I was visiting my girlfriend in Coeur D' Alene Idaho. We went to a Hastings store trying to find Eddy Murphy's standup shows on DVD, and I decided to browse the software section. Sitting on the wall I saw a program called DarkBASIC. I looked at it, and at first glance I thought it was a hoaky click n' play. But then I told my girlfriend what it really was, after I read the box. A few weeks after I returned to New York, she mailed it to me as a gift. I saw infinite possibility in it (as I do about a lot of things... my eyes are bigger than my brain, hehe). A few weeks after that, I had assembled a team of friends, and I bought DBPro, Cartography Shop, Geoscape, Character Shop, Texture Maker, Giles, ExGen, Treemagik G2, Plant Life, and a bunch of the expansion packs including Nuclear Glory and Blue GUI... the best $650 +/- I've ever spent
"Hell is an Irish Pub where it's St. Patrick's Day all of the time." ~ Christopher, *The Soprano's*