You removed Melee
Just 2 things, first Noise Heard should be a far greater value... 100-150 is standard for melee, 500 makes him far more reactive..
And mine is mainly bloated by aditional actions, randomizers intended to create a more unpredictable AI...
heck AI v 2.1.2 is only a compressed and torn up version of the original AI v 2.0. AI 2.1 was a compressed version that was better then 2.0 except that it's reliance on timers caused massive errors. (And suprisingly, it was smaller then 2.0)
;-=\\\Scripted By Merranvo
;-=>>>QUICK FIRE<<<=-
:state=10,timergreater=2000:state=15,activate=35 ;Quick FIRE
:state=15,timergreater=3000:state=16 ;MOVE FORWARD
:state=16,random=1:rotateiy=90,timerstart,state=17 ;DECIDE TURN
:state=16:rotateiy=-90,timerstart,state=17 ;DECIDE TURN
:state=17,timergreater=250:timerstart,state=18 ;STALL 250
:state=18,timergreater=2000:state=0 ;MOVE FORWARD
;///PLR FOUND\\\
:state=20,plrdistfurther=750:state=0 ;GIVE UP
:state=20,plrdistfurther=350:timerstart,state=30 ;CHASE
:state=20,plrcannotbeseen:timerstart,state=40 ;LOOK FOR PLR
:state=20,plrdistwithin=100:state=50 ;MELEE PLR
:state=20,healthless=10:timerstart,state=60 ;SUICIDE
:state=20,plrdistwithin=350:state=70 ;ATTACK
:state=30,plrcanbeseen:rotatetoplr,state=31,activate=31 ;PLR SEEN
:state=30,shotdamage=1:rotatetoplr,state=32,activate=30 ;PLR SHOOT
:state=30,noiseheard=400:rotatetoplr,state=33,activate=30 ;PLR HEARD
:state=30:state=0 ;GIVE UP
:state=31,timergreater=3000:timerstart,state=35,activate=2 ;PLR SEEN
:state=32,timergreater=2000:timerstart,state=35,activate=2 ;PLR SHOOT
:state=33,timergreater=1000:state=20,activate=0 ;PLR HEARD
:state=35,timergreater=2000:state=20,activate=0 ;Quick FIRE
;///Look For Plr\\\
:state=50,random=5:plraddhealth=-10 ;16% FOR 10 DAMMAGE
:state=50,random=4:plraddhealth=-10 ;20% FOR 10 DAMMAGE
:state=50,random=3:plraddhealth=-10 ;25% FOR 10 DAMMAGE
:state=50,random=2:plraddhealth=-10 ;33% FOR 10 DAMMAGE
:state=50,random=1:plraddhealth=-10 ;50% FOR 10 DAMMAGE
:state=71,timergreater=4000:state=20,activate=0 ;Quick FIRE
;Scripted By Merranvo///=-
We all have our inner noob. Join the NJL, and have more fun!
I believe society is flawed; our notions on life, on child rearing, stem too far back to be of relevance in this day and time.