Nomad Soul,
The load and unload files were and still are an unfinished work. Now quite old. They were originally not intended to be applied to Characters particularly and there may well be some erratic behaviours associated with the use with Characters. At best even the default behaviors of Characters inside FPSC has always been to say the least somewhat erratic and inconsistent with many other factors influencing their behaviours.
Currently with the current run of upgrades I can not say how they may affect the Load/unload files stabiity in use as the current upgrades hae seen some changes in the way various things work.
Personally I have not used FPSC scince V1.04 RC2 was superceeded by the current versions which do not meet with my personal aspirations in fact particularly with reference to FPSC Characters which without going in to detail need some help in the areas of their influence on the engine and their beahaviours which are beyond the scope of the end user control.
If this situation were ever to change then I may pick up the load/unload entities dev again but at this moment in time FPSC contimues to gather a thick layer of dust on my hard disk.
To be honest with you I have not worked with Characters with these files for a long time because of Character instability with recent versions of the engine. Most of my Chracters have had to be removed completely awaitng some future stability for them and their influence on the engine before it is worth picking this up again. Without stability of these things inside FPSC then any attempt to fix issues with these files is just going to go around in never ending circles. Of course we have X10 on the horizon and we do not know what that will mean for itself or the current versons of FPSC.
To me currently it means I have no FPSC I can work with though I dearly wish I did and then I could help myself, you and the FPSC community furher through my own development work. Right now I do not wish to inverst further time in the product until I am aware of where it is going and what it means to me.
But to answer your question. Characters inside FPSC with or without these files use have never been 100% accurate and have always shown numerous erratic behaviours as with some other entities falling within the scope of various engine influences. I think with these files you have to accept their will be some limitations and use them to best advantage to remove as much of the burden of any level on the engine as you can. There are many ways to do that using the files and it should be documented well. At the end of the day they can be a significant help but their are some internal engine restrictions particularly in the case of Characters that impair any such systems capability to reach its full potential as it was never designed to incorporate or accommodate such features or with them in mind.
If it was then the engine would possibly have much more potential to reach greater levels of efficiency even within the development of X10.
"There are those who said this day would never come - What have they to say Now?"