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Posted: 11th Apr 2007 00:33
I've been working on a new game, using FPS creator. This is actually my very first Fps game, I usually make Rpg's but I thought I'd try an Fps for once, so please tell me what you think from the screen shots, and if you can I'd like so constructive criticism.

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Posted: 11th Apr 2007 01:04
Here's another

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Posted: 11th Apr 2007 01:04
Please make sure next time you post in jpg or png. Because I've been in a good mood lately (even though lots of people really hate me right now. I've been in a good mood because of girlfriend stuff (not going into details.)) I posted the jpg file.


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Posted: 11th Apr 2007 01:05
and one more

Hero's get remembered, but legends never die... I am that legend.


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Posted: 11th Apr 2007 01:08
Sorry for not having them in JPG but I will next time, I'm kind of in a rush to do like 12 things at once right now... Once again sorry...

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Cheese Cake
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Posted: 11th Apr 2007 01:17
Okey Seira
Its normal to post jpg files of the screenshot.

People dont like to download every picture they have to see.
Than most likely no one will reply...(yeah but not in a good way)
because they get irritated for downloading an screenshot.

So please next time post jpg.
And it would help if you also tell us the story.

I looked at the screenshots...
And i see stock media...but you use them in a good way so.

But screenshot 1 and 2 are to dark.
Screenshot 3 however looked nice, good use of lighting.
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Posted: 11th Apr 2007 01:18
It's a good thing I'm so generous (sort of).

But I'll post the last of them in jpg.


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Posted: 11th Apr 2007 01:19
Last one.

I agree with cheese cake. Too much stock yet they are used pretty good. Seeing that you've been here only a day or two you are making progress quickly.


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Posted: 11th Apr 2007 14:19
Most are too dark, remember if your going for a horror game darkness doesn't make the game scary-it makes it hard to see. It's how you LIGHT the level that's important.

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Posted: 11th Apr 2007 20:54
Yes I know, and thanks for not being to mean about things guys, now the reason screens 1 and 2 are so dark is because... well it's supposed to be like that... actually I did that on purpose because you're supposed to be in an under ground facility with all the power down, as for the story, it's based off of a book I wrote a while back, now because I unfortunately don't have time to explain the story I'll post key parts of the book later, that'll be enough for you to catch the just of the game.

Hero's get remembered, but legends never die... I am that legend.
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Posted: 11th Apr 2007 21:03
Also, yeah sorry about the whole using mostly stock thing, the thing is when it comes to 2D RPG games with simple graphics and what not, I'm good, but when it comes to this, 3D models, well I'm not exactly what one would call the perfect artist, heck you couldn't even call me a sucky artist because that would be giving me to much credit.

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tyrano man
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Posted: 17th Apr 2007 19:00
Hey i like dark games; but this is perhaps a tad too dark.

You don't happen to make those 2d rpg's with RMXP or RM2k3 or something do you? Just wondering


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