Jan 2004 19:03
err yes i meant rts, and no i didnt mean object on object collision as such, i tesed the collision by replacing the floor with a helicoper and the collision worked fine, however on my pc im getting around 100-150 fps,

what i meant earlier was say you made a terrain object, and you had 50 little squares representing the players, and so it will need to do 50* the ammount of collision checks i was wondering what sort of framerate you would be getting

[edit], lol after reading my previous post it looks like i was blindfolded and span around ten times and rushed to write that in 20 secs

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Posted: 5th Jan 2004 19:00
Yeah, good idea.

Do you bite your thumb at me sir?

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Posted: 5th Jan 2004 19:21
i agree with Xanatus, that i would never buy code as once you buy it youll prolly find that you did the same just slightly differently, and also youll get more fans if it is free, but either way its good collision

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Posted: 5th Jan 2004 19:54 Edited at: 5th Jan 2004 19:54
Quote: "what i meant earlier was say you made a terrain object, and you had 50 little squares representing the players, and so it will need to do 50* the ammount of collision checks i was wondering what sort of framerate you would be getting"

why don't you try my second demo? it has 49 objects in it , 1 plane and 48 hoses which are each about 750 poly's. I get about 300 fps there

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Posted: 5th Jan 2004 20:52
hey,I've added a better sliding collision, and you know what? it runs as fast as before

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Posted: 5th Jan 2004 21:02 Edited at: 5th Jan 2004 21:03
Oke, made another demo, this one is also with 49 objects and also has a total of about 32500 poly's, but this one should have better sliding collision. I got a .ZIP and a .RAR this time. I would really apreciate if you guys tested it and tell me your FPS

1.36 mb

2.84 mb

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Posted: 5th Jan 2004 21:16
no no you dont understand what im saying,

im saying, make a big terrain .x file just one, not 49 objects 1 terrain object 1.x, so in the objects folder there is only 1.x

then aswell as camera collision you have 49 other boxes with collision so asif there are 50 camera collisions but the camera is only following one of them

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Posted: 5th Jan 2004 21:23
so now you want a following camera , oke, I understand the 1 terrain part, I understand the 49 boxes, but I don't understand how you want the collision to be . sry for me not understanding you, could you try onemore time ? or maybe even make a drawing or something , what was your FPS anyway?

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Posted: 6th Jan 2004 06:55 Edited at: 6th Jan 2004 08:41
In the new example, at the start, i moved backward untill i was in the corner, then i moved forward a bit, and spun around , and colllided with the vavey vase thing that was in the corner ( a purple one ) and the program crashed with an error: Object Does Not Exist At Line 771.

I get about 30 FPS with my P4, 1.6Ghz ~ 756 MB RAM ~ TNT2 nVidia 32MB ~ DX9 ~ Latest Drivers ~ Win XP Pro SP1

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Posted: 6th Jan 2004 08:21
same error here but at line 610. btw. 200 fps averagely. p4/2ghz/gf4ti/512ram

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