you can buy media at
I love vista, it feels like it's just working better than xp.. I wouldn't say it's particularly faster, but it's I guess.. smoother.. And it's not running any slower.
I did some hardcore work on it for the first time today and I'm quite impressed. I only wish I had more workspace room on the start menu bar, with media player going on the toolbar i can only fit four windows on the taskbar, so my ie windows get bunched up and my folders do as well.. I can turn off grouping but then I gotta scroll which I hate worse
I dunno if one of those multi-desktop programs like work for vista, but that would solve my issues if it were speedy.
Anyways, about the multitasking, I have dreamweaver 8 going w/ a bunch of ie windows opened up, and running gimp on and off to edit images. It works as good as xp ever does when I'm workin..
Only issue is not all software works for xp, but the software I use all works, so I don't have an issue.
You can dual boot w/ xp (which I'm doing), but I haven't needed to load xp for anything as of yet.
Oh yeah, and aero glass is the coolest thing since sliced bread
I'm a sucker for pretty interfaces, which I think is almost (but not quite!) as important as usability.. This is 2007 after all, not 1985
Oh yeah and the warning prompts don't bother me in the least, I'm used to entering my password 1000 times a day at work, so it's cool with me to finally only have to push "ok" for once
It does give you a sense (possibly a false sense? Hope not) of security.
And as for hardware recommendations.. Core 2 duo is the way to go, hands down. If you're getting vista, make sure you get the proper version for what you need. Also, from what i understand vista has a lot of issues w/ gfx cards drivers, make sure you research that yours will work properly before commiting.