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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / Pointless Assault

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Posted: 25th Feb 2007 12:25
I have beed waiting for that demo for a long time.
Downloading now and i can't wait to play !

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Posted: 25th Feb 2007 14:03
ok so I'm going to spoil the fun a little the new grate segment worked into the level.

Pointless Assault RC1 Demo
chris 123 smoothie
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Posted: 25th Feb 2007 18:47
Looks amazing. I've just downloaded the trial version at school and i think its fab. Do you think i should buy it? I've startedmaking a few games but i feel it maybe too hard does any1 have any tips they can give me as a beginner?
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Posted: 25th Feb 2007 20:43
Is this normal? (See attached)

And by the way, that was not a serious question. lol

I updated all my drivers and got the newest version of DirectX. I don't know why this is happening to me.


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Posted: 25th Feb 2007 21:50
Quote: "Is this normal? (See attached)

And by the way, that was not a serious question. lol

I updated all my drivers and got the newest version of DirectX. I don't know why this is happening to me."

That is not software related it's hardware related.Either your GPU is over heating or you have overclocked the card too high FPSC won't cause visual artifacts....My money is on over heating you don't sound like the over clocking type to me but you never know if you did overclock using the default setting should sort your problem

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Posted: 26th Feb 2007 00:30
The problem is definitely with the GPU. This happened to me with other games too (DarkFaction 2, AE's Hidden Agenda). I think I read somewhere that there is a problem with integrated motherboard GPU's, and I have one due to lack of money. But my FPSC games run fine on my PC.

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Posted: 27th Feb 2007 05:52
Quote: "That looks awsome. How long would that take to build "
Like I said about 4 weeks

Quote: "Looks amazing. I've just downloaded the trial version at school and i think its fab. Do you think i should buy it? I've startedmaking a few games but i feel it maybe too hard does any1 have any tips they can give me as a beginner? "
Honestly hold off Buying FPSC wait for X10 to get released.

Quote: "I've startedmaking a few games but i feel it maybe too hard does any1 have any tips they can give me as a beginner? "
I don' think you can get any thing easier than this?

As for tips the best tip that I always give.Don't stare into the sun.There are plenty of tips around the forum, search for nickydude's hints and tips thread....

Quote: "The problem is definitely with the GPU. This happened to me with other games too (DarkFaction 2, AE's Hidden Agenda). I think I read somewhere that there is a problem with integrated motherboard GPU's, and I have one due to lack of money. But my FPSC games run fine on my PC."
Graphic artifacts or "tearing" is very seldom related to a underpowered GPU. it's onboard graphics so yeah that might be the problem but I stick to the overheating part or overclocking part.

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Posted: 1st Mar 2007 00:39
Why do you think it would overheat? Because I play games that are much more demanding than FPSC on this thing, and that never happens. And how come it doesn't happen with my games? I'm not actually asking you because I know you've told me what you know and I don't want to bug you, but I'm mad that I can't play some of these new awesome games.

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Posted: 1st Mar 2007 17:49
Quote: "Why do you think it would overheat? Because I play games that are much more demanding than FPSC on this thing, and that never happens. And how come it doesn't happen with my games? I'm not actually asking you because I know you've told me what you know and I don't want to bug you, but I'm mad that I can't play some of these new awesome games."
All FPSC games should run the same in theory that is.But as soon as you start increasing polys and shaders and lightmapping it could add additional stress on your GPU.In the end each game has it's own system requirements over and above the system requirements to run the software.

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Posted: 1st Mar 2007 22:03
Shaders and lightmaps aren't the problem. And my computer is actually pretty good (it can run most things well, not at the highest settings though).

Mr Makealotofsmoke
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Posted: 4th Mar 2007 09:35
i finally played the demo
it looks real good but i dont like the way u can die so easy and stuff

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Posted: 7th Mar 2007 06:01
Quote: "i finally played the demo
it looks real good but i dont like the way u can die so easy and stuff"
Well I might adjust the settings a little.I have no intention of making this a walk in the park.Your not going to run at all in this game the levels will require you to take cover fall back and really plan how your going to play the level.

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Posted: 8th Mar 2007 07:44
Sorry, I have forgotten about the preview. I need to find it on my work comp...

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Posted: 10th Mar 2007 13:13
yer i agree WOI
it shouldnt be an easy game because that boring...but then again it shouldn't be near impossible(i know its not)

u could always do the norm(if u havnt already), and ramp the difficulty as u go up in lvl's

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Posted: 10th Mar 2007 18:52 Edited at: 10th Mar 2007 18:52
Quote: "yer i agree WOI
it shouldnt be an easy game because that boring...but then again it shouldn't be near impossible(i know its not)

u could always do the norm(if u havnt already), and ramp the difficulty as u go up in lvl's"

I have changed the difficulty between levels some things might change with dark AI now but I would have to play around with the new AI to see what works and what doesn't

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Posted: 18th Mar 2007 10:56
Just a quick update working very hard but some things have changed...

Instead of 5 diff levels I'm going to choose 1 level for the whole game but each level will be diff with textures changes health changes entity placement....with each level getting less health and entities more health it's sure to keep you busy for a while.....this way I can give a 20 level game...

I'm still holding out for darkai and ragdoll will get modelpack 6 soon...and the entity pack so you have something else to shoot at...

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Posted: 18th Mar 2007 14:35
Thanks for the updates, Wizard.

Your game inspired me to make an FPS that looks similar to this--look at my thread "Failure to Cooperate" for info.

Get MPs 2, 4, and 6. They're worth the money.

I want ragdolls too. It'll be funny to get a shotgun, and blow that annoying Medic sky-high!

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Posted: 21st Mar 2007 00:43 Edited at: 21st Mar 2007 00:45
Pretty peeved right now wanted to make the new RC for you guys to test and guess what the new RC2 1.05 bombs out building the game...well I guess I have to go back to the next stable version I'll have to try 1.05 RC1 first before going back to to 1.04....just pretty darn great makes you pretty damn fed up when some thing doesn't work....Hopefully the problem gets sorted soon....

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Posted: 23rd Mar 2007 14:58
Lately I love doing long posts. So here is another one. This time around it’s all good I recently remember than I did not post too much details on my game, Pointless Assault.

However while I’m in limbo waiting for a certain update called DarkAI and model pack 6 or 5 and don’t forget model pack 4. I have nothing better to do with my time. And a lot has changed over the last few months to the extent I had to rethink a lot of things.

So without any further delays here is what I have in mind for this arcade shooter.

So far
1.A Single map will be used with every level still being different in entity placement textures light mapping ect. The reason behind this is not laziness. Due to the volatile nature of frame rates in FPSC frame rates are not always on the same standard, this made me choose the best over all level and work my way to better frame rates from there.

The basic idea still sticks but small changes have been made to accommodate new ideas and expand on old ideas. I had plenty ideas for games but this one stood out more. Well let start of with some history behind FPSC. It’s funny how it evolved to what it is today. It started as arcade shooter, it still is but a lot more involved than before. When I started proto typing levels to see what would look good some of the first screen shots had the levels that formed part of the proto typing. I did complete the first version of the game with 25 levels but never released it because I didn’t like what I saw. It was a rush job just to say I did it. And the levels clearly showed it.

That made me go back to the drawing board and for 2 to 3 months I worked on only one level refining the level trying out new ideas. That is how a got around to the curved wall segments, call it a craze but I’m still nutty about curved segments and this has left a lasting impression on me. I’m always trying to fit in that one last curved segment. In way sticking to that one level I learnt quite a lot, and at last I made some progress. I then started adding entities that took about another 2 months of placing deleting moving them around till I got the best results.

And bam I hit a blank spot I guess every ones gets one of those “I don’t know what to do next”. I stopped all work and started playing games again which I have pretty much neglected last few months the ideas slowly started coming back to me again.

Now I play and finish at least one game a week I have better overall ideas.

Now that you now have a little insight lets talk about the other changes I have in mind.

Note some changes are still in ideas stage and might never make it in game. A few things have been dropped already.

Because as I said Pointless Assault will not have any story line it doesn’t mean it can’t be a little more entertaining and more immersive.
I can say it will have some sort of a story but that is all I’m going to say at this stage I don’t want to spoil the fun.

The first idea was to have one life level say 100 health points on all levels. Instead your going to be surprised what I have up my sleeve next because scripting does not allow for random levels that is all I’m going to say. What I can say is there will be three different levels of difficulty how I’m going about is the surprise.

Some things that made it into the game but was not in the demo released.
1. Funny Player quirks
2. Random sounds playing okay not really random it he steps in the trigger zone but it would seem that way.
3. Small mini tasks like jumping platforms
4. 3 doors to choose from each door has a boss behind each boss is a zone trigger only one will end the level one would spawn a new boss and one will kill you.
5. X amount of triggers in certain areas of the level will spawn hard to kill entities to get to special weapons.

These are some of the features have for the game I won’t spoil rest of the feature list but be prepared for any thing.

So there you have it pretty much every thing I wanted to say about Pointless Assault.

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Mr Makealotofsmoke
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Posted: 23rd Mar 2007 15:22
wow u are serious about the long post thing

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Posted: 4th Apr 2007 21:44
Well sad news I'm still deciding if I'm going to continue with this project with the current version of FPSC after reading the new newsletter to put it simple this put me of the whole FPSC DirectX 9.

Quote: " "This is the last DirectX version to support the old Pixel Shader 1.X code. FPSC will remain at this version for the remainder of the product lifecycle." "

This pretty much confirmed what I was hoping would not happen...Looks like we might not get all that fancy graphical upgrades we where hoping for....besides being very dissapointed this is pretty much the final nail in the coffin for FPSC.

So no HDR no fancy Pixel/vertex shader upgrades even if the current DX version the engine is using does support Pixel/Vertex 2 and 3 it looks like Lee does not intent to update any shaders or add any new shaders.This would also most likely mean we will not se ANY grapical improvements.


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Posted: 5th Apr 2007 16:46
Hmmmm.....ever considered Torque? I hear it's good, and I'll have to look into it myself when I'm, like, 20 or so.

But please, please, continue this with FPSC, even IF you're gonna use Vista.

And get MP6, dangit!

And have I mentioned, that your game looks somewhat similar to the Kalinatek level in Splinter Cell?

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Posted: 9th Apr 2007 21:20 Edited at: 20th Apr 2007 20:41
Quote: "Hmmmm.....ever considered Torque? I hear it's good, and I'll have to look into it myself when I'm, like, 20 or so.

But please, please, continue this with FPSC, even IF you're gonna use Vista.

And get MP6, dangit!

And have I mentioned, that your game looks somewhat similar to the Kalinatek level in Splinter Cell?"

SC Hmmmm haven't played the I wouldn't know..

Just order model pack 6....And that is good news!!!!!! at least for Pointless Assault....

Yes I will be continue with this little project...but don't expect any updates soon....Thanks to the nvidia compo I learnt form the mistakes and means it's back to the drawing board sticking with old ideas and adding new ones....This time around it going to perfect.The main reason the levels did not suit a point and shoot'em game.....

Call it what you want but I want to be happy with what I release and if it's not upto standard then I have to rework ever thing till I'm happy....So I might post new updates in the next few days....

Guys thanks for the positive response I got from you and for downloading the demo and video's I received a couple of 100 downloads thanks for that I might be donating the segments and textures for free....

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Posted: 9th Apr 2007 22:40
What'd the compo say?

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Posted: 20th Apr 2007 20:21 Edited at: 20th Apr 2007 20:38
Well a update finally.!! I have been very busy lately and progress is slow the main reason behind the slow progress is my new shiny 8600GT and Vista.

I have however started making new segments and started importing model pack 6 and all that is involved. I reverted back to ver1.4 well because the ver1.5 RC 2 light mapping sucks big time and tweaking the setup ini didn’t improve things just made it worse with lots of errors.

Enjoy as always feedback would be nice...!!!!!!!!

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Posted: 20th Apr 2007 20:31

I sure do love how you populate a scene.


I'm sorry, my answers are limited. You must ask the right question.

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Posted: 20th Apr 2007 20:56
Amazing, keep up the good work.
Can you please show some more screenies?

You level design is very good. Congratulations.

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Posted: 20th Apr 2007 21:00
Quote: "Amazing, keep up the good work.
Can you please show some more screenies?

You level design is very good. Congratulations."

I'll do you one better I'm going upload a new video soon...!!!

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Posted: 20th Apr 2007 21:05
Very professional looking. One thing that's always been bugging me (in your scenes, and others') is the flourescent light fixtures; would there be a way to attach a shader to the bulbs (much like the edge of the sci-fi walkway) so that they glow? That might not be something this engine can handle though, I'm not sure. Anyways, Model Pack 6 goes great with you just need a nice custom HUD.


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Posted: 20th Apr 2007 21:34
Quote: "Very professional looking. One thing that's always been bugging me (in your scenes, and others') is the flourescent light fixtures; would there be a way to attach a shader to the bulbs (much like the edge of the sci-fi walkway) so that they glow? That might not be something this engine can handle though, I'm not sure. Anyways, Model Pack 6 goes great with you just need a nice custom HUD.


I'm still looking for a paintshop pro DSS plugin.Because I want to start bump mapping model pack 3 as well.

I'm really proud of this level like said before it formed part of the nvidia compo because there was a Size limit I have started expanding the level to a bigger size.

The problem however is that it's becoming a system hog.It does run at around 28 frames but the problem is some one wanting to play this might need the same specs as me...And I have already confirmed
that people are having problems running the first demo.....

The current stats is as follows
1050 enetity objects
1056 lightmaps
216 different textures
300 different segemnts
120 different sounds
4 music tracks
average of 8 mins time to complete
20 triggers
20 dynamic lights

As for huds Keith do you know of any free huds on the forum as I don't intend to make my own....

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Posted: 20th Apr 2007 21:48
Yep; look up Matt's (Templar's) free FPSC-Ready HUD Packs. They're great.

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Posted: 20th Apr 2007 22:56
Movie_0001.wmv (2.95 MB)

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Posted: 20th Apr 2007 23:42

You have a lotta stuff, WoI. Good to see you got yer model pack.

It looks nice, my level design and yours are almost nose-to-nose, however, my entity placement is waaay down at your feet.

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Posted: 21st Apr 2007 00:17
VERY good looking, especially for FPSC
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Posted: 21st Apr 2007 00:20 Edited at: 21st Apr 2007 00:20
Excelent vid. Is that RAMSTEIN I hear?


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Posted: 21st Apr 2007 02:15
Well some one wanted more screenshots here they are notice the platform bays segments from modelpack 3 I just retextured them.Now every thing doesn't look so one leveled...!!! Also the floor has a more run down look with chunks missing...

Quote: "It looks nice, my level design and yours are almost nose-to-nose,"
I would like to disagree....almost and the same are two different things.

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Posted: 21st Apr 2007 04:07
Pointless Assault still looks good. Do you have MP1, 2, or 4? If not, get 'em.

Can I have some tips on entity placement, while we're here?

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Posted: 21st Apr 2007 10:07
Quote: "Pointless Assault still looks good. Do you have MP1, 2, or 4? If not, get 'em.

Can I have some tips on entity placement, while we're here?"

Entity placement is a whole other ball game....Take some of these points in to account next time.

Placing entities around your level can do some of the following..

hide flaws in your level(not bad level design but it can help to bring out corridor make make it look more broken.
Speed up game play
slow down game play
hinder player
make a great puzzle
Helps setup a better mood/atmosphere for light mapping(shadows blocking light ect)

1.Next time ask your self does the entity fit?
Does the entity improve visuals
Does it serve a purpose like providing cover if the player or enemy entity is under fire...

2.Never insert a entity that does not fit
Never insert entities that hinders frame rate
Never insert entities to fill up the level.
Never insert entities at random
Never insert entities to hide bad level design
Never insert entities that hinders a realistic and natural flow of your level.

If you choose your entities correctly depending on the type of game that your building reuse entities if possible.

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Posted: 21st Apr 2007 17:59
That platform really does make a big difference in your design.

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Posted: 21st Apr 2007 18:36
Quote: "That platform really does make a big difference in your design."
Even the floor texture improves the looks

It has given me some more great ideas.Now I can reduce floor height.


Instead of making a new floor or wall segment with peices missing.I'm going to create a punch and load the segment as a external wall or floor segment.

This has given me another idea for a broken floor sgemnet.Load a normal floor segment as a entity place the floor entity set it to be able to be destroyed once destroyed the segment fades and shows pipes underneath the floor a trigger starts the steam decal.

The same can be done with walls....

The other idea was to load in another floor segment a bit lower than the floor place the floor entity above that and shoot away.

This gives me the option of making hidden rooms a little better instead of just shooting the wall and you have a hidden room....

Now you shoot the floor and get a whole new floor to explore this will also be a good place to hide keys and other triggersand weapons.

This has given me the option of a player completing a level in serveral ways or by having the player shooting away at walls and floors with limited ammo to find the exit.The fun part now I can make easy or hard paths for the player

There you have it.!!!!!!!!!!!

Like I said in a previous post I'm going back to the drawing board.

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Posted: 21st Apr 2007 19:29
Well this is the idea....
The punch has to be changed for FPSC to accept the mesh.A triangle come to mind.

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Posted: 21st Apr 2007 21:47
Definatly looking great wizard!

Working on a secret project. SHHH! >.>
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2007 17:38
i didnt know that the 8600 was out yet

Mods, its 500x100, so you cant tell me its bigger than 600x120
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2007 18:06
Quote: "i didnt know that the 8600 was out yet"
Was released around 27 March in South Africa so it should have being the same in the UK and mabye a little earlier in the states

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Posted: 28th Apr 2007 15:01
lol wow i didnt notice there was another page, that looks so random
are thanks i found that out the other day

Mods, its 500x100, so you cant tell me its bigger than 600x120
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Posted: 6th May 2007 08:52
Well playing around with the new platform idea didn't come out to bad nothing special.I don't think this will make it into the game.

This is really just to share ideas with the rest of you.As always feedback would be great.

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Posted: 6th May 2007 14:28
I like it; it gives the level further depth.

Mr Makealotofsmoke
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Posted: 6th May 2007 14:48
were u get those risers from?
did u make them?

Mods, its 500x100, so you cant tell me its bigger than 600x120
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Posted: 6th May 2007 16:10
Quote: "were u get those risers from?
did u make them?"

nope MP 3 retextured them

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Posted: 7th May 2007 13:31
really cause in my MP3 i got the risers but no ones that can join up like that without spaces in them

Mods, its 500x100, so you cant tell me its bigger than 600x120

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