[EDIT] New release - Please download the zip
http://www.apexnow.co.uk/rpgdemo.zip 3.74mb
Hi all,
As some of you may know, I've been here for some time now, produced the likes of the CSM importer, beginnings of a scripting system called Thrust which is now being superceeded by XScape etc. All in development, but to truly show you the power of XScape and my CSM importer together, I've been working on a TRULY maginificent RPG which will be released very shortly.
The RPG has not yet been named, but I've been testing it with six other users over an office network, and has proven extremely successful and popular among my co-workers, here at APEXnow!!
So, no further may I continue than to show you an excellent screenshot of myself and my co-worker (Beppi), he's Mexican, having an awesome RPG battle in one of the levels.
This will be released very shortly, so keep your EYEs peeled!
Ok, my new RPG demo is now available for download. I've still got some issues with the client/server code, and the documentation, which is extensive to say the least.
Extract the RPG files and fire her up. All media files are contained so the application should be nice and tidy without dependent runtime files required.
Any problems, let me know and I'll get my team of developers onto the case.
Thanks to Eric, Mouse and all of IRC for all your support and testing as well. If you find any bugs in the beta I sent you, let me know.
Your friend.
Teh RPG team.
Home of the Cartography Shop - DarkBASIC Professional map importer