Yeah, but I'm not just talking about BT as an ISP, I mean pretty much all UK ISPs have to buy Bandwidth in from BT Wholesale.
They say it's not a monopoly anymore, but i argue it still is, because when BT were released from their price controls they put up the wholsale price and sent all who hadn't taken advantage of LLU (loop unbundling/installing their own kit in BT exchanges)which left many independent ISPs cash poor and into crisis mode, so they had to slap usage limits on their customers.
All this was hidden under the guise of "were upgrading your ADSL from 2mbps to 8mbps Max for free" so very few customers complained because they thought they were getting more for free.
To explain it to people i use the analogy the "it's like swapping your fiat panda (which was free to fuel) for a ferrari (that you had to pay depending on the distance you drive)"