Well, considering i'm very tired and slaphappy, i've made a lovely little image for you all to have a chuckle. I was afraid to put it in the snippets lest i get noob slapped. So i hope you enjoy this tiny program and remember, the wee hours cause the most fun. haha
*mmm..a pot of coffee sounds good*
sync on
sync rate 60
hide mouse
autocam off
backdrop off
set text to bold
set text size 48
text 0,100,"BEWARE!"
set text to bold
set text size 48
text 0,400,"THE RED BOX OF DOOM!"
for d = 1 to 1000
dot rnd(650), rnd(650)
next d
for y = 1 to 20
make object cube y, 50
next y
position object 2,0,0,-9
position object 3,0,0,-8
position object 4,0,0,-7
position object 5,0,0,-6
position object 6,0,0,-5
position object 7,0,0,-4
position object 8,0,0,-3
position object 9,0,0,-2
position object 10,0,0,-1
position object 11,0,1,-9
position object 12,0,1,-8
position object 13,0,1,-7
position object 14,0,1,-6
position object 15,0,1,-5
position object 16,0,1,-4
position object 17,0,1,-3
position object 18,0,1,-2
position object 19,0,1,-1
position camera -140,0,-140
point camera 0,0,0
for a = 1 to 20
color object a, rgb(200,0,0)
next a
wait key