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Work in Progress / Train Game [Download]

Manticore Night
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Posted: 16th May 2004 08:12
Merci pour tes commentaires. Je suis presque fini le jeu et je vais poster les images instantaniament(dans quelque jours(Spelling)).

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Posted: 16th May 2004 14:45
You use winrar right? Just check the Create SFX Archive option so it comes out as a self extracting archive.

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Manticore Night
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Posted: 16th May 2004 19:30
I use Setup2go for setups.

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Posted: 24th May 2004 02:57
Im not going to download from your crappy-ass freewebs serve! Now get off your lazy bum put up some screenies and put your site on the much better

Manticore Night
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Posted: 24th May 2004 03:10 Edited at: 17th Jun 2004 06:30
Ok then super spaz. There are screenies (see my general talk thread(I'm busy programming another game so find it yourself)). Are YOU that impatient that you can't wait 1 minute to download. I like freewebs, and I'm sticking with 'em. Now try again at and stop posting.


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Posted: 24th May 2004 22:53
Im offened! how dare you use black text when calling me stupid. SERIOUSLY THOUGH! I tell you your webservers slow and that you seriously need to change.(i could have said it nicer though) Then for some odd reason, you insult my crappy sig (which is completely irrelevant to anything else in my last post)

Also, if your gonna refer me to a post. Give a link. Cause im really not gonna look for it (and neither will anyone else). \

As for the game, I thought the gameplay was decent. And with some better graphics, not going through the treebush thingy. ANd you maybe throwing in some other stuff like moving spires that you have to shoot or something.

Everwhat Studios
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Posted: 25th May 2004 00:52 Edited at: 25th May 2004 00:59
I like the basic idea of the game, at least its original. Maybe I just suck but I can't get past the second spire. I like the basic idea tho and the controls work well. The graphics need some work, but its a good start. Just try not to be so rude to people and you'll get more praise

[Edit] the second time I run it the train goes straight through the hill. If this is on purpose a simple tunnel textured on would help the look. Also I noticed that sometimes the train becomes all on top of itself with no carriages, but I see you noticed this. Perhaps when the game restarts the variables aren't reset?

The forum user formerly known as Kangaroo2.
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Manticore Night
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Posted: 25th May 2004 00:56 Edited at: 25th May 2004 00:59
Sorry if I really hate it when someone tells me to get another sever beacause I already set my site up on freewebs and it took awhile. I also found the other post it's at
Sorry about the sig thing, that's been bugging me for a while. It's painful, No offence.

I try not to be rude. But well, I'm french.(French Canadians are just as bad as France people(Well everyone I know at least))

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David T
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Posted: 28th May 2004 19:48
Dunno if this has been asked before; but are there any screens of this?

Two strings walk into a bar. I'll have a pint says the first$%ASLDJ09920D"$"$D. Excuse my friend says the second, he isn't null terminated.
Manticore Night
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Posted: 28th May 2004 21:15
yep, at

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Posted: 17th Jun 2004 02:53 Edited at: 17th Jun 2004 03:04
Since you seem to be ridiculing everyone's spelling, it's only fair to return the favor.

Your post is to (spelling?) long I'm bored.

I have not downloaded your game - I am critqueing your response to feedback. Originally I thought this sounded original (and it still does,) but your manners are atrocious. First of all, with a post like that, I am forced to think "Hey there's a coder who will take the shortcut around everything...a coder who's subpar effort will be reflected in their programs."

LISTEN TO YOUR GAME-TESTERS! Is that not why you posted here? You wanted feedback - and you got it. But instead of pondering the were defensive and lashed out. Why not take into consideration what your gamers say? I don't know about you, but when I ask for feedback, I LIKE the audience to say bad things. I make a list of the things people say, tally the complaints, and change the aspects of the game that people didnt like. If you do this until everyone is happy, you'll have a game uncomparible to others. Aren't you making your games for the gamers? I wouldnt mind seeing your behavior if you had made it for yourself...but you didnt. Now especially since your releasing this for money...don't you want the game to be appealing and entertaining? A game with replay value and interaction that would give reason for people to buy...THAT is what you want.

By the way...about Kazaa...I don't know about you, but I would be honored to see my work on Kazaa. Notice all the progs found on Kazaa are HUGE, EXPENSIVE programs with value. If I found one of my programs on Kazaa, I would be obverjoyed at the fact that someone found my program to be so useful, so well-created, and so wonderful as to share it with the rest of the world. AND, if I had charged money for it, I'd be even happier - the person who uploaded my program to Kazaa thought it was SO GOOD that s/he'd RISK BEING CHARGED OF COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT JUST TO SHARE IT WITH THE WORLD!! That would flatter me 100 times more than someone just purchasing one of my games.

Please dont have another temper tantrum, take what I said into consideration.

PS- I resent what you said about "barbaric" should be banned for racism. YOU are the one acting barbaric....damn candadians

PPS- to all candians with the exception of manticore - disreguard the PS

PPPS- Don't disrespect the almighty Andy Igoe! He's been around for A LOT longer than you have, knows a LOT more about coding concepts than you do, and is a MUCH better programmer -- just look at his award-winning (literally) work!

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Posted: 17th Jun 2004 03:14 Edited at: 17th Jun 2004 04:41
You posted in a thread that is REALLY old. EVIL!!!!

I'm only rude when someone posts something useless, then I'm kinda pissed at everyone else.

Quote: ""barbaric" americans"
And you think that bombing an Asprin factory is right, LOL.

I listen to game testers who are polite in the first place. Do unto others as you want fries with that... er... something like that.

Quote: "damn candadians "
A good old biggots, nothing like'em.

Quote: "the person who uploaded my program to Kazaa thought it was SO GOOD that s/he'd RISK BEING CHARGED OF COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT JUST TO SHARE IT WITH THE WORLD!! "
He thought it was SOOOOO GOOD that he'd let the WHOLE WORLD steal it from me, Yahoo, I feel so speacial. *Starts crying*

Could a mod PLEASE lock this thread? It's getting annoying when a some noob or ten year old(like this guy) goes and tells me what I already know, because it makes him feel like a man.

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Posted: 17th Jun 2004 05:54 Edited at: 17th Jun 2004 06:01
Hey! I'm ten at heart!

Quote: "And you think that bombing an Asprin factory is right, LOL."

Whoa whoa whoa now, you're assuming every single American's morals and ideals are the same as the government's? Thats quite possibly one of the most ignorant things I've ever heard.

Quote: "-and tells me what I already know-"

Hmm...where have you shown evidence of knowing any of what I just said? (By the way, it was constructive critisism.)
Yes, please do lock this - what a pointless thread, nothing is getting through to manticore.

I knew you'd lash out

Constructive Critisism (what you asked for,) is critisism upon a piece of work in which several critics make suggestions on what could be better about that piece of work, what they don't like about it, and what they do like about it - you got what you asked for, and spit in the critics' faces.

Sorry for recalling the ancient long-forgotten past - I didn't realize I was posting in a thread 2 weeks old.

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Posted: 17th Jun 2004 06:10
Quote: "I knew you'd lash out "
You think that was lashing out, that was just sarcastically dismissing you as some moron. You don't think I'd take you seriously, do you.

Quote: "Constructive Critisism (what you asked for,) is critisism upon a piece of work in which several critics make suggestions on what could be better ...blah... blah...blah...blah...blah... blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...blah."
Constructive cristism maybe isn't the right word. I'd give you the address of a thread that I got POLITE crizism from, but I don't want the nerodic rude guys all there making stupid posts like the one above.

Quote: "Sorry for recalling the ancient long-forgotten past - I didn't realize I was posting in a thread 2 weeks old."
Your forgiven, but really this post started dieing in May, it's now June that's a LONG time. I'm not even working on this game anymore, infact I'm about to realease a new game very soon.

Quote: "and spit in the critics' faces."
It would be hard to do that to the people in England, But, I'll try.


Oh, sorry Mrs. Johnson!

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Posted: 17th Jun 2004 06:31
Quote: "Since you seem to be ridiculing everyone's spelling, it's only fair to return the favor."

Where when?

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Posted: 17th Jun 2004 15:27
Quote: "<removed>


"Dissmissing somone as a moron" can qualify as a spit in the face.

Someone lock this, its just me and manticore flaming each other, and its quite pointless.

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Posted: 17th Jun 2004 16:22
Quote: ""Dissmissing somone as a moron" "
I'm spitting in YOUR face, not the critics.

Quote: "<removed>"
That's so no more people like you get any bright ideas.

Now let this thread die already.

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Posted: 17th Jun 2004 23:36
So, you'll keep the thread going as long as you have the last word and look superior?

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Posted: 18th Jun 2004 00:59 Edited at: 18th Jun 2004 00:59
I just want you to learn your lesson: A$$hole=Flamed^3

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Posted: 18th Jun 2004 04:47
Manticore Night

Remember that respect lost is very hard to regain.

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Manticore Night
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Posted: 18th Jun 2004 07:48
Respect for who? Concept? Whatever I just have on ething to say: EVERYONE SHUT UP!!! There.

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Posted: 18th Jun 2004 09:26
That's lost.
To be regained?
Don't know.

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Manticore Night
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Posted: 18th Jun 2004 17:53
Come on everyone, kill the thread.

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Posted: 19th Jun 2004 02:27
Your the one keeping it alive. Swallow your pride.

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Posted: 19th Jun 2004 02:31

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Posted: 19th Jun 2004 03:57
lmao...this is hilarious. You want it to die more then me, so stop posting. You ALWAYS need the lsat word, dont you?

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Posted: 19th Jun 2004 04:21 Edited at: 19th Jun 2004 04:22
I just like being the last one to post on MY threads, it's like a ritual. Just like ripping anoying peoples hearts out.

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Posted: 19th Jun 2004 06:07
too bad

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Manticore Night
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Posted: 19th Jun 2004 06:52
Quote: "too bad"
Too bad that I kill ass-pains?

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Posted: 19th Jun 2004 17:30
so in that case...I control this thread. As long as I reply, you'll come back and post.

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Posted: 19th Jun 2004 20:06
No, I forget sometimes. God, let it alone. How about we both be freinds, and put our troubles behind us(and stop posting here).

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Posted: 21st Jun 2004 22:59
Theory proven

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Posted: 22nd Jun 2004 00:21
Ya, ok.

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Don Malone
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Posted: 22nd Jun 2004 06:56 Edited at: 22nd Jun 2004 07:05
Does this mean you win?

Edit>>> Just messing with ya.

I still think you are a pretty good programmer even if you may be a little sensitive to suggestions. You are good enough to take those suggestions and make your game even better, if not great. Your idea is original but that is not always enough you know.

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Posted: 22nd Jun 2004 19:24
Yeah, I know. I've acctually abandoned this game, and I'm making on that's less original and more fun. Basically you drive around and destroy your evemy with lightsaber kinda things. You can shoot your light saber but, it really won't do much damage.

It's amazing how much TV has raised us. (Bart Simpson)

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