I'm turning to [brown-nosing]the world's greatest community of the coolest people ever[/brown-nosing] in my dire time of need... I need to find several songs by
The Police, and I need them today. I'm going to buy the CD's that these are on this upcoming Friday, but I need these songs ASAP and I'm hoping that maybe someone here can help me.
The songs I need (in the best quality possible, and in order of importance) are listed below. I don't need live versions, I need the actual studio-recorded versions:
Message in A Bottle
Reggatta de Blanc
De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da
Murder by Numbers
Wrapped around your Finger
Invisible Sun
Can't Stand Losing You
Synchronicity I
Synchronicity II
(And any other songs by The Police that you might have)
The reason why I need these so bad is remarkably stupid... I need to learn as many songs by the Police as I can on guitar as fast as humanly possible. I can't learn from tab and I can't read sheet music. The only way I've ever been able to learn songs is playing them by ear. I need this so I can teach my friend's younger cousin how to play them, but tomorrow morning she's leaving for France for three weeks, and by the time she gets back she'll have given up on The Police. She just heard Roxanne on the radio and now she wants to learn more about them.
If you have any of these songs for some reason, please e-mail them to me if you could... I'd owe you big time! I'm not sure how many people here listen to the Police (if anyone does) but I figured this was the only chance I had, and the P2P network I usually use (which I won't name because that breaks the AUP for sure) is apparently dead now. Any help would be super appreciated! I'm not entirely sure if this breaks the AUP, if it does let me know and I'll delete this post. Please do me a favor and don't name P2P sites, I don't want this to get locked. Sorry for the silly request.
"In an interstellar burst, I'm back to save the universe"