Just wondered if anyone else was in the same boat as me? Since starting work for IBM, I aint go no time for game makin! I've got no inclination either. I dont want to spend all day on the compo at work, with frazzled eyes, and come home and have more of the same. And I want to get out at the weekend and do something so I feel like I made the most of my time off. All the usual symptoms of hardcore work life.
So I've been thinking, when can I make games? I think the answer is, when I take holiday. When I take holiday, I rarely actually go on holiday. i.e. It's time off, but I stay at home and just do fun stuff. I only go away somewhere when I'm in a relationship really, and I'm not right now, and lets face it, in the IT industry, you rarely meet women, so I'm unlikely to be in another relationship for around a trillion years.
So my plan now is, to give up on all my big projects like Claymore Island and Operation Desert Fallout. I just can't make them. Just dont have the time. And my fall back plan is to make really short, fun playable games that I can actually finish, and do these during long weekend breaks or holidays when I'm not doing anything else. It sucks quite a lot, cos I'm the sorta person who wants to push boundaries and try to make something impressive, but I just haven't got the time.
Anyways, this has just become more of a rant than anything else. I just can't do the whole "big" gamedev thing anymore. Now it's time to take what I've learnt and scale down to the simple stuff. Anyone else have the same problem, and same ideas? Or perhaps a solution to the problem?