You dont need a ; for the end of a line in DB. You can use it to print things on the same line:
Print "Test Print";
` Do some more code.
Print "This will be on the same line!"
The ; symbol tells the compiler to display the next print command on the same line as the other.
The : symbol can be used at the end of a line, but it is not nessasary.
You can use it to stack multiple commands on one line in your program.
Print "TEST": Wait 1000: Print "Again"
I don't know what DarkBASIC you are using. DarkBASIC 'Pro' or 'Classic'? They are different.
For arrow keys, use:
If a button is being pressed, it will return a 1.
You can also use:
This does not work for every one though.
You can use INKEY$(), to return a string value of the key, or scancode(), to return an integer.
You can see "Input Commands" in the help files for more information.
Hope that helped.
"All programmers are playwrites and all computers are lousy actors" -Anon