Mike and Manhunt: Thanks for the feedback. I worked on the design for another two hours after I said that I would go to sleep so I've gotten some more done (forum index is half done, topic view is about 1/3 done). I doubt I will work on the site at all today, I only gotten 4 hours of sleep because my nephew pounded on my door for 30 minutes at 6 in the morning and now my eyes are burning like the fires in hell lol. ANYWAYS... :p
If anyone has any suggestions for the site then please let me know. Also, if you have any textures that you have *created* (had to emphasize that) and wish to share, then please upload them on a site somewhere. The textures will need to be a base of 2 (64x64, 128x128, 256x256, 512x512, etc). Also state your name, website address (if applicable), and how the textures may be used (noncommercial only, noncommercial and commercial, or public domain). By the time I get around to coding the texture archive, I hope to have content to put in there. I've already put together about 10 textures within the last few days which will be free for any use.
To create a texture from an image using Photoshop, simply go to Filters->Offset and make sure that it will wrap around vertically and horizontally. For the dimensions, type in 1/2 of the dimensions of the original image (for example: if image is 256x256 then type 128x128. This will move half of the texture to the other side of the image so you can effectively see the seams), then apply the filter. Now, select the healing brush tool and alt-click somewhere in the image and then use the brush to paint over the whole image, this will correct any misalignment issues and your texture is done. Simply save it.
Also, please do not attempt to share textures that you have not created yourself (unless they are public domain and you can provide proof) because you do not own distribution rights otherwise.
I hope to see some textures to share!