Lets be quite clear about this. I am stating that non availability of BlitzTree and BlitzGrass, (That is specifically, the even though TGC own them, and do not advertise them, and do not sell them), is not Obvious to potential buyers of DBP or B3D.
Most potential buyers would not even know of them. And the only way the could know, would be to "Search" the web/forums to find which products are available for each language. When they do this, both BlitzTree and BlitzGrass, "Appear" to exist.
If they then subsequently buy B3D, they are informed by BRL forum (They don't even need to ask specifically about BlitzGrass or BlitzTree, they have acquired a sort of "grail" mystique), that TGC own these products, but you cannot buy them.
I used this example to show how continued withholding of BG and BT, is first detrimental to relations within the indie programming community, and second not a way to harm the opposition.
Both of your posts have, it seems to me. Specifically targeted this argument as unsound.
Why is this? Is this because it wont increase animosity? Or because it IS a sound business way to harm the opposition
I am impressed with the speed at which you have responded here to the question of outstanding orders, which I imagine you had not been aware of until just now, having delt well to this issue originaly.(Edit: And I now see that was a mistake cashes part. - Always pays to refresh before post)
On the other hand, I find all your answers leading to the concussion that.
1) You are NOT going to say you are withholding or Not Selling these products
2) You are NOT going to sell them in the foreseeable future
If you did the first one, then Google would show, (I imagine), that these products are not for sale. If you did the second one, (Even just on a temp page with two pay links), people could buy them