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Work in Progress / Death Bed: Brand New FPS shots and updates :)

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Posted: 23rd May 2004 20:34 Edited at: 23rd May 2004 20:36
The apocalypse Came!

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Posted: 23rd May 2004 20:37
Woah! You should make a demo and enter it in the Acoders Game Compo!

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Posted: 23rd May 2004 20:41
you mind using the edit button Z?

lookin good , no screens from within the car yet ?

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Posted: 23rd May 2004 21:19 Edited at: 24th May 2004 03:50
ZInteractive: Ahh - so you're the guy who's been sending me those weird emails. I thought about entering the comp, but tbh I own most of the prizes already and wanted to spend the time on this

Mussi "Lookin good , no screens from within the car yet?"
Thank you! Maybe later today if I can get the controls how I want them

The forum user formerly known as Kangaroo2.
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Posted: 23rd May 2004 21:26
Hey all,
I've just started my first FPS, beleive me though you have absolutely NO competition what so ever, this is looking amazing, just one thing, is the lapping water and vehicle suspension coded in DBP or finished in another program and just loaded into DBP, I'm guessing the moving clouds are a scrolling texture but I'm probably wrong.

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Posted: 23rd May 2004 21:40
Raven, do play ragnarok online? what server?

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Posted: 23rd May 2004 21:46
Code2Kill "I've just started my first FPS, beleive me though you have absolutely NO competition what so ever"
Its not competition, I welcome all new DBPro games, good luck with yours
"this is looking amazing"
Thank you
"is the lapping water and vehicle suspension coded in DBP or finished in another program and just loaded into DBP"
No, its simply DBP just editting heights and angles etc real time.
"I'm guessing the moving clouds are a scrolling texture but I'm probably wrong."
Nope you're right there. I initially had multiple layers of them, bu the frame rate dipped a lot, so now its just one. The clouds scroll independantly to other sky deatil, but its just a texture scrolling round a sphere. Again, simple, but looks nice

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Posted: 23rd May 2004 22:03
Thanks for the explanations

Just one more tiny little question, in one of your posts you talk about players making their own levels, do you mean people who own cart shop wil be able to make their own levels or are you going to make your own level editor and bundle it with the game?

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Posted: 23rd May 2004 22:15 Edited at: 24th May 2004 03:51
Both The levels are made out of 5x5 grids, each of which can contain a room, corridor, objects, ramp etc. This can be editted via my level editor. The actual rooms etc can be editted via Cartography shop or another *.x editor

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Posted: 23rd May 2004 22:40
Thanks again.

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Posted: 23rd May 2004 22:56 Edited at: 23rd May 2004 22:58
Thats Ok No offense, but could I perhaps suggest that your signiture would look much nicer like this?

Easier on the eyes, and more effective. Hope u don't mind me saying

This Physics stuff is doing my head in. I'm making slow progress, I can get my vehicle to turn and roll, but not go forward or backwards yet lol. Oh well I'll persevere. Physics never was my best subject at school

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Posted: 24th May 2004 01:51
why do you have the texture scroll? why not just slowly rotate two sky spheres?
1. background color (big sphere)
2. background cloud (medium sphere)
3. foreground cloud (small sphere)

2 and 3 have transparencies and rotate. they all follow you.. I dont see how that can be reascourse intensive.

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Posted: 24th May 2004 03:48 Edited at: 24th May 2004 03:56
Cyberflame: Its resource intensive as I wrote a routine to blend the images as I don't like ugliness of edges when the clouds overlapp, I wanted the cloud shapes to blend and regroup, which looked great but worked slowly. You're right though, spinning the sphere is faster than scrolling the texture, I've changed that

Okay its getting late so I'm off to bed.

Can't get the Newton thing to work exactly as I want it. I'll work at that properly another day though as I think it'd speed up and work slightly better, but I just "wasted" about 5 hours fiddling with setting and not getting much further or learning much

The car IS now controlable and ridable tho, using my own set of faked physics, which work pretty well You move forward and backward with the arrows or W and S, and steer with the mouse, exactly the same as when u are not in the vehicle. The camera switches to third person view to follow the vehicle like in Halo so that you can see what you're firing at etc. The camera moves quite smoothly I'm pleased with it.

Tried to get the car reflecting properly, but only the gun and wheels are working not quite sure why thats happenning but ah well I can check it later. I've temporarily disabled the lighting on the vehicle whilst trying to fix this, so at least it'll look brighter on the screenshot for ppl

Here's a quick screenshot to show the view whilst driving the vehicle. Its only low res as there is not much to show Most of the work today has gone on the physics side, which you can't show which screenies

I think perhaps the view should be slightly higher and pitched slightly down, what does everyone think?

I'm aware that the axel detatches from the center of the wheels when tilting, I can easily fix this tomorrow. STILL haven't got round to adding shadows to the hog and objects to the level MUST do this tomorrow so that the screens will at least look a bit nicer

Man, today has been frustrating. Oh well hopefully tomorrow will bring better progress. Its encouraging to see how many hits this page and my site are getting though, thanks to every1 for being interested

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Posted: 24th May 2004 04:05
Quote: "Not a big fan of Squad based combat to be honest"

Oh good ! Our projects have no chance of overlapping then. I'm an equal fan of squad based combat with a good squad, and deathmatching, and stealth FPS. There's nothing quite like a successful attack operated by 15 of your good online friends and pwning the enemy team-- but at the same time, there's nothing like single-handedly pwning 15 other people in a frantic online deathmatch . It's all good!

Screenies look great. I agree the view could do with being tilted down a bit, and being higher up a bit, but not too much-- good visibility is imperitive. It's also gotta slant up when you're going up slopes ala Halo or else the view is chopped. Don't be frustrated, every day can't bring a revelation! Cheers .

Shadow Robert
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Posted: 24th May 2004 04:36
How the game plays online will completely depend on the pace, style and setup of the gameplay modes.
Although my own titles has online play team modes where you have to cooperate to win, what is planned is very different to America's Amry, or Unreal Tournament 2004 ... just as those games are escentially different from each other.

Team based games like AA and CS piss me off to play, simply because of Team Killers and jackasses who don't want to help out; However the way that Unreal Tournament 2004 does it, actually makes it enjoyable and interesting.

imo when you have well thought out multiplayer it can be just as much fun on your own or in a team.
Quake3 and Unreal Tournament are extremely good examples of this.

and i fell asleep mate, just as well cause i was really in need of a kip, about to crash again cause i've got work in a few hours.
was trying to get the picture ... i swear Microsoft REALLY like making this close to impossible

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Posted: 24th May 2004 04:52
Raven. Are you gonna tell me wether you play raganarok online or not.

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Posted: 24th May 2004 05:23
Wow Everwhat, looking really good.

The buggy looks really sweet, and I hope you can get your physics worked out. I'd recommend talking to Walaber(if you haven't already) and even WOLF for physics help.

Erm, if you've really got the time I recommend "Physics for Game Developers" ,eally a good book(Although it's C++, the principles can be applied to DBP easily).
As far as the camera angle for the car goes, I agree with you and mouse. Pitch down and raise shall do quite nicely.

Keep up the awesome work.


A book? I hate book. Book is stupid.
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Posted: 24th May 2004 15:23
Mouse "Our projects have no chance of overlapping then. I'm an equal fan of squad based combat with a good squad, and deathmatching, and stealth FPS. There's nothing quite like a successful attack operated by 15 of your good online friends and pwning the enemy team-- but at the same time, there's nothing like single-handedly pwning 15 other people in a frantic online deathmatch . It's all good!"
Yeah! In the words of my taxi driver *puts on strong west country accent* "I knows wat yer sayyin" lol I guess I'm more of a selfish player, I like to do it all myself Thats not to say I won't add a squad based mode for later versions, especially when I eventually do an online multiplayer mode It just isn't high on my list of priorities

"Screenies look great. I agree the view could do with being tilted down a bit, and being higher up a bit, but not too much-- good visibility is imperitive."
Thank you! Yes I agree with you, its v important to have the best visibility of the surroundings possible, I'll fiddle around with it alot until I'm happy

"It's also gotta slant up when you're going up slopes ala Halo or else the view is chopped."
I'm downloading the PC Demo of Halo again now to remind myself just how this works, and also how the views switch between first and third person etc to get some ideas. I had it a while ago but my memory's fuzzy

"Don't be frustrated, every day can't bring a revelation!"
Yeah, you're right of course, thanks Hopefully today will be more positive, although I can only do a few hours this evening.

Raven "How the game plays online will completely depend on the pace, style and setup of the gameplay modes."
Yes, when I do add it, I'm v aware that a good online multiplayer balance is quite a task. I'll use the website and existing userbase to add ideas, playtest etc.

"i fell asleep mate, just as well cause i was really in need of a kip, about to crash again cause i've got work in a few hours.
was trying to get the picture ... i swear Microsoft REALLY like making this close to impossible"
Yeah don't worry about it. I tried to do something similar a while back and in the end I resorted to using a package to extract the video into separtate images, one for each frame... 10s of thousands of images filled my hard-drive and the pc slowed to a halt for hours Got the screens eventually, but it was hardly worth it lol

MikeS "Wow Everwhat, looking really good."
Thank you
"The buggy looks really sweet, and I hope you can get your physics worked out. I'd recommend talking to Walaber(if you haven't already) and even WOLF for physics help."
Thanks Yeah I was desperate to ask Walaber a question earlier, but he's on holiday for a week I think. I'll have a look through WOLF's Tokamak stuff and see whether I can get that to do what I want, if not I'll just wait and ask Walaber.

"Erm, if you've really got the time I recommend "Physics for Game Developers" ,eally a good book(Although it's C++, the principles can be applied to DBP easily)."
Thanks I'll have a look for it when I have some free time

"As far as the camera angle for the car goes, I agree with you and mouse. Pitch down and raise shall do quite nicely."
Yes I'll work on that today.

"Keep up the awesome work."
Thank you I'm really trying to get this project finished, It'll be my first complete DB Game in over 2 years!

The forum user formerly known as Kangaroo2.
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Posted: 24th May 2004 19:57
Yeah I spose your right, if you get 2 or more posts quite close together it does look a bit "bvfhdbgfdjbg"

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Posted: 24th May 2004 22:50
Hehe, zipping back to earlier posts.

About the 10,000+ maps thing, it's gonna be a bit tricky for players to navigate comfortably, hows your UI set up for handling these levels?

I would have thought the best way to handle these (especially with simmilar levels) would be in a heirachial fashion (<- yeah I know thats not how you spell it). Like in UT2004's Onslaught maps.

You might have one map category, with a particular name, 'oblivion' for example .
You'd be able to click on this map and be shown an extra 'layer' of detail, showing all the different variations on this map, different areas, an enlarged enhanced version etc.

IMO This would probably be the best way of arranging it.
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Posted: 24th May 2004 22:52
Toipot2 Yep thats pretty much as it'll work. Many of the levels will only be available in certain game modes though, the main DM maps etc will be more condensed.

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Posted: 25th May 2004 01:10 Edited at: 25th May 2004 02:07
Okay I haven't done much actual work today, more research shall we say. I mentioned before about an idea to improve the graphics and I'm going to try and recode the engine to do this. I have made the trees and rocks for the level but am having trouble getting them to light and shadow properly, but my new system would fix this.

Also, downloaded the Halo Demo, got some good pointers from it, somethings I liked, and somethings I didn't. (One thing I didn't like was the way the graphics weren't too hot but still ran jerkily on my pc ) I have taken a few screenshots though which I am using to inspire me in my new graphics technology writing, which may or may not include my own idea for faked shaders if I can get them working in DBP.

Minor things, fixed the Camera angle on the Hog, Added a rubbish temporary shadow for it, gun is no rotatable also. I'll update again later, off to play with code (I have been sat outside in the sun most of today, frantically writing psuedo code and grids on squared paper, eyeing up my tasty next door neighbour sun-bathing and being annoyed by her hyperactive kid over the fence )

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Posted: 25th May 2004 01:49
where'd you get the halo demo?

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Posted: 25th May 2004 02:09 Edited at: 25th May 2004 02:58 for Halo Demo Magellan

Apologies for not updating the blog on the site btw, I will update and backdate it 2morro when I add more screenies

[edit] Aww man I just made the coolest "fake" shader thingy for the ocean water, thankfully my pseudo code made pretty good real code No point uploading a screenshot as it won't look good unless moving, but trust me that this is a little bit special By itself it runs, we'll have to see what happens when I try and put it in the game A big advantage to this system I'm planning is that most of the effects should run on comparitively low end videos cards, and at a decnt speed. I initially tried loading the ocean.fx shader, and got about 10fps in DBPro with my FX5200 My version, whilst not the same exactly, runs at over 100fps

Tempted to stay up literally all night with this, but I think I'll go to bed, get up early and spend all day 2morro doing something real special, to post some "wow" kinda screenies 2morro

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Posted: 25th May 2004 02:52
Quote: "eyeing up my tasty next door neighbour sun-bathing"

That's the spirit

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Posted: 25th May 2004 12:34
Oki i'm just dossing at work playing with physics throwing people down stairs ... (alot of fun watching them smash throw windows and such hehee)

I'm *testing* the level out for playability hehee
but the screenshots... sorry about the IQ but not much i can do about it.

As i said, it does look pretty bitchin'

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Posted: 25th May 2004 16:07
Actually that does look pretty nice! I like the sideways seats and gun turret style thing. Perhaps a few squad/race variations of hogs are in order

MAde good semi progress this morning I'll update properly later

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Posted: 25th May 2004 19:59
ah! after adjusting the monitor brightness i can now see the "dark" screen shots, i'm sure i had brightness turned up to full does it reset when you turn the screen off perhaps?
Anyways, its looking even better now

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Posted: 26th May 2004 23:23
Yeah sorry RedEye they're pretty dark, glad u can see em now though!

Sorry for no updates everyone, I came across some inherent problems with my outdoor style levels and making them run along side the indoor ones, they were essentially very different. I've now come up with a cross between the two programming wise, which is working very well, and will fit better into my level editor. Working on some more complex and better lit out door levels now, expect something really nice looking this evening, probably around midnight my time, along with some site updates

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Posted: 27th May 2004 01:19 Edited at: 27th May 2004 01:20
A nice pic of my new trees here

(I used Tree[d] if anyone's wondering) Actual Ingame shots later 2nite

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Posted: 27th May 2004 02:44 Edited at: 27th May 2004 03:01
Oki, Some in-games shots of the outside level using the new level system, its not perfect yet, and there are certainly lighting problems, I apologise for the darkness for those of you who it effects, the finished product will be much lighter, this is temporary whilst I re-write the engine.

Strangely the Trees don't want to import properly, so I can't add them to the level yet, but the models are shown in the above post

Larger screenshots and updated Blogs on the website,

I've a lot of engine programming to do over the next couple of days, so these might be the last screenshots for a while, unless I do anything visually stunning Lots of lil bugs need sorting, especially if I'm to be releasing another demo soon. I also want to get started on the physics side of things again. Oh well, we'll see where time permits me to go

Thanks for the support, those page views are still rocketting, good to see Lucky I'm not enterprising, I could get a fortune from Pop-ups Hehee j/k

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Posted: 27th May 2004 09:50
looking very impressive! I like the outdoor levels! I hope to see a new demo soon, but take your time... no use releasing something that isn't ready.

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Posted: 27th May 2004 11:53
Shots look cool. There is a bit too much contrast between the guns and level in those shots, not sure why. Also you could probably lower the frequency of the water texture, looks like it could be a bit excessive.

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Posted: 27th May 2004 15:06 Edited at: 27th May 2004 15:06
walaber "looking very impressive! I like the outdoor levels!"
Thank you! Yes they look quite nice I think Need some work, esp lighting and small details, but I'm please with them for the small ammount of time I've actually afforded on them
"I hope to see a new demo soon, but take your time... no use releasing something that isn't ready."
I agree. I wanted to release something before I go away, but that doesn't look possible, as my holiday has been rescheduled to this coming Sunday, then I'll be away till Friday. Still, I hope to spend some of that time with Pen and Paper actually planning levels, story mode etc.

Hamish McHaggis "Shots look cool."
Thank you
"There is a bit too much contrast between the guns and level in those shots, not sure why."
Yes, the level its self is too dark, I'm working on re-writing the lighting side of it. Also the reflections on the weapon are wrong, need editting.
"Also you could probably lower the frequency of the water texture, looks like it could be a bit excessive."
Yeah you're right. That water is only there temporarily whilst I try and figure a way of adding my cool effect I made

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Posted: 27th May 2004 20:55
Good rock models and progress . The screens are indeed super dark and the water looks pretty excessive-- caustics in fact hardly ever show on the surface of real water as anything but faint traces of light, and the texture looks pretty darn fake ... I hope your new water system turns out .

Altogether, looking as good as ever.

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Posted: 27th May 2004 21:51
Thanks mouse, does this new water look better? It looks much better anaimted I fear, but look closely/zoom in and you can see the subtle differences in light on the surface

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Posted: 27th May 2004 22:41
Yes, it does look much better . If I might ask what resolution is the texture?

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Posted: 27th May 2004 23:15 Edited at: 27th May 2004 23:16
Glad u like it Its 512x512 then scaled. I should have added that its not yet reflecting the sky, but can, and will do

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Posted: 28th May 2004 07:38
Kanga, that water could use some work mate.

All other screenies look pretty pimpin' though. Looking forward to a demo.

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Posted: 28th May 2004 12:37
Thank you. Like I said, its a shader effect, looks much better moving, its difficult to judge here

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Posted: 29th May 2004 00:10
impressive progress on this, i can't wait to get my hands on a demo!
BTW, i have some info for you, have you read this topic:
A russian guy is giving away plenty of commercial quality media, which would fit perfectly in your game IMHO

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Posted: 29th May 2004 02:37
This is looking so great!

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Posted: 29th May 2004 02:51
you put my work to shame, brilliant so far, can't wait to see a demo
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Posted: 29th May 2004 21:47
Grismald "impressive progress on this, i can't wait to get my hands on a demo!"
Thank you It shouldn't be TOO long before I release a demo, although I want it to be just right before I do.

"A russian guy is giving away plenty of commercial quality media, which would fit perfectly in your game IMHO"
Thanks, they are great models. However they aren't free for a comercial project. If I can make a commercial quality game by myself, I'll certainly be intersted in those in the future

Mitchell "This is looking so great!"
Thanks a lot!

mm0zct "you put my work to shame, brilliant so far, can't wait to see a demo"
Thank you! Don't put yourself down, I've been doing this for years, and still I find it hard sometimes

Sorry everyone, I'm going on Holiday tomorrow. Wasn't planning on going for another week, but my mates put it forward because of their work commitments. Basically we're going down to a holiday camp to get drunk and muck about for a week I won't be updating until I get back, sorry about that. Although when I do get back my first priority is to work towards finishing a demo

Thanks for all the support, see you guys in a week

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Posted: 29th May 2004 23:11
Well have fun, you certainly deserve it!!!

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Posted: 31st May 2004 00:18
how much percent do you think that you've completed on the game ?

if I = 1 then I = 1 else I = 0

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