An unborn child at 20 weeks gestation βis fully capable of experiencing pain... Without question, [abortion]
is a dreadfully painful experience for any infant subjected to such a surgical procedure.β
β Robert J. Wh ite, MD., Ph.D. professor of neurosurgery, Case Western R eserve University
! 18 Days Brain
The brain begins to take shape only 18 days after conception. By
20 days, the brain has already differentiated into forebrain,
midbrain, and hind brain, and the spinal cord has started to
! 5 Weeks Pain Receptors
Four or five weeks after conception, pain receptors appear
around the mouth, followed by nerve fibers, which carry stimuli
to the brain. By 18 weeks, pain receptors have appeared
throughout the body. Around week 6, the unborn child first
responds to touch.(2, 3)
! 6 Weeks Cortex
In weeks 6-18, the cerebral cortex develops. By 18 weeks the cortex
has a full complement of neurons. In adults, the cortex has been
recognized as the center of pain consciousness.(3)
! 8 Weeks Thalamus
During weeks 8-16, the thalamus develops, functioning as
the main relay center in the brain for sensory impulses going from
the spinal cord to the cortex.(1)
! 14-18 Wks Nerve Tracts
In week 18, nerve tractsconnecting the spinal cord and the
thalamus are established, and nerves from the thalamus first
contact the cortex in week 20. Nerve fibers not routed through
the thalamus have already reached the cortex by 14 weeks. (3,4)
! 18 Wks Stress Hormones
As early as 18 weeks, stress hormones are released by an unborn
child injected by a needle, just as they are when adults feel pain. Hormone levels in those babies decrease as pain-relievers are supplied.(7)
! Before 18 Weeks?
Even before nerve tracts are fully established, the unborn child
may feel pain; studies show anencephalic infants, whose cortex
is severely reduced if not altogether missing, may experience pain as
long as other neurological structures are functioning.(6)
! 20 Wks All Parts in Place
With pain receptors, spinal cord, nerve tracts, thalamus, and cortex in place, all anatomical links needed for pain transmission to the brain, for feeling pain, are present.