CREATE ANIMATED SPRITE Sprite Number, Filename, Across, Down, Image Number
Sprite Number= Pretty obvious
Filename=Filename of image you want to use
Across/Down=The amount of images up and down you want to cut up
Image Number=The image number in which the file will be stored.
So yes, the image is also loaded by this command.
If the command doesnt work, do it manually with get image & loops.
load bitmap "udeck.png",1
set current bitmap 1
for y=0 to 13
for x=0 to 3
get image imageNo, x*94,y*145,((x+1)*94)-1,((y+1)*145)-1
inc imageNo
next x
next y
Which would put images 1 to 56 as the cards. Then you could use
sprite spriteNo,xCoordinate,yCoordinate,imageNo
to animate them then.
Whatever I did I didn't do it!