Heh heh. Thats the thing with performance cars. When I had my Scooby it was constantly "Oh yeah, and if you add the new brakes and a couple of <insert tech here> then the service comes to £1100. Then there are the tyres...". A service every 6 months kills you. Loved it
Saw a P1 the other day out here. Not often you see one of them, even in the UK. Class car. And it was actually a P1. You get a lot of cars here that try to look like other cars. The amount of M3s is unbelievable. Really. I mean, hmmm, newer body style, M3 badge, nowhere near the amount of proper bodykit (seriously low front spoilers I think not), and only one twin exhaust. Hmmm. Could have done a bit more research and added a fake twin exhaust on the right although it would have made me laugh harder. Easily could have nicked the 2nd twin exhaust of that Honda Jazz that just went by
Hohohohoooo.... And then the "M3" gets left at the lights by a stock fiat Panda. Sigh. Wouldn't mind so much if the "mean machines" actually went quickly, then they wouldn't take so bloody long to roar past my window. Nice convertible Ferrari goes past every day, isn't as loud, but luckily is gone in a nanosecond. More like it. Bloody shopping trolleys with airplane model kit bodykits I don't like...
I am 99% probably lying in bed right now... so don't blame me for crappy typing
Current fave quote : "She was like a candle in the wind.... unreliable...."