I really think he should plot out what he wants his game to look like, what the story is going to be, and how it operates. I dont make 2d games, they bored me to much as a child, so, I wont be able to offer up much help when it comes to that. But, Try this script
Sync On
Sync Rate 10
Load Image "Image Name",1
Sprite 1,0,0,1
If Upkey()=1 and y# > 0 Then dec y#
If Downkey()=1 and y# < 250 Then inc y#
If Leftkey()=1 and x# > 0 Then dec x#
If Rightkey()=1 and x# < 250 Then inc x#
Sprite 1,x#,y#,1
Of course, save this file, and, in the folder that its in, put an image. Then, type the name of that file plus the extension where it says image name. Then, run the program.
This is how it worked
Sync makes it refresh the screen. And Sync Rate is how many times it done a second. Then, Load Image "blah",1 makes it load an image, and name the image 1. Then, Sprite 1,0,0,1 sets the sprite name to 1, positoins it at the x of zero,y of zero, and loads the image name 1 *the image you made*
Do makes it go through a loop. Bringing the Sync into effect. Do is the beginning of the loop. Executions will run through this loop when it gets to it, unless you make a way out. In this program, there is no way out of the loop
If Upkey()=1 - This is basic. Finds out if the upkey has been pressed. 1 means it has been, 0 means it hasnt. In this case, if it means 1 then
if Upkey()=1 and y# > 0 dec y#
This makes sure the y value is not less than zero, and, if it isnt, it will make the object move to the left. Dec just subracts 1 from the variable listed. you can make it subract more by doing this
dec y#,1 or 2, or 3 etc....
Same with the inc y#. This just increases the variable
Sprite 1,x#,y#,1 . This just makes it position the sprite again, this time, at the variables that have been defined.
Sync, Makes it refresh
Loop, runs it back to where it says Do
Does this hope out at all?
Your suffering cause of me its divine