alright this is what i have so far:
two long boxes object 1 and object 2,top and bottom
and two tall boxes 3 and 4 left and right side
alright to get a platform to move say up and down between box 1 and 2 and still have the player object be able to hop on it and ride it up and down that is what im trying for
so i have set it up using conditions:
call the moving box 5 and the player object 10
if object collision(5,0)>0
colresults=object collision(5,0)
if colresults=1 then condition=1
if colresults=2 then condition=0
if colresults=6 then condition=condition
if condition=1 then position object 5,object position x(5),object position y(5)+2,object position z(5)
if condition=0 then position object 5,object position x(5),object position y(5)-2 ,object position z(5)
now using this routine i am able to get it to work , that is until the player object is riding on a platform and the player object hits the top ,, that is say .. object 1, well it still works for the moving platform , but the player object just goes thru the top of the object 1,, i know whis is hard to explain but i was wondering if anyone can give me some pointers here