I have this parallelogram that needs a value for one of its altitudes and although I came to a solution the girl that I was helping told me that it was wrong, so, being the objective investigator that I am, I started to try and reproduce the result with different formulas until I came up with a static string of the same results. She denied every one of them...I think I am right, if I am not, I would like some feedback on a way to get the result I am looking for...not the answer...just check the pdf file I have attatched it has my notes on the problem. If you have any questions about it, my email is mach01gunner@cox.net
any feedback is appreciated as I am looking for results period....objectivity is my best friend.
Could someone help me find my internet ready gas-powered blowdryer? I have alot of moistness that I need to dismoisten! Also, I need to do it while webpaging about moistness...