Working Title: nGui
Description: A free (or dirt cheap) Third Party DLL for GUI creation, designed to be very easy to use.
Genre: TPC DLL
Current Time in Development: Ignoring exams/revision, 2 weeks (that was 2 months ago)
Release Date: TBA
Developer: Neofish: me.
Download[s]: No recent ones
Website: WILL host it, but as I have no time there is no page for it.
Example code:
This code demonstrates the ease of the DLL use, the commenting makes it look much more complex but wouldn't you like to know how it works
Rem Project: nGui
Rem Created: 08/04/2005 01:25:43
Rem ***** Main Source File *****
sync on : sync rate 0
Remstart This makes sure everything required (like loading images) is done first. When I
get round to it I will make it so the number following it changes the type of rendering:
Sprites or Plains. Also if it hasn't been executed then the other commands will error
out of the program, but I haven't written the error returning thing yet Remend
startGui 0
Rem Make a widget using the window type (1) with 0 as the parent at (0,0) and 200 as the width and height
a = makeWidget(1,0,0,0,200,200,"Window")
Rem Spawn a similar window, but within the first one
b = makeWidget(1,a,3,24,194,40,"Child Window")
Rem If the mouse is clicked the main window will move to where it was clicked, moving the second one too (since it's within it)
if mouseclick()=1
updateXPos a,mousex()
updateYPos a,mousey()
Rem Just tell me the FPS (it uses rgb there because the DLL might change it, only once per window/window change)
ink rgb(255,255,255),0 : set cursor 10,10 : print screen FPS()
Rem Draw the GUI to the screen :P
Rem Gets rid of all the images and stuff used in the DLL
Rem Stuff that must be included to get the compiler to work :)
delete image 1
delete sprite 1
Pi = 8