Yay!, I'm gonna enjoy this season, the most annoying factor was always the amount of questions one season raised over the amount it answered - Lockes legs, the origin of the Others, what happend to the animals...
Looks like a lot of questions are being answered this time.
Spoiler comments...
The others real camp is damn cool! - it's the burbs! - I loved how they did that, sorta answered 6 months worth of questions in 6 seconds, good way to start a season. I'm not convinced about fake Henry though, I don't think he's the leader - high up, probably in charge of that faction, but not the whole lot. I still hold my theory about Lockes Dad being the main man.
As I probably said, Thursday nights viewing is unbeatable now, just a shame it's all downloaded stuff. Prison Break 2.7 was damn good too... (spoiler)
There's no way Tweener is dead.
I wish they wouldn't do that 'the police are comming, nope, sorry wrong address' thing every week. Haywire cracks me up though, I hope he makes it to Holland on his raft :D. I'm thinking that balding FBI dude is gonna help the doc too.
''Stick that in your text and scroll it!.''