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Program Announcements / Newton Game Dynamics WRAPPER v1.32

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Posted: 2nd Dec 2005 22:35
Is the above update by Kjelle adequate for the official 5.9 update? I don't want to make the plunge unless everything is playing nice.

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Posted: 7th Dec 2005 16:44
How to make Cloths (plains) with newton wrapper v1.32?

Thanks for the help.
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Posted: 9th Dec 2005 14:17
This has been hitting me on the side of the head for a while...

How do you make an object collide with something in the newton universe and not effect ANY other newton body?

For example if you are using a third person camera and placed a dummy object for the camera, how can you get it to interact with the world (collide with a body and slide across it) without making that body fly in the opposite direction?

I was thinking of making another collision system for the camera on its own but thinking about it... it would kill the fps

Sorry for asking here, seems like walaber has taken down his forums (or i can't find it )

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Posted: 11th Dec 2005 16:42
Tiresius, Yes 5.9 , next version will hopefully be with the 1.35 version of newton

Cloths, well, no built in functions, but you can sure do it with newton. Maybe not with the functions included in the wrapper, but with the use of the library and c++, look at Walabers latest trampoline game, that uses a fantastic algorithm for simulating the surface of the trampoline.

Camera object to collide with others without pushing them away. Hmm. if it collides with a treecollision nothing will happen to the world, but if you hit another rigid body. You could try to make the camera weight very very small , in that way it wont affect the other bodies.

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Posted: 17th Dec 2005 01:51
Quote: "You could try to make the camera weight very very small , in that way it wont affect the other bodies."

i can see users loving that... when they find if they fling the camera fast enough and hit something, WOOOSH there it goes!!!

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Posted: 21st Dec 2005 15:29

i've been trying to make it that my gun has 2 fireing modes like single shot and automatic. I think it works but the bullet hole doesnt want to show up. Here is the code

you should add tog#=1 or 3 before the do

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2005 19:32
well, i was trying to throw some some saw blades in newton and they are acting like they are attracted to the floor, by attracted i mean the magnetic attraction not gravity.

here is the code

and download the picture of the problem below


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Posted: 26th Dec 2005 04:09
How do i make my object stay in one angle instead of spinning and stuff when i grab it ?

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Posted: 27th Jan 2006 11:31
UUH... I so stupid i dont have proplems with ode or dbpro but i dont know anything in newton that so hard to me ^^

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Posted: 9th Mar 2006 17:01
just a quick PSA:

many people in the past have wanted to be able to generate ragdolls from a sekelton object in the middle of an animation. I did this in my game "Shichinin no Himesama", which you can download from my site (source code included). to accomplish it I also made a secondary TPC DLL called "instarag" which aided in the matrix math needed to do this.

I have made this (and it's source code) available now, so anyone interested feel free to download the game source, and the TPC below to try and integrate dynamic ragdoll generation from mid-animation characters.

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Posted: 20th Mar 2006 23:39 Edited at: 20th Mar 2006 23:41
Quote: "NDB_SetHingeLimits"

seem to have problems, it doesnt let me use max angle more than 179.9, is this a bug or is it the way it was designed?
also min angle cant be set to 0.0, i mean offcourse it can be 0.0 but 0.0 means theres no minimum limit, i want to limit it to 0.0 not 0.1
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Posted: 21st Mar 2006 18:46
yes, the angles go from -179.99 to 179.00. and you do have to use a s mall value like 0.01 to get a limit near zero.

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Posted: 21st Mar 2006 18:54
are these limits same for all of the joints?
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Posted: 22nd Mar 2006 18:58
Hi, first off i love the physics wrapper. However,
Quote: "Example to show compatibility with DBPro Advanced Terrain plugin "

The example does not work with me. The game just hangs at the "making Newton TreeCollision...." then crashes, any idea why this is?

Secondly the demo 6- vehicle example also crashes at start.
Quote: "m_dwRuntimeErrorDWORD=Internal Code:12002

Finally im using the latest versions etc, so any help appreciated.

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Posted: 26th Mar 2006 07:55
Another question: I've just begun using Newton successfully and it's working great, but will we ever be able to bounce around the inside of an object in DB ???

I have a bowl shape that is solid: it has an inside (with polys facing in), an outside (polys facing out), and the rim is a flat set of polys (not very thick, like a bowl's thickness) to join them. It is a solid, enclosed shape (except in the shape of a bowl), so I set it up with Newton using it as "convex hull"...(but there the name implies a problem...). I wanted to drop a ball in the bowl and have it bounce around inside the bowl, but I found the ball just bounced off the top like there was an invisible clear cover on the bowl; it would not go inside.

So my question is: will this ever be possible in DB? I thought by some stroke of luck that it might happen in Newton if I set it up right, but I find that even mighty Newton has difficulty with it (and apparently can't do it...). That was why I wrote my own collision routine to try to handle it (that still isn't perfected yet), but I was wondering if this ability would ever be innate to DB?
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Posted: 28th Mar 2006 08:44
If you want a bowl you must do a compound collision, the convex hull just does the outline of the object with every face being convex.

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Posted: 30th Mar 2006 04:40
Ah-ha...that would be a lot of faces (Newton bodies) for the example I stated, but I see what you mean. I'll need this later on in my project, luckily my concave object can be very simple, probably 3 boxes at maximum (arranged correctly), and I'm sure that can be set up easily once I get to that point (of needing compound collisions).
Vlasov Alexey
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Posted: 6th Apr 2006 17:20

I'm experiencing some problems using certain functions from
demo05 - fps example.
When refreshing the physical system, for some reason random objects (their position is assigned from a file ) appear in the coordinate center instead of the place assigned.

To make it clear - let us modify your code a little bit by adding
'start_prg' tag in the beginning and assigning going to this tag
to "q" button.

sync on
sync rate 60
autocam off
set ambient light 100
set point light 0, 50, 100, 20
set light range 0, 5000
randomize timer()
load image "..\media\floor.png",1
load image "..\media\fps\bullethole.png", 2
position camera 0.0, 5.0, -20.0
dim GOSTR$(2)
global Player = 0
global Player_Mass# = 12.0
global Player_Speed# = 10.0
global Player_Yangle# = 0.0
global Player_Xangle# = 0.0
global Player_ShootPower# = 5000.0
global Player_JumpSpeed# = 35.0
global Door = 0
global DoorSlider = 0
NDB_SetVector 0.0, -50.0, 0.0
gosub MakeRoom
gosub MakePlayer
time# = NDB_GetElapsedTimeInSec()
time# = NDB_GetElapsedTimeInSec()
GO = 1
time# = NDB_GetElapsedTimeInSec()
if GO = 1 then NDB_NewtonUpdate time#
if lower$(inkey$()) = "q" then goto start_prg:

For the first time it runs with no problems - boxes, spheres and cylinders
are generated in the right (random) positions. But once you refresh the code by pressing "q" button all objects are generated in 0,0,0 - frankly, i just
don't get why it happens.

At the time i can't restart current levels or go to the next ones properly -
so, as you see, i really need some assistance here - could you please tell me
what's wrong with the code?

Thank you very much

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Posted: 13th Apr 2006 13:30
The code tries to create collision primitives that already is created, the right way to do it is to remove all collision primitives before creating new ones.

At least I think that this is the problem. in this case

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Posted: 18th Apr 2006 16:37
Thanks!It is work!

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Posted: 24th Apr 2006 12:57
Hello Kjelle69,
In fps example if Player has coordinates more than 40 or less than -40 in any axis, raycast function stops working properly (at least it seems so).
It concerns not only weapons (which is understood), but also jumps (this i cannot explain).

This problem can be avoided by decreasing the size of ALL objects in scene by 50-100 times - but this way is unacceptable due to decreasing the accuracy
of animations in .x files.

p.s. my example of fps is attached. (WSAD, mouse - movement; 1 2 3 4 - weapon switcher) If Player is on the platform that's located far from the global 0,0,0,
he starts going down. By the way, if you use tree collision instead of box collision, Player still goes down, but much slower.

p.p.s. Could you please give me a detailed description of how raycast function works (an example of code would be very appreciated).

Thank you very much
Alexey Vlasov

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Posted: 24th Apr 2006 14:47
Just a random guess, but you might try using the NewtonSetWorldSize (or something thereabouts, it's been a while since I've used newton) - most likely, your objects are passing out of the Newton "world" size and so the engine ignores them.

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Posted: 24th Apr 2006 18:20
Thanks Hawkeye! It is work!

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Posted: 30th Apr 2006 02:43
Good random guess Hawkeye

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Posted: 1st May 2006 02:14 Edited at: 1st May 2006 03:21
Before i start, i should say i really appreciate the work that's gone into this, and i'm much enjoying playing with it.

OK i've just upgraded to this version. I am running the latest DBP version 6 release candidate 10.

I have managed to convert my prog to work with 1.32. Newton seems to work OK for that, and the new `convex hulls` thing is a very welcome addition, but demo02 crashes seemingly at random when making convex hulls- sometimes it is fine, sometimes not.- i get a "...has experienced a problem and has to close" error message, or it just totally freezes up and i have to reboot. Is this common?

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Posted: 1st May 2006 23:58
Might be a U6 issue coz' Kjelle has not updated Newton to work with it.

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Posted: 4th May 2006 10:08
just a couple of questions (that im sure have been asked before, but 6 pages is a little too much)

* is there a working version of newton for use with U59?
* is there a working version of newton for use with U60?
* when will version 1.35 be released?
* is there a game made in darkbasic, using newton physics engine, that i can have a look at, just for fun. (except walabers' games)?
* i've been using newton for some time now with U58 and i made a cool little fps test, but i couldn't get my zombies to rotate beyond 90degrees or below -90 degrees has anyone figured this out?

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Posted: 5th May 2006 14:46
Quote: "* is there a working version of newton for use with U59?"


Quote: "* is there a working version of newton for use with U60?"


Quote: "* when will version 1.35 be released?"


Quote: "* is there a game made in darkbasic, using newton physics engine, that i can have a look at, just for fun. (except walabers' games)?"

There Are Lots of games made with Newton you just need to search. Most popular I think is the BlackOut which you can find in WIP thread.

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Posted: 9th May 2006 23:54
@ walaber or kyjelle.

i keep getting an error with the newton demos & dbp 6.

this is one of the errors that keep showing up:

variable floor name not valid.

thing is it worked before in 5.9,but 6 has this problem.anyone else seen this?what can i do about this?
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Posted: 10th May 2006 05:51
because there is a new command in dbp called floor, to get them to compile just rename all floor variables, there should only be around 2-3 per example.

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Posted: 10th May 2006 15:58
thanks.that commands not in the index of the help.guess the help hasnt been updated with all the new commands,yet.
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Posted: 11th May 2006 12:41
1. I create 3 rigid bodies - A, B, C.
They are linked as follows A<-B<-C - if we "pull" object A, object B and object C are supposed to follow.
What happens to B and C if we kill A with "NDB_NewtonDestroyBody" command?
I suppose that in this case the joint between these objects (B and C) will self-destroy - am I right?
DO you think my program can buzz due to this operation?

2. there is a sample in the documentation file:

NDB_GetMatrix fill temp vectors with matrix data.
posx# = NDB_GetVector_X(4) get the x position stored in the matrix.

which means that Vector(4) returns the position of an object. Then which
vector returns the rotation? What do other vectors (Vector(1), Vector(2), Vector(3)) return?

The change of the position of an object using NDB_SetMatrix command happens really fast
which is understood - but when we join another object to this one, the whole system gets instable
and jerks. And if the joined object is too heavy, the command above will not move it
precisely to the place assigned.

Is there any other way I can move a joined object with no visual bugs?
Should I use NDB_BodyAddForceLocal, NDB_BodyAddForceGlobal,
NDB_BodySetForceLocal or NDB_BodySetForceGlobal?

3. And one more thing)
I often get this message

m_dwRuntimeErrorDWORD=Internal Code:12002

what might be the reason?

Thank you veryu much

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Posted: 15th May 2006 17:51
Quote: "m_dwRuntimeErrorLineDWORD=275"

Check line 275 in your source code, there (or somewhere near) should be the error it self!

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Posted: 18th May 2006 09:23

i am trying to write a ball game, but i was wondering:
can i add a force to the ball when it is in the air and not touching anything? if so, how?


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Posted: 20th May 2006 01:30
There are various add force, add velocity global and local type commands, check the docs for more info.

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Posted: 20th May 2006 20:06 Edited at: 20th May 2006 20:15
i have this code at work, so i will have to wait until monday before i have a closer look..

in the meantime, i was wondering why the program crashes when i do this:

while when only loading the .x and not applying a body to it, it runs just fine!

oops i forgot about that required memblock command

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Posted: 24th May 2006 23:11
could you kjelle or walaber make a little update, so we can set different materials to car wheels?
and how about an extra flag to treecollisionaddface command to add different materials to different polygons?

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Posted: 29th May 2006 16:45
Is it just me, or did u6.1 stop the advanced terrain demo from working properly?

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Posted: 9th Jun 2006 23:13 Edited at: 9th Jun 2006 23:15
Everything seems to flicker for me, and in the fps demo, it was walking automatically.

EDIT: the vehicle demo won't even run, and yes I copied the dll.

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Posted: 14th Jun 2006 17:03
And now everything runs at 20 fps no matter what I do - very odd, considering that my old cinco de mayo game still runs at a solid 66! I've tried downgrading to u5.7 and u5.8, but no luck. System specs:

(crappy desktop)
2.08 ghz athlon xp
512 mb ddr
geforce 4 mx (*slits wrists*)
dbp u5.8

2.08 ghz athlon64
1028 mb ddr
radion x600
dbp u6.1

60+ fps on desktop, ~22 fps on laptop - for every newton demo.

Red tide (teh uber pwnage!) runs at 60 fps on both systems. (has maybe 100 dynamic boxes and about 30 character controllers running at the same time)


I am but mad north north-west; when the wind is southerly I know a hawk from a handsaw - Hamlet, Hamlet
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Posted: 16th Jun 2006 00:02
i wanna know few things about it before i start working on it, if i will..

- does the object collision setup works faster than ngc?
like, take the dbp's sphere and make a static object collision on it in newton(setup the collision), how much milliseconds it will take? pelase tell me, i really wanna know~

- does the object setup is thread-safe? cuz if the object setup is slower than ngc, then ill have to use multithreading for it because i want to setup the collision inside the game loop without freezing up the engine while loading.

- whats faster, ngc or newton?

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Posted: 23rd Jun 2006 07:34
no one ever helps me in here

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Posted: 30th Jun 2006 01:46
Okay, I've run into a little problem. The 5th demo (FPS Demo) works fine, with its tree collision. But whenever I try to add tree collision into my game, it always crashes with a standard Windows Error dialog. I even replaced the level object with a cube, but the thing still crashes (it just crashes more quickly). What could possibly cause this?

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Posted: 2nd Jul 2006 17:07
you need a memblock command compiled into the .exe

add this to the very bottom of the code (where it may never run)
if memblock exist(1) then delete memblock 1

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Posted: 3rd Jul 2006 10:23
Of course, silly me. I noticed the same thing at the bottom of an earlier game of mine, I just forgot what it was for, thought it was for another plug-in. Thanks for reminding me.

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Posted: 5th Jul 2006 19:36 Edited at: 5th Jul 2006 19:36
Some of us - and some not - are experiencing some issues with the new 6.2b update, these include:

*Unexpected behaviour
For example in FPS example moves character automaticly to the center of the level.
Memory could not be read, program has to be closed or no message silent crash with complex objects
*Massive slowdowns

All problems might not be limited to these, but these are the ones I'd like to point out. My original help request was here:

Is there someone awake and able to deal with these new update problems?

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Posted: 6th Jul 2006 14:59
I'd imagine the problems would be to do with the GlobCore structure having changed. TGC should release an updated GlobCore.h file.

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Posted: 6th Jul 2006 20:54
how do i keep my object from rotating in a certain axis when its being dragged ?

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Posted: 6th Jul 2006 22:52
Add torque or build a matrix.

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Posted: 6th Jul 2006 23:08
I can't download wrapper cos in the website, explorer open the .RAR archive like if it was an .HTML file
I tried Rick Click / Save file as and then, it try to save .HTML file ...

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