please describe the operating systems for both.
win 2 win?
mac to win?
linux 2 win?
be specific in the operating systems on them as well.
If you don't own a router or a hub between them, and can afford a ethernet card (dirt cheap )(if its desktop) for the other one, then a crossover cable would be the simplest method.
Think of an ethernet cord thats twisted over on one end, only used for two computers, does not work on a hub or router.
If you have a hub or router then invest in a standard ethernet cord, plug both into the router or hub and set up the networking. If the networking has not been established in a windows environment you will require the windows cd to install it.
If you spend a little time using google, you will
[1] get teh answers faster
[2] get more information then you will possibly need
[3] feel good you accomplished something by applying your investigative skills and following a tutorial.
usb to usb
I would avoid Serial to Serial, its slower then the slowest idea you have of slow.
here is a firewire version for mac and win
If one has a burner in the CD or DVD stakes and you cant network them you could use a RW disc and slowly transfer it. disc size by discsize.
If you bought a 1 - 4 gig usb stick for very cheap you could copy it over with that.
If both had wireless cards you could transfer it via the wireless setup.
If you had very fast internet access you could email it to yourself and pick it up on the other side with something like gmail.
If you had an external hard drive you could dump and transfer
sarcastic oldskool advice
if you wanted to go retro and have oodles of time you could null modem them and use a z or xmodem transfer.