Quote: "Well I was gonna say we should stop this nonsence but Sunflash got me mad. So heres what I THINK.>
Well since I have 12, yes count them, 12 airsoft guns.
here's a list guys:
a gass Glock 23 (310 fps)
an AEG MP5 A4 full metal(shoots 320fps! Yes sunflash there is a pain aspect to airsof too considering you can update my mp5 to shoot up to 450 fps)
a full scale spring M16 a1
a hardball spring shotgun
a spring smith and wesson pistol
a spring Glock 17(pistol)
a spring Tuarus(pistol)
3 mini electic M16s(one is black other 2 clear)
a mini electric Mp5
a mini electric AK 47
Right now I can't believe I've bought all of this crap. Its like over 1,000 bucks work of stuff! I want to say there is pain in both sports. Weather or not you think there isn't, there is. BBs cost about the same price as paint. Gas is only $2.49 to fill a 20 oz. tank at my local paintball dealer. It is true that bbs are sometime cheaper than paint by like 4 or 5 bucks. But guns. They tend to be more expensive. Almost all M60s cost over $1,500! Ohh yah I know that M60 can hold 2,000 rounds in that box mag. A paintball gun generally holds around 200 rnds. But there a nice little invention called pods! You also use tactics in paintball. Who cares about re-enacting with airsoft. If you want to though, you can buy the Tippman M16 mods. You know police men train with paintball. Painball is way more famous than airsoft. There is history behind painball. Did you know the first paintball gun was used to mark trees, instead of little marker signs.
I Think paintball is a lot more fun and adrinaline rushing than airsoft. I can only say this cus I have particapated in both sports and know what they are like.
If you get a change, go out and play some paintball. Hope you like it better than airsoft.
I may post a pic of all my guns later.
Thanks for reading this guys.
Tell me what you think,
DA ChieF
Wow, you got "mad"? why? If you read my post then you would have read this: "
I like airsoft better because:"
In other words, I wasn't refering to you, I was talking about myself. If you got mad at that, then you must be REALLY touchy.
I must say tho, thats a good amount of weapons, why did you get so many? Did you break them? tsk tsk tsk, no responsibility. Thats probably why you quit airsoft, you weren't responsible, that and you probably got kicked out of so many skirmishes, and thats why you only go to places where people can actually "see" when you got shot, not like Airsoft, only the really honest people join Airsoft... or big cheaters. Paintballs are NOT the same price as BB's, if they are for you then your getting one huge rip off!
and M-60 are not $1500, unless yet again someone is ripping you off, the most expensive M-60 I have ever seen was $1200 thats a good $300 less incase you didn't know! You also don't seem to know that if you find a good M-60 model, it should be able to hold like 5000 rouunds, not 2000.
The Tippman M-16 models you say? Arn't those the ones that are like $530? Airsoft M16 A2 are likw, $300! Almost half price!
Quote: "Who cares about re-enacting with airsoft"
Again, I said at the start of my first post: "
I like airsoft better because:" I didn't say "you should like airsoft better because" or "the world likes airsoft better because" I simply said I did.
Quote: "There is history behind painball. Did you know the first paintball gun was used to mark trees, instead of little marker signs."
of course theres history behind and may I qoute "painball". Theres history behind everything! But thats sort of a funny thought, you guys are running around with tree markers!?!
yes, your right, this argument is just a load of stupid nonsense, I don't know why I posted this, bordom I guess, that and tiredness.
When FPSC gets good enough, lets make a Redwall game!