I'll be streaming approx. 4 hours worth of music tonight starting at 7pm GMT. All genres covered - a bit of techno/dance (for lagmaster!), a bit of rock/metal (for Lee), some classic game soundtracks (for Ravey) and a few insanities thrown in along the route too. A diverse music mix for sure.
Tune in with Winamp, Media Player or iTunes:
64K stream:
24K stream for modem'ers:
(In Media Player do File - Open URL and paste it in)
Max 75 users. Assuming my broadband connection or the server doesn't die half-way through enjoy the music
I'll be on the IRC channel for the duration of the show, but won't be taking many requests (sorry!) as I've got my playlist carefully sorted.
Two Worlds and in Between
Hot Metal and Methedrine