Notice I didn't do anything with the example? Doh...
Password is DAZZAG. The algorithm will be : 1=*10 2=/5 3=+235 4=*19 5=/4. We won't bother with a login effecting the calculations. Would be easy enough though. Eg. First letter of login adds or subtracts one from the calculation (eg. 1=*11 or *9 depending) depending if it's ascii value is odd or even. To be easy too we will just add each to passValue (could add then subtract, whatever)
So.... passValue starts at 0.
Char1=D Ascii=68 Calc=*10 passValue+=680 = 680
Char2=A Ascii=65 Calc=/5 passValue+=13 = 693
Char3=Z Ascii=90 Calc=+235 passValue+=325 = 1018
Char4=Z Ascii=90 Calc=*19 passValue+=1710 = 2728
Char5=A Ascii=65 Calc=/4 passValue+=16.25 = 2744.25
Store 2744.25 as your passValue. Then when login do the same calculation. If it isn't 2744.25 then reject. Simple really.
Was told that is why Unix machines (or ones that use the method) don't give you any way of getting your password, even if you are superuser (root). Unless they store it elsewhere. Which normally happens on forums and the like. Normally they just change it to welcome01 or whatever to get stuffed accounts (forgotten passwords) working again.
I am 99% probably lying in bed right now... so don't blame me for crappy typing