I was looking up darkbasic on wikipedia out of curiosity to see what the article was like, and I saw it was a complete sham. the layout of the article was FUGLY, and had very little content. I then looked at the blue notices that i usually ignore, and it said they were thinking of merging the article with darkBASIC Pro.
Now I'm personally against this merging idea, but regardless, i think that we need to do a bit of community effort to get the two articles cleaned up, have more information etc. Aside from writing general info. perhaps if some people put links at the bottom of each article to projects they have completed in the said product (we could do with a few screenshots in there too). What I hope will happen is that with a bit of polishing up on the articles, DB and DBP will be distinguishable as, say, C and C++.
Now I know that posting this here is a very risky decision. no doubt that a lot of noobs will post random stuff that doesnt make sense, saying "Darkbasic pro is best cos it has a better IDE and i used it to make an mmo but i couldnt make my character turn left lol", or post screenshots of unifnished, or tacky work. All I can say is, please dont use this as an oppertunity to advertise your product. use your product to advertise DB/P, and if it isnt pretty, it aint advertising.
so anyway, yeh, i urge people to get adding stuff to the articles or cleaning things up. I too will be doing stuff to it over the next week, but theres a lot to be done...