Hmmmm. Nah, didn't like the end now I've watched it. Personally I thought the following:-
When the bartender said he was alive as long as he felt things, then when he cut his finger and said he couldn't feel it then I thought he was actually dead. Realising this he jumped off the building to go back to 1973. ie. he was always dead, but could decide where he wanted to be; 1973 or 2007. Mainly because jumping off a 10 storey building would kill him in real life and not put him back in a coma. Although even that doesn't sound right.... But anyway, 1973 is like limbo or perhaps heaven. So he was there in a coma, and there when he kills himself. Yeah, not bad. But then a friend said she read what the writers said and apparently he did it because he was bored with 2007 and wanted 1973 again. Eh? Time to IMDB it methinks...
Damn stupid ending basically...
I am 99% probably lying in bed right now... so don't blame me for crappy typing
Current fave quote : "She was like a candle in the wind.... unreliable...."