Nice to hear your thoughts, Zen. 'twas a good read
But the thing is, there's not that much of a difference.
And, if you can catch them while they're still kids, they'll pick it up faster than you can say "Linux is
For example, I run OpenOffice on this PC since I can't afford an MS Office suit (I think I have 97 somewhere... Ha!).
The only difference between MS Office 2007 and Open Office, is a) the naming of some menu items and b) ... Well, there isn't a b)!
Honestly, it was a pick-up-and-go afair for me, and I haven't looked back, or even bothered to look to another product.
And, to be honest, I've found my productivity in Open Office increased, as certain options are available at top-level menu's rather than hidden beneith layers of menus and dialog boxes.
I also Dual Boot with Ubuntu.
I'd use Ubuntu exclusively but unfortunatly I need DX, MSVS (for Uni work) & DBP to be able to run.
Otherwise, I would do all browsing, word processing, and DS programming in Ubuntu and not look to Windows at all