Yeah, problem is more the markets being reached for, and a lack of bug support.
I'd say it is down to development mirandems
David is happy with making the cheap'n'chearful titles; this isn't the case even in Blitz3D.
This said, they happen to also have much more visible pep-rallying. I mean the development team there made damn sure everyone knew that Blitz3D was used for Nickeleon's downloadable games. When you combine this being on the Nick US site itself too.
See this is the major difference between TGC and BR. Blitz Research are not making as much money as The Game Creators; not even close. The community support, and interaction however is a likely factor in the success of thier developer. Developers there feel like thier part of the community rather than being cast aside for money.
I'm not talking about your 15yo who wants to create the next Final Fantasy; what I'm talking about are developers like Banshee Studios. Teams of people who have EXPERIENCE and know what it takes to make money from shareware. TGC is taking a more Microsoft route for themselves; this is going to make them all rich eventually, but as it stands .. it will eventually distance them too much from the community itself. Just look around, the fan-base really isn't what it used to be anymore. Alot of the older members have left for the Blitz community almost completely.
TGC really needs something for developers to hang out and talk to the developers frankly without the spam of the main forum, or stupidity of other members. Where we can SERIOUSLY discuss features and directions.
Something like an Advanced Focus group. Rich now, this communities best developers don't even touch DarkBASIC; they work in Visual Basic, Visual C++, Visual C#, or Delphi. Contributions given help the community, but not actually touching the language itself.
It is the only way some know to help the community without showing that there is a serious underlying problem here.
It is 2 years on; and there is still a HUGE lack of titles.