A UK question, I'm not importing it.
I've looked on Amazon, only could find an upgrade from Win98 to Win2k Pro. I don't go on many 'PC parts' websites, but the ones I have visited (Ebuyer and Aria) don't sell it and I don't know any other sites, I would look at ebay, but I want to look at the alternative websites first, if anyone can give me a direct link to a reliable website, I'd be great-ful.
Why, Win2k? just in case anyone asks, well in another thread, my two options for performance are, more ram or Win2k, well as Win2k will run what I need and efficiently, and as my parents just bought me a laptop for university with the similar spec as this system (less HD space and a faster CPU and probably a worse GFX card) so instead of getting 2 ram upgrades, Win2k is the most sensible option, plus it's suppose to be more stable and more secure and the best version of Windows released.
Did The Buddha have a Zen micro?