the defualt camera is 0
if u change the camera lines
position camera x#,y#,z#
or you can tell the computer about camera 0
position camera 0,x#,y#,z#
but its not mandatory unless u want multiple cameras
contemplate this on the tree of woe
`load image "your image",1
` make a temp inbuilt texture
ink rgb(55,255,255),1
box 0,0,32,32
ink rgb(255,55,55),1
box 4,4,28,28
get image 1,0,0,32,32
make matrix 1,5000,5000,50,50
position matrix 1,-2500,0,-2500
rem set matrix wireframe on 1
randomize matrix 1,100.0
prepare matrix texture 1,1,2,2
update matrix 1
x# = 150.0
y# = 150.0
z# = 150.0
position camera 0,x#,y#,z#
sync on
sync rate 0
if upkey() then inc z#, 2.0
if downkey() then dec z#,2.0
if leftkey() then dec x#,2.0
if rightkey() then inc x#,2.0
position camera 0,x#,y#,z#
rem disable its older properties and over ride a terminate
disable escapekey
if escapekey()=1
gosub EndProg
delete matrix 1
delete image 1
return is my new site